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Knowledge Acquisition and Modification during Student’s Exploratory Web-search Processes for Career Planning ISIC2008 Vilnius University 2008 .9.17-19.

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Presentation on theme: "Knowledge Acquisition and Modification during Student’s Exploratory Web-search Processes for Career Planning ISIC2008 Vilnius University 2008 .9.17-19."— Presentation transcript:

1 Knowledge Acquisition and Modification during Student’s Exploratory Web-search Processes for Career Planning ISIC2008 Vilnius University Makiko Miwa & Hideaki Takahashi (National Institute of Multimedia Education)

2 Outline Introduction Conceptual Framework Method Results Implications
Conclusion Future Research

3 Ⓒ2008 by Makiko Miwa Introduction
Goal: Describe how students modify and utilize knowledge in exploratory search processes on the Web. Means: Elicit behaviour as well as cognitive and affective states in exploratory search processes on the Web and analyze it using “a view” as a unit of analysis

4 Theoretical Framework
Exploratory Search Processes (ESP): Self-regulated Learning (SRL) Interactive Information Retrieval (IIR) Information Seeking Behaviour (ISB)

5 Conceptual Framework Exploratory Search
Learn Lookup Investigate Fact retrieval Known item search Navigation Transaction Verification Question answering Knowledge acquisition Comprehension Interpretation Comparison Aggregation Integration Socialize Accretion Analyze Exclusion/Negation Synthesis Evaluation Discovery Planning/Forecasting Transformation Source: Marchionini, 2006, p. 42

6 Integrating SRL, IIR and ISB into ESP
Self-regulated Learning (SRL): how active, self-regulated and motivated learners engage cognitively in learning tasks (Corno & Mandinach, 1983) Interactive Information Retrieval (IIR): only those users with sufficient domain knowledge might improve their search results by using thesaurus terms in query expansion (Sihvonen & Vakkari, 2004) Information Seeking Behaviour (ISB) : how and individual’s knowledge of everyday life can be modified by interactions with literature, media and social environments (Bates, 1979, 1989; Kuhlthau, 2004; Todd, 1999)

7 Ⓒ2008 by Makiko Miwa Methodological Assumption Unit of Analysis in Browsing
Human need categorizing ability to function in physical and intellectual world (Lakoff 1987) Visual perception isolate input data from all other data to see only those determined by the input identification (Bertin, 1967) A view = what person articulate as seeing at one time = span of attention = unit of analysis in browsing (Kwasnik, 1992)

8 A View in Browsing (Supermarket)
Think Feel Decide Act A View

9 A View in Browsing (Exploratory Learning on the Web)
Think Feel Decide Act A View

10 Recruit 14 participants (8 undergraduates & 6 graduates)
Ⓒ2008 by Makiko Miwa Method Recruit 14 participants (8 undergraduates & 6 graduates) Conducted a Web search for job-hunting Pre-search interview (capture context) Capture eye-movements during exploratory learning Post-search interview (capture views) Data analysis Unit of analysis = a view Constant-comparative

11 Ⓒ2008 by Makiko Miwa Research Design
Pre-search activity Short questionnaire Pr-search deep interview (recorded) Recording ELP Exploratory searching on the Web -Capture screen shifts (HyperCam) -Capture eye-movements (EMR-NL8B) Post-search activity Post-search interview (recorded) -show recorded eye-movements -elicit a view Data analysis Transcribe interview Code Interview data Time-line matrix analysis Taxonomy of knowledge modification Taxonomy of knowledge utilization

12 Ⓒ2008 by Makiko Miwa Eye-Tracker (EMR-NL8B)

13 Recorded Eye-Movement

14 Post-Search Interview
Thought Felt Decided Acted Interviewer Participant Participants

15 Ⓒ2008 by Makiko Miwa Participants
Code Grade Gender Major Web use Future career plan A 3rd (U) F Earth science 2/week Graduate school B 1st (G) Informatics Private company C Science Graduate school or public administration D History Every day E Cultural studies Undecided Humanities 1/week G 4th (U) International studies H Medicine Hospital (medical doctor) I 2nd (U) Education J Graduated Media K M Public administration; librarian L 2nd (G) Economics N English language

