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Curriculum Contacts May 8, 2014
Agenda Updates from: Exit Slip ELA Math Science Ed Tech Tip
Assessment & Standards Based Grading and Reporting Prof Development Year Long Plans and Trimester Cross Content Road Maps Exit Slip 3:45-3:55
ELA – Spring Delivery of Journeys’ Materials
K classrooms: 1 set of K TE's and 1 each of a K reader's notebook and a K writer's handbook. 1st-5th grade classrooms: 1 set of grade level TE's, one each of a grade level reader's notebook, writer's handbook, and a write-in reader. Combo classrooms: both sets of grade level materials described above. This includes 5/6 combos. Resource Room: 1 set of each grade level TE's Extra set for each site: 1 set of each grade level TE's recommended to be housed in the book room and made available for check out to other instructional support staff such as ELD teachers, instructional coaches, intervention teachers, etc. Principals and Office managers have been notified about delivery specifics 3:55-4:10
ELA – Summer Delivery of Journeys’ Materials
The remaining materials will be delivered over the summer: Each site has designated a landing spot and distribution leaders who will help stage all items in grade level groupings for teacher pick up There will be inventory checklists and teachers will report any missing or damaged items to their site’s distribution leaders Picture inventories will also be provided. Please reference the Journeys Implementation Expectations sheet for more information
2-3 Clarifying Questions
EngageNY MATH EngageNY Field Test Reflections Completed
EngageNY Spring Training – Round 1 Focus: Common Core Content Standards & Standards for Mathematical Practices Mathematical Instructional Shifts: Focus Coherence Rigor *Fluency *Conceptual Understanding *Application *Dual Intensity – practicing and understanding 4:10-4:20
Following EngageNY K-5 Story of Units
EngageNY MATH Following EngageNY K-5 Story of Units 6-8 Story of Ratios Scope & Sequence K- 5 6 - 8 We will provide site’s with a recommended SBAC testing schedule based on how the modules fall.
EngageNY MATH Materials
Classroom Teachers will receive: Module 1 teacher materials at spring training Module 2 teacher materials by the end of the school year Remaining modules either at the beginning of the school year or incrementally as needed (depends on copy turn around time) Student materials will be provided incrementally as needed (fluency, problem set, and exit tickets) Homework will be provided for Grades 2-6; our dept will pay for K-1 homework sheets upon request Assessments will be printed and distributed by print shop At least one extra set of K-6 modules for each site: Shared by “Other Certificated Support Staff” (Resource Room teachers, Instructional Coaches, etc.) We will be asking if there is a need for more… Current Resources: Keep all resources! Each site will need to decide if they want K-1 homework sheets and they will be ordered and provided via our print shop
MATH Materials Classroom Manipulative Tubs School Manipulative Tubs
Schools will receive the list of Grade Level Manipulatives Investigations Student Activity Booklets will be provided for those in need…
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SCIENCE - NGSS Transition…
Science Work Team has met twice this spring and will meet once more Reading “Ready, Set Science!” by the National Research Council Learning to read and analyze the Next Generation Science Standards Deep understanding of the Science & Engineering Practices as well as the Common Core Connections Next year… Reading “What’s Your Evidence” Planning and facilitating PD workshops based on Science & Engineering Practices and Common Core Connections Using rubrics published by Achieve to analyze our current instructional materials and plan for field testing Access them online 4:20-4:35
Science @ Summer Institute…
Science and Engineering Practices What are the SEP? How can I integrate these into my current instruction? NGSS and Common Core Connections How can I determine Common Core Connections in Science?
Science PD for 2014-2015 school year…
September: Common Core Connections to NGSS November: Science & Engineering Practices January: Cross Cutting Concepts March: Science & Engineering Practices These are optional sessions
5th Grade MSP Science Assessment Update Released items with Scoring Guides and Anchor Papers Links to Sample Item Templates, Additional Released Items and Updates from previous years For additional clarification or questions: Jennifer Chase
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Ed Tech Tip 4:35-4:45
PD Resources Available through Blackboard
ASCD Resources Gale Virtual Reference Library
PD Resources Hundreds of eBooks focused on PD Free of charge
ASCD circle is hyperlinked to blackboard tab.
