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From VPH-Share to PL-Grid: Atmosphere as an Advanced Frontend

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Presentation on theme: "From VPH-Share to PL-Grid: Atmosphere as an Advanced Frontend"— Presentation transcript:

1 From VPH-Share to PL-Grid: Atmosphere as an Advanced Frontend
to Cloud Resources in Research Infrastructures Marian Bubak1,2, Bartosz Baliś1,2, Tomasz Bartyński1, Tomasz Gubała1, Daniel Harężlak1, Marek Kasztelnik1, Maciej Malawski1,2, Jan Meizner1, Piotr Nowakowski1, Bartosz Wilk1, Paweł Suder1 1 ACC Cyfronet AGH, ul. Nawojki 11, Kraków, Poland 2 AGH, Department of Computer Science, al. Mickiewicza 30, Kraków, Poland Atmosphere is a platform for developers and end users, supporting efficient development and execution of eScience applications on federated clouds. 4. The new service is registered and can be shared with other platform users Service instance OpenLab v1 (development) Hardware: 4 cores, 8 GB RAM, 30 GB HDD Compute Cloud OpenLab v1 MySpine v22 GIMIAS ViroLab DRS OpenLab v1 The developer instructs the platform to package and upload a new service Developer The user can interact with the service. After the session, the instance can be shut down Scientist The developer selects and instantiates a service from an existing application or a “raw” OS image The scientist browses the available services and requests access to a given service Atmosphere creates a virtual machine and provides the required quantity of hardware resources. Service instance Ubuntu Linux (OS template) Hardware: 4 cores, 8 GB RAM, 30 GB HDD Service instance OpenLab v1 Hardware: as required by the application OpenLab v1 Authorized users: The service’s owner approves the sharing request The scientist requests the cloud platform to create an instance of the service 2’. The developer logs into the machine and installs software Scientific objectives Research on cloud computing model for complex scientific applications Resource management for services on heterogeneous resources Billing and accounting models for cloud computing Procedural and technical aspects of efficient and secure data storage, transfer and processing Component dependency management, composition and deployment Applications Virtual Patients for medical education @neurIST – simulation of cerebral aneurysms ARTreat – arthrosclerosis simulation – dementia research ViroLab – HIV therapy decision support system VPHOP – modeling of osteroporosis OpenLabirynth – medical training courses MySpine – lumbar spine simulation EUHeart – cardiovascular modeling Atmosphere in numbers Over 160 services registered 50–100 service instances run daily More than 250 virtual machine templates 1000 requests for instance creation per month 100+ registered users from VPH community VM lifetime from 15 minutes to over 60 days 30% of users with developer access Features of Atmosphere A layer of abstraction over cloud-based virtual machines A way to port scientific applications to the cloud Automatic selection of the best hardware resources to deploy applications Automatic load balancing allows applications to scale up as needed VM image synchronization for hybrid clouds A billing model for commercial clouds Integration with Taverna, HyperFlow, Pumpkin Applications supported: Linux-based SOAP/REST services Web applications rich GUI clients running under MS Windows Integration with the VPH and PL-Grid ecosystem: authentication, authorization, sharing data management Hybrid Cloud Platform VPH-Share/PL-Grid Portal VPH-Share Cloud Site at Cyfronet (OpenStack) Cloud Management Portlets VPH-Share Cloud Site at UNIVIE (OpenStack) Secure RESTful API (Cloud Facade) Atmosphere Core Services Host Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) – EU Region Atmosphere Core PL-Grid Cloud Site at Cyfronet (OpenStack) References P. Nowakowski, T. Bartyński, M. Bubak, T. Gubała, D. Harężlak, M. Kasztelnik, M. Malawski, J. Meizner, Development, Execution and Sharing of VPH Applications in the Cloud with the Atmosphere Platform, VPH 2014 Conference, Trondheim, Norway 2014. M. Bubak, M. Kasztelnik, M. Malawski, J. Meizner, P. Nowakowski, S. Varma: Evaluation of Cloud Providers for VPH Applications. CCGRID 2013: M. Malawski, T. Gubała, M. Bubak: Component-based Approach for Programming and Running Scientific Applications on Grids and Clouds. The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 26(3) : 2012

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