16 Ⓒ2008 by Makiko Miwa Result Patterns of Knowledge Modification
Type Definition Adding Acquire novel information to increase knowledge Correcting Clear up a misunderstanding Limiting Narrow down the scope of the concept Relating A concept is related with another concept Specifying A concept is narrowed by increasing specificity Transforming A concept is expressed in a different framework Clarifying Ambiguous knowledge become clearer Recalling Remember or emerge existing knowledge Verifying Confirm or validate existing knowledge Interpreting Combine existing knowledge and acquired knowledge for heuristics

17 Ⓒ2008 by Makiko Miwa Result Patterns of Knowledge Modification
Type Definition Example of expressions* No domain knowledge required Adding Acquiring novel information to increase knowledge There are two national universities in the Miyagi prefecture. Limiting Narrowing the scope of the concept I want to obtain information on master’s courses but not doctorates. Relating Relating a concept to another concept Queens Court is a member of the Java group. Specifying Increasing the depth of meaning of the concept by increasing specificity The company office is located in downtown Tokyo (not by text but) from the map. Domain knowledge required Recalling Remembering or merging existing knowledge Proofreading is a job for a newspaper journalist. Clarifying Ambiguous knowledge becomes clearer MD stands for merchandiser, a person who develops a marketing strategy. Correcting Clearing up misunderstanding There is no entry for ‘graduate school’ in the Yahoo category menu. Transforming Understanding a concept in a different framework I could find the way to the examination site. Verifying Confirming or validating existing knowledge X University was found, as I anticipated. Interpreting Combining existing knowledge and acquired knowledge for heuristics An idea of using the local government’s homepage came to mind because I have experience in using another local government’s homepage for a similar purpose.

18 Ⓒ2008 by Makiko Miwa Result Patterns of Knowledge Utilization
Type Definition Start browsing Begin browsing within the site. Stopping Stop browsing Stop browsing within the site. Stop retrieval Stop retrieval within the site. Stop searching Stop searching for the topic. Further searching Continue ELP to further the search for the topic Changing Change keywords Change or modify keywords Change logic Change or modify search logic Change strategy Change the entire strategy of ELP for the topic Planning for post-search activities Plan what to do after the ELP on the Web.

19 Ⓒ2008 by Makiko Miwa Result Patterns of Knowledge Utilization
Type Definition Example of knowledge utilization Start browsing Begin browsing within the site After acquiring increasingly more important knowledge about master’s courses in the results lists, the participant clicks the link to the site and starts browsing its contents. Stopping Stop browsing Stop browsing within the site When a participant learns that most students at the University of Air (a Japanese open university) are full-time workers, she stops browsing, indicating that she is not interested in the program. Stop retrieval Stop retrieval within the site Realizing that there is not much of a match for the search topic at a blog site, the participant stops retrieval at that site and moves to another blog retrieval site. Stop searching Stop searching for the topic Realizing that there is not much information on the search topic on the Web, the participant stops searching for the topic and moves to the next topic. Further searching Continue ESP to further the search for the topic When the participant has determined that the employment test will occur in the near future, she moves on to find the application procedure. Changing Change keywords Change or modify keywords When the participant realizes that the initial keywords were incorrect, the keywords are modified before continuing the search. Change logic Change or modify search logic When the participant determines that there are too many job descriptions for temporary staff, she modifies the search logic to exclude the term ‘temporary’ and limits the search to full-time jobs. Change strategy Change the entire ESP strategy for the topic When a participant realizes that there is no information on parking lots for bicycles, she recalls her previous experience when using a municipal government site and goes there to find the information. Planning for post-search activities Plan what to do after using ESP on the Web When a participant realizes that there is no information on a graduate course on the Web, she decides to ask a faculty member from her university.