ASCD – PD Online Online Courses $129 per course
20 clock hours per course (Check with Sue Imbler before beginning) PD online is hyperlinked to site
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WaKIDS Assessments We will be training specialists to assist in gathering WaKIDS data There are 36 WaKIDS objectives/dimensions: Up to 12 can be gathered during the Family Connections Conference Counselors will collect data on 5 Health & Fitness teachers will collect data on 5 Music teachers will collect data on 2 Librarians will collect data on 2 Classroom teachers will have 10 left to complete during the first couple months of school Specialist training is taking place this spring and next fall
Assessment Third Trimester Next year
Grades K-3 assess all students on KOLLA/DRA Grades 4-6 assess only students not meeting the June standard KOLLA and DRA data entry tool now calculates achievement level for you! Reading (3rd-6th) and Math (1st-6th) Benchmarks are expected to be given, scores, and entered into the record book by classroom teachers (no bubble sheets) Next year KOLLA and DRA will continue next year Reading and Math Trimester Benchmark Assessments will NOT continue Math Unit Assessments will be available next year with cover sheets that will crosswalk our previous PE’s to our current CCSS Journeys and EngageNY assessments will also be available for use next year Explain that the Lexmark does not disaggregate data as we need it too so until we have a system which does what we need it to we will not be scanning bubble sheets 4:45-4:55
Standards Based Grading and Reporting (SBGR)
Report Cards & Electronic Record Book (ERB) We will be updating the ERB and our Report Cards to ensure all CCSS are represented such as: Speaking and Listening will be added to K-6 report cards CCSS Math will be added to 3-6 report cards, K-2 have already been updated Grade level teams are still expected to select at least 3 common assessments each trimester for grading and reporting Remind teachers that the expectation that each grade level team continue to select 3 common assessments each trimester remains.
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Assessment & Standards Based Grading and Reporting (SBGR)
Professional Development
Summer Educational Technology Institute will be June 16-18th at Libby See hand out for offerings Teaching & Learning Summer Institute will be Aug 11-15 Catalog will be delivered to sites by the end of May/early June Registration on the Prof Dev catalog will be available by the end of May/early June 4:55-5:10
Summer Institute August 11-15, 2014
Additional optional offerings will be available…
A sample Kindergarten teacher’s summer institute path
A sample first grade teacher’s summer institute path
A sample SECOND grade teacher’s summer institute path
A sample THIRD grade teacher’s summer institute path
A sample fourth grade teacher’s summer institute path
A sample FIFTH grade teacher’s summer institute path
A sample New sixth grade teacher’s summer institute path
A SAMPLE RETURNING sixth grade teacher’s summer institute path
Kindergarten Required Prof dev
WaKIDS training 2 day training for teachers new to Kindergarten and WaKIDS 1 day training for teachers who are going into their 2nd year of WaKIDS The 1 day training is optional for teachers who are going into their 3rd year of WaKIDS LitFit training for new Kindergarten teachers & Health & Fitness teachers Offered during Summer Institute and again in Sept if needed Handwriting Without Tears for new Kindergarten teachers and 1st grade teachers (optional) Offered during Summer Institute General introductory information will be included in the Journeys II training for K and 1st
K-6 required Professional development
K-5 Journeys I and K-6 EngageNY I (Overview Sessions) offered this spring and again on the Monday of Summer Institute K-5 Journeys II and K-6 EngageNY II (Launching Unit 1/Module 1 Session) offered during Summer Institute & in Sept Journeys I and II are required for K-5 teachers EngageNY I and II are required for K-6 teachers who have chosen to implement EngageNY next year
6th Grade Professional development
Springboard 2014 (required) 1 full day session for 6th grade teachers who have taught Springboard before One session offered in June, two sessions during Summer Institute, and again in Sept 3-day initial institute for teachers new to 6th grade and Springboard Offered during Summer Institute and again in Sept Mechanically Inclined – Grammar (optional) One session offered during Summer Institute
2-3 Clarifying Questions
Professional Development
Year Long Plans and Trimester Road Maps
You have each been given a draft of 1st and 5th grade 1 document is a Year Long Plan 1 document is a Trimester Cross Content Road Map Please review and discuss as a table 3 – What are 3 questions you have about these documents? 2 – What are 2 suggestions? 1 – What is 1 thing you like/appreciate? 5:10-5:25
Clock Hour Evaluation Sheets
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