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Informatics 121 Software Design I

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1 Informatics 121 Software Design I
Lecture 8 Duplication of course material for any commercial purpose without the explicit written permission of the professor is prohibited.

2 Today’s lecture Design studio 2 continued

3 Design studio 2 – original
Design an educational traffic flow simulation program A 2-page briefing is provided, listing the main requirements for the system You will produce the design over a number of weeks, through a variety of structured exercises and arguments This will be an individual assignment, with group exercises worked in

4 Design studio 2 – original
This exact same design prompt was given to professional software designers 1 hour and 50 minutes at the regular whiteboard

5 Design studio 2 – original
Watch the video, carefully Identify… …five decisions points that the designers encountered …the options they considered …any relationships among the options …mark the time(s) when these decisions points are discussed Focus on essence and tradeoffs

6 Design studio 2 – original
Hand in a document, at the beginning of class, Monday Bring two copies

7 Design studio 2 Reflection on decision points, choices, and relationships…

8 Design studio 2 – today Half of the teams
design three alternative user interfaces (60 min) what does it look like, how does the user control the experience, … design three alternative simulators (60 min) how does it work “on the inside” Use the decision points, choices, and relationships document new ones as needed Use Calico

9 Design studio 2 – continued
Read Michael Jackson’s “Representing structure in a software system design” and Mary Shaw’s “The role of design spaces in software design” Use it to further identify …the key decision points underlying this design problem …the options you think should be considered …the relationships among the options Focus on essence and tradeoffs Nothing to hand in

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