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Discussion 3: FFTW-Introductions

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1 Discussion 3: FFTW-Introductions
IS for Managers: II Discussion 3: FFTW-Introductions Trevor T. MOORES CIS 9002 Spring 2016

2 Overview First run of the business game, Flowers For The World:
An attempt to give everyone a common ground for understanding the business processes that are to be supported Each group must work out the information system that will allow the proper flow of information between each group member Probably, you will work it out as you play!

3 Experiential Learning
Learning by doing But, the person must be willing to: Be actively involved Be able to reflect on and analyze the experience Use problem solving skills to make the best use of the new ideas gained Report01 (now me) Report03

4 No Electronics Allowed
NOTE: How your group fails tells you what is important in playing the game!

5 Introducing the Company
Part 1 Introducing the Company

6 Flowers For The World Large horticultural import/export and distribution company: Founded in 1912, headquarters in New York Flowers bought at auction each week in Aalsmeer Sold directly to customers through a string of partnerships (flower shops) Flowers stored in a refrigerated warehouse in Long Island (max. 3 weeks) Since 1994, specializes in the sale of Roses, Irises, and Daffodils

7 Roses, Irises, Daffodils

8 Management Structure CEO Financial Manager Sales Manager
Purchasing Manager

9 Aalsmeer Flower Auction

10 The Flower Auction Auctions are held in Aalsmeer, Holland, at 4am every Monday morning: Flowers are offered in varying number of lots, where each lot is 100 flowers (2 lots of Roses = 200 Roses) Bids are made for each set of flowers (2 lots, etc.): The auctioneer has a minimum sale price Once bought, the flowers cannot be returned: Payment is due before the end of the week Failure to pay means a one-week suspension

11 Sale to Customers Flower shops open at 9am:
Which is after the auction closes Our customers (partners) send enquiries for N number of flowers FFTW responds with a quotation giving price per flower: Customers will haggle over price Default delivery of “within 2 weeks”

12 Balance Statement By law, an opening/closing balance statement is required at the beginning of each week, summarizing the trade for the previous week: Failure to submit the statement to the local tax office will result in a series of fines: First offence, $250 Second offence, $1000 Third offence, suspension of company activities

13 Part 2 How We Play the Game

14 Timeline of Activities
First bid Second/ third bid First quote Second quote One “week” = 20 mins Auction begins Customer orders Balance Statement due

15 Example: The Auction 2 lots of Roses: 2 lots of Irises:
You offer $100 (Min. price $90), you win! 2 lots of Irises: You offer $90 (Min. price $100), you lose! 3 lots of Daffodils: You offer $1,000 (Min. price $1oo), you win? Want to see in this order! NOTE: It doesn’t matter how many lots there are, matching the minimum auction price is the key. Will not change more than ±$10 a week.

16 Be Careful! Winning bids at auction are dependent on competition amongst bidders, not the number of lots available. So don’t divide: Let’s say 2 lots of Roses sold for $90 at auction last week If this week there are 4 lots of Roses for sale and the market price hasn’t changed, the price will be: $90

17 Example: Customer Enquiry
Request 85 Roses: 100 ¢ per Rose (Max. price 100 ¢), you win! Request 30 Irises: 20 ¢ per Iris (Max. price 10 ¢), you lose! Request 50 Daffodils: 20 ¢ per Daffodil (Max. price 60 ¢), you win? Want to see in this order! NOTE: Max. price will not change more than ±20 ¢ a week.

18 Delivery Note A delivery note must be submitted (to me) before the end of the agreed week: Group 1, Delivery in Week 4 from Week 2, for Customer 1, 85 No partial deliveries (e.g., 40 of the 85) Once the delivery note has been received the money is in your account: Failure to submit the delivery note (or on-time) means the order is cancelled!

19 Opening Position Roses: Irises: Daffodils: Bank balance:
100 (1 lot), good sales, selling at 100 ¢ per flower Irises: 50, poor sales, selling at 10 ¢ per flower Daffodils: 100, average sales, selling at 60 ¢ per flower Bank balance: $1000

20 Costs Flowers: Storage: Advertising: Auction price
$25 per 100 flowers (or part thereof) per week Flowers can only be stored up to 3 weeks, and must be discarded once 4 weeks old Flowers bought and sold in the same week do not incur any storage costs Advertising: $25 per week

21 Example: Balance Statement
Opening balance: $1000 Auction: $0 Stock: 250 Income: $0 Storage cost: ($75) Advertising: ($25) Loss of $100 Closing balance: $900

22 Important! Auction bids and customer enquiries must list the flowers in order: Roses, Irises, Daffodils (create forms?) Put your group number on everything you submit: Anything that is not readable will be discarded! You cannot exceed an overdraft of $500: Must declare bankruptcy and withdraw from the game


24 Part 3 Let’s Play!!

25 Week 1 Auction 9 lots of Roses 3 lots of Irises 6 lots of Daffodils

26 Week 1 Customer Enquiry Customer 1: Customer 2: 606 Roses 102 Irises
358 Daffodils Customer 2: 893 Roses 323 Irises 295 Daffodils

27 Week 2 Auction 9 lots of Roses 1 lots of Irises 5 lots of Daffodils

28 Week 2 Customer Enquiry Customer 1: Customer 2: 643 Roses 497 Irises
277 Daffodils Customer 2: 743 Roses 458 Irises 320 Daffodils

29 Week 3 Auction 7 lots of Roses 2 lots of Irises 2 lots of Daffodils

30 Week 3 Customer Enquiry Customer 1: Customer 2: 836 Roses 246 Irises
333 Daffodils Customer 2: 429 Roses 484 Irises 398 Daffodils

31 Week 4 Auction 4 lots of Roses 4 lots of Irises 5 lots of Daffodils

32 Week 4 Customer Enquiry Customer 1: Customer 2: 460 Roses 241 Irises
39 Daffodils Customer 2: 203 Roses 189 Irises 237 Daffodils

33 Week 5 Auction 9 lots of Roses 3 lots of Irises 4 lots of Daffodils

34 Week 5 Customer Enquiry Customer 1: Customer 2: 493 Roses 456 Irises
161 Daffodils Customer 2: 255 Roses 478 Irises 118 Daffodils

35 Week 6 Auction 5 lots of Roses 10 lots of Irises 6 lots of Daffodils

36 Week 6 Customer Enquiry Customer 1: Customer 2: 57 Roses 218 Irises
244 Daffodils Customer 2: 564 Roses 428 Irises 343 Daffodils

37 Week 7 Auction 7 lots of Roses 1 lots of Irises 2 lots of Daffodils

38 Week 7 Customer Enquiry Customer 1: Customer 2: 75 Roses 315 Irises
107 Daffodils Customer 2: 502 Roses 149 Irises 342 Daffodils

39 Week 8 Auction 10 lots of Roses 4 lots of Irises 2 lots of Daffodils

40 Week 8 Customer Enquiry Customer 1: Customer 2: 50 Roses 139 Irises
229 Daffodils Customer 2: 85 Roses 343 Irises 122 Daffodils

41 Week 9 Auction 4 lots of Roses 9 lots of Irises 5 lots of Daffodils

42 Week 9 Customer Enquiry Customer 1: Customer 2: 688 Roses 429 Irises
167 Daffodils Customer 2: 541 Roses 129 Irises 209 Daffodils

43 Week 10 Auction 4 lots of Roses 8 lots of Irises 4 lots of Daffodils

44 Week 10 Customer Enquiry Customer 1: Customer 2: 263 Roses 483 Irises
178 Daffodils Customer 2: 19 Roses 556 Irises 317 Daffodils


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