20 Ⓒ2008 by Makiko Miwa Implications Theoretical Implications
Implications for Bates’ search tactics (1979) Knowledge modification category of specifying is related to Bates’ tactic of specifying. Our study focused on how searchers’ knowledge is modified during information acquisition, our explanation is that searchers use the specifying tactic to identify more specific information. Searchers’ knowledge is modified to become more specific than its initial state when the desired information has been successfully identified.

21 Berry Picking Model (Bates, 1989)
Questions are changing New ideas and directions are generated Search result or knowledge is gathered bit by bit

22 Ⓒ2008 by Makiko Miwa Theoretical Implication
Implications for Bates’ berrypicking model (Bates 1989) Searchers initiate their search for information on the Web using a broad question (e.g., to which job/graduate program they should apply), with one part of a question (e.g., what is a good keyword to describe the job) Each new piece of information they encounter (e.g., a word found in Wikipedia) providing them with new ideas and directions in which to advance the search process. Searchers generate new questions and queries continually, and they gradually identify useful information at every stage of the search, rather than obtaining all the necessary information in one stage using a single keyword search A Web search might be a micro-level information search process with a single source of information embedded within a broader berrypicking process ESP for job hunting as a macro-level berrypicking process, consisting of multiple micro-level berrypicking processes, each of which uses a different source of information.

23 Ⓒ2008 by Makiko Miwa Theoretical Implication
Implications for Sihvonen & Vakkari’s (2004) use of thesaurus terms: Many participants visited the Wikipedia Web site. During post-search interviews, all participants reported using Wikipedia to identify appropriate keywords for the search concept. This behaviour seems to be identical to the use of a thesaurus for online searching. Experienced searchers appeared to use the tactic of visiting Wikipedia to gather useful terms during the initial stage of their Web-search processes. => experienced searchers obtain subject knowledge or keywords at the initial stage of their Web searching to improve interactive query expansion, a strategy proposed by Sihvonen & Vakkari (2004) for online database searching.

24 Ⓒ2008 by Makiko Miwa Methodological Implication
The concept of “a view” as a unit of analysis in browsing is adequate in capturing the dynamically changing knowledge structure of searchers as well as it’s utilization during their searching & learning processes (increase reliability) Use of eye-tracker to capture exploratory learning processes on the Web and show it in post-search interviews help participants recall their cognitive and affective states behind each action.

25 Ⓒ2008 by Makiko Miwa Conclusion
Searchers not only modify their knowledge by acquiring information but clarify, recall and verify existing knowledge in exploratory learning processes on the Web. The ten patterns of knowledge modification and nine patterns of knowledge utilization identified in this study seem to represent adequately micro-level ESP on the Web. some patterns of knowledge modification (e.g., transforming and interpreting) require searchers to have a high level of domain knowledge, whereas other types of knowledge modification may be performed by searchers with little domain knowledge. The exploratory learning processes on the web is opportunistic and similar to berry picking model Wikipedia might be widely used as the terminology identification/control tool for exploratory searching.

26 Ⓒ2008 by Makiko Miwa Future Research
Continue similar experiments to verify and enrich our findings Conduct a similar research in a different context (online shopping, health, etc.) Conduct research on Web search using cellular phone.

27 Reference Kwasnik, (1992). A descriptive study of the functional components of browsing. In J. Learson & C. Unger (Eds.), Engineering for Human–Computer Interaction, Proceedings of 5th IFIP Working Conference on User Interfaces. Ellivouri, Finland, Aug. 10–14. Marchionini, G. (2006). Exploratory search: From finding to understanding. Communication of the ACM:49(4), Miwa, M., & Kando, N. (2007). Naïve Ontology for Concepts of Time and Space for Searching and Learning. Information Research 12 (2). Sihvonen, A., & Vakkari, P. (2004). Subject knowledge improves interactive query expansion assisted by a thesaurus. Journal of Documentation, 60(6), 673–690.

28 Thank You ありがとうございました

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