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A trip to London Sights of London.

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1 A trip to London Sights of London

2 The London eye It is 135 metres high. You go up for 30 minutes
The London eye It is 135 metres high. You go up for 30 minutes. It stands on the river Thames.

3 The UK THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IREALND consists of Scotland, England, Wales, Northen Ireland

4 London is the capital of the UK

5 Union Jack National flag of the UK

6 Big Ben Главные часы Англии. Находятся на башне здания парламента. Весят 13,5 тонн. Длина минутной стрелки – 4,27 метров. Длина часовой стрелки – 2 м 74,5 см. Размер цифр – 61 см. a big clock – большие часы bell - колокол

7 Double-decker bus

8 London street

9 The Houses of Parliament

10 Now it’s the seat of the British Government. It contains 500 apartments. Among them are the Central Hall, the House of Lords, and the House of Commons. When the House is in session a Union Jack flies over the Tower by day, and light burns in the clock Tower, or Big Ben by night.

11 Queen Elizabeth II. She can sign the documents – подписывать документы. declare war and peace – объявлять войну и мир.

12 10 Downing Street prime minister’s residence

13 David Cameron 75-й премьер-министр Великобритании c 11 мая 2010 года Лидер Консервативной партии Великобритании

14 Buckingham Palace

15 Buckingham Palace It has 600 rooms, 78 bathrooms
a swimming pool, a cinema, and a garden, which is like a private park with a lake Buckingham Palace Buckingham Palace is an official residence of the Queen and her family. It isn’t open to the public. When the Queen is in residence you can see the Union Jack above the palace. In summer the Queen gives three garden parties for about 9,000 guests.

16 Changing the guard at Buckingham Palace
Смена караула возле Букингемского дворца The ceremony of the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace is a great tourist attraction. It takes place daily at a.m. and lasts half an hour. To the sound of music, the guardsmen arrive and pass the palace keys to another group.

17 Tower Bridge

18 Tower Bridge is the only Thames bridge which can be raised
Tower Bridge is the only Thames bridge which can be raised. The road over the bridge is built on two central sections, they open 3 times a week to let ships through.

19 Tower of London palace – дворец fortress – крепость prison – тюрьма
zoo - зоопарк

20 White Tower In the early days of England the English kings lived in the Tower. Then it was a prison where many people died. Black ravens (вороны) had much food near the walls оf the Tower in those days. Black ravens live outside the Tower now. The English people like them very much. Now it’s a museum housing the National Collection of Armour and Royal Regalia. It is 900 years old.

21 Стражник Тауэра Ravens-вороны
Yeomen Warder – иомен. Beefeater – бифитер. Стражник Тауэра The Tower is still guarded by the famous Beefeaters who wear a traditional Sixteenth century uniform. Ravens-вороны

22 Trafalgar Square Trafalgar Square is in the centre of London. It was built in A lot of demonstrations and public meetings take place here. It’s a famous square where on New Year’s Eve people gather to celebrate.

23 Nelson’s Column In the middle of Trafalgar Square is Nelson’s Column. This Column is 56 meters high.

24 Адмирал Горацио Нельсон
In the battle of Trafalgar British navy defeated the navy of Napoleon in 1805

25 Madame Tussaud’s museum
There are wax models of famous and infamous people

26 St. Paul’s Cathedral St. Paul’s Cathedral is the city’s greatest monument. It was built by Sir Christopher Wren in 1675–1710 after the Great Fire in1666. Wren is buried there, also Wellington and Nelson. It is 110 meters high. Inside the dome is the whispering (шепчущая) gallery.

27 National Gallery On the north side of Trafalgar Square there is the National Gallery. It houses one of the finest art collections in the world. It includes paintings of the British, Italian, Spanish, French and other famous schools.

28 Westminster Abbey. The coronation of nearly all English kings and queens since William the Conqueror has taken place here. Many of them are buried within the Abbey. There are also the graves of famous poets, writers, and statesmen. Here you can see memorials to Newton, Darwin, Dickens, and others.

29 British Museum British Museum has one of the largest libraries in the world. There are more than 6 million books in the library. At present the library has modern electronic equipment.

30 Great Fire of London was in1666 in September
London had been burning for 4 days. 80% of the city burnt in that fire.

31 Match the words to make up word combinations (London sights)
Palace Of Parliament Museum Street Square Abbey Bridge Ben Of London Tower The Tower Buckingham Westminster Downing The British White Trafalgar The Houses Big

32 London QUIZ (highlight the correct answers)

33 b) The (UK) United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northen Ireland
Choose the correct answer for each question What is the official name of this country? Britain b) The (UK) United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northen Ireland c) England 33

34 2. 1. What is the capital of Great Britain? New York; Boston; London.

35 3.Which is the national flag of the UK?
2 6 1 6 British flag’s number is … 5 5 4 3 35

36 b. the Stars and Stripes; c. the Maple Leaf.
4.The British flag is often called… a. the Union Jack; b. the Stars and Stripes; c. the Maple Leaf.

37 5. What colour are the buses in London?
red; blue; black.

38 6. Britain's national drink is…
a. Tea; b. Coca-Cola; c. Coffee.

39 8.The British Prime Minister lives at…
a) 12 Whitehall b) 10 Downing Street c) 7 Russel Street d) 15 Oxford Street 39

40 9.Complete the sentences.
4. Big Ben is A palace A clock A bell 5. The famous museum of wax works is called Pushkin Museum Madame Tussaud’s The National Gallery 1. London stands on the river а) Nile b) Mississippi c) Thames 2. The Queen of England lives in Buckingham Palace Westminster Abbey The Tower of London

41 10.Money in the UK is… a) Dollars b) Pounds c) Euro 41

42 b) The Houses of Parliament c) The Tower
11.This is … a) Westminster Abbey b) The Houses of Parliament c) The Tower 42

43 12.The Great Fire of London broke out in…
c) 1106 d) 1666 43

44 13.Sir Christopher Wren built…
a) Buckingham Palace b) The Tower of London c) Trafalgar Square d) St. Paul’s Cathedral 44

45 14.You can see the column with a statue of Nelson in…
A) Piccadilly Circus. B) Hyde Park. C) Trafalgar Square.

46 15.The seat of the British government is…
A) the Houses of Parliament. B) Buckingham Palace. C) Piccadilly Circus.

47 Write down the composition completing the sentences “My traveling to London”
Last summer we visited … . It was … and … ! I saw … . I also took some photos of … and … .They are really …! One day we visited … . I was surprised to see … . We watched the … . We walked in … . And, of course, we rode … . I bought some souvenirs from London: … and … . My traveling was … !

48 Good-bye, London! Thank you for your good work!

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