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M. Fichaut, IFREMER, France
SDN tools directory On your desktop, SDN tools directory :
Overview SeaDataNet tools in their context NEMO : Reformatting tool
Practical session : reformatting a set of stations NEMO and SDN Download Manager – coupling table, NEMO and MIKADO – CDI summary file Practical session : generation of a CDI summary file and of a coupling table MIKADO : XML files generator, Web validation service, Link between MIKADO and SDN Download Manager – coupling table Practical session : Automatic creation of XML files for CDI, Web validation of these files, creation of the corresponding coupling file Manual input for EDIOS program, series and platform Automatic creation of XML files for EDIOS
European portal Data centres SEADATANET PORTAL Download Manager
MIKADO XML validator SeaDataNet Vocabulary CDI EDIOS EDMERP EDMED SEADATANET PORTAL European portal CSR Data centres New data Data in ASCII file Format X database Metadata In metadata in Excel files Meta data at XML ISO19155 RSM Coupling table Download Manager AAA NEMO Collection of ASCII files at SDN Format Data request Downloading Local copy of data for downloading
Data Centre SEADATANET PORTAL ODV DIVA CSR Local ID+ File address or
SQL Select Coupling table Data in database EDIOS Collection of ASCII files at SDN format Data User Data EDMED Central ID SEADATANET PORTAL Zip file EDMERP Download manager Local ID Local ID + File address Data request CDI Local ID + SQL Select AAA Central ID + ID local + EDMO code Central ID + Local ID+ EDMO code Local copy of data for downloading RequestStatus Manager (RSM) Zip file Downloading
Survey about the tools 29 answers
NEMO : question about a Cruise name field Questions on the coupling table : how to generate it, using which tool? Those who know, please help those who don’t know Do you know the tool? Yes No NEMO 4 25 MIKADO 16 13
NEMO – Reformating software
Data centres : SeaDataNet nodes European portal
New data Data in database Metadata In metadata in Excel files Meta data at XML ISO19155 MIKADO XML validator SeaDataNet Vocabulary CDI EDIOS EDMERP EDMED SEADATANET PORTAL European portal CSR Local copy of data for downloading Data request Downloading Download Manager RSM AAA Coupling table Data in ASCII file Format X NEMO Collection of ASCII files at SDN Format
Objectives NEMO is a reformatting software used to
generate ASCII files at MEDATLAS or ODV formats which are defined as SeaDataNet formats for data exchange between SeaDataNet partners. Can be downloaded from SeaDataNet Web site : It was created in IFREMER for internal purposes, and adapted to take into account the SeaDataNet formats and vocabularies.
Technical characteristics
Release : 1.4.4 Written in Java Language (Version >= 1.6) Bilingual (French, English) Available under multiple environments : Microsoft : Windows 2000, WINDOWS 7, XP, VISTA , APPLE Unix - Solaris Linux Interactive and batch modes available Use of SeaDataNet common vocabularies web services to update lists of values of the SeaDataNet common vocabularies need network connections in order to have up to date lists of values. But NEMO works offline once the lists are up-to-date
NEMO main features Reformat ASCII text file of vertical profiles, time-series or trajectories to a SeaDataNet ASCII format (ODV, MEDATLAS). The input ASCII files can be: one file per station for vertical profiles or time series one file for one cruise for vertical profiles, time series or trajectories Interact with Mikado, to be able to generate ISO XML descriptions of the data.
NEMO principles NEMO must be able to read almost any ASCII format to translate it to MEDATLAS, ODV Users of NEMO describe the entry files format so that NEMO is able to find the information which is necessary in the SeaDataNet formats One mandatory pre-requirement is that in the set of entry files the information about the stations must be located at the same position : same line in the file, same position on the line or same column if CSV format be in the same format For example : for all the stations the latitude is on line 3 on the station header, from character 21 to character 27, or 3rd column in CSV the format is +DD.ddd
Running NEMO 4 or 5 steps to convert the entry files to a SeaDataNet format Describe the type of file(s) [Describe the cruise, if the files are related to 1 cruise] NEMO is able to read XML CSR generated with MIKADO Describe the station information Describe the measured parameters Convert the file One more step to Save the description of the format (Model)
NEMO - Description of entry files (1)
Where are the files? Is it a cruise? Is it one file per cruise or one file per station ? Is it a collection of station files ? grouped by cruises or not? Are the files with separators? Tabulations? Semicolon? Comma? Are they vertical profiles, time series or trajectories data?
NEMO - Description of entry files (2)
File to convert is displayed in NEMO window The principle is to describe the input file by selecting the information in the file window
Station header : constant number of lines
Station header : number of lines not constant
Cruise description Can be: Manually input
Imported from a SeaDataNet XML CSR Imported from a database (IFREMER only)
Station description
Station description Select the date in the file, in the left part of the screen
Station description Input the date format
Station description Click on the Set button to tell NEMO the start and end position of the date
Station description Click on the Test button to verify your input
Station description
Data description Choose the parameter list
Data description Choose the parameter list
Give the code, unit, position , format and input default value of each parameter
Data description Select « Parameter list » in the context menu of the measured parameters table (right click to open the menu)
Data description Add all the measured parameters and their unit (P061) using the context menu
Data description Select the value of the measured parameter in the file, in the upper left part of the screen
Data description Select « Set start /end » in the context menu of the measured parameters table
Data description Start and End position of depth are added in the table
Data description Describe the format and default value of the parameters (output default value only if output format is MEDATLAS)
Data description Check your input : Select « Update test » in the context menu of the measured parameters table
Data description The values read by NEMO are displayed in the Test column of the table. User is able to check that his inputs are correct
Data description Tell NEMO which parameter is the vertical reference
File conversion Output formats MEDATLAS Multi-station ODV Mono-station
Non numeric parameters
For sediment description in Sediment Core Compatible with ODV
NEMO in batch mode MIKADO can be run in batch mode, from NEMO install directory, using existing models Several arguments can be added on the command line Log file in NEMO install directory
Files which can’t be reformatted by NEMO
Binary format : like EXEL, WORD … File have to be first reformatted to text file Files which do not respect NEMO pre-requirements be located at the same position : same line in the file, same position on the line or same column if CSV format be in the same format Files which are not : Vertical profiles (with depth or pressure as vertical reference) Time series (with time as reference) Trajectories (with latitude, longitude and time as reference)
Like for example old historical tape formats
Like for example old historical tape formats
NEMO – User manual User manual is provided :
File : sdn_Nemo_UserManual_V1.4.4.pdf Detailed explanation for NEMO installation and use, lots of snapshots
NEMO next releases V1.4.5 (soon) V1.5.0 (scheduled in autumn)
With correction of some know bugs V1.5.0 (scheduled in autumn) BODC vocabulary, version 2 Pre-requirement : Importation tools must manage BODC V2 vocabulary Include a Cruise name field that can be read in the input file V1.5.1 (not scheduled yet) Generation of files at NetCDF format Pre-requirement NetCDF format final definition
Practical work on NEMO Converting files
Training Workshop – Ostende – 1-4 March 2010 Practical work on NEMO Converting files M. Fichaut
From ASCII data to XML files
Collection of ASCII files ODV files CDI summary CSV file SeaDataNet CDI MIKADO XML CDI files summary_CDI_NEMO.xml Delivered with NEMO Coupling table Export
NEMO installation Open the file (on the desktop) Unzip it Double click on launcher_nemo.bat Follow the installation procedure Don’t forget to add the NEMO shortcut on your desktop
Collection of ASCII files
Training data set 6 CTDs raw files under SDN tools/Practical work/data/input files ASCII files with measured parameters in column Measured parameters = Depth, Temperature, Salinity, Fluorescence and Dissolved oxygen
First step : conversion to ODV with NEMO
Run NEMO to convert the files to ODV format. Modify the settings of NEMO Default directories for data set to SDN tools/Practical work/data SDN tools/Practical work/models Enter your EDMO ID in the field below using the search function (right click) Proceed the 4 steps of NEMO
NEMO – File description
Choose the type of file (cruise directory, cruise file, …) Browse your PC to input the data files directory Once the file is open in NEMO, have a look to its content Choose file type : Profile Choose the output format : ODV, one unique file for all stations or One file per station Enter the Station header information there is a specific character string at the end of each Station header : *END* The Data termination indicator is EOF (End of file) Validate the step when description is OK
NEMO – Station description
Station number is given on line “**Station” Data type is ‘CTD stations’ Time is U.T. Latitude format is NDD Longitude format is Bottom Depth is not available Input all the mandatory fields : station number, time, date, latitude, longitude Use the Test function to verify your input Validate the step when description is OK
NEMO – Data description (1)
Select the parameter list to use : P011 via P021 Add the parameters : P021 codes are Depth : AHGT, Temperature : TEMP, Salinity : PSAL, Fluorescence : FVLT, Dissolved oxygen : DOXY, Input the units of the parameters (for salinity, use Dimensionless) Add a text label to each parameter Set Start and End positions for the parameters Tell NEMO which code is the vertical reference
NEMO – Data description (2)
Format is mandatory Describe the output format that you want %6.1f : means 6 digits total (decimal point included), 1 digit for decimal, f for float (decimal number) Use the contextual menu ‘Select the format’ for predefined format Use the test fields to validate your input Validate the step when description is OK Save you model in the model directory
File conversion You will be asked to give :
A dataset reference (can be a cruise name, for example) A name for the output file (all the stations in the same file) or name for the output directory (one station per file) in the SDN tools\Practical work\output directory Have a look to the output files Drag and drop the ODV files in ODV4 to test their conformity
NEMO and MIKADO interaction– CDI summary file NEMO and SDN Download Manager – coupling table
While converting … NEMO is able to Generate a SeaDataNet CDI Summary
Text file containing the minimum mandatory information needed in the CDI ISO description This file can be converted to an Excel file Which can be read by MIKADO to generate the XML CDI files Generate a coupling table that will be used by the Download manager of SeaDataNet It is the link between the LOCAL_CDI_ID and the file
CDI summary Further information must be added in NEMO settings (menu Options of NEMO)
Interaction with MIKADO
Collection of ASCII files ODV files CDI summary CSV file SeaDataNet CDI MIKADO XML CDI files summary_CDI_NEMO.xml
Coupling table for Download Manager
Further information must be added in NEMO settings (menu Options of NEMO) The coupling table makes the link between each LOCAL_CDI_ID and the file(s) which contains it
Coupling table If the “Generate mapping” option is clicked :
NEMO will insert a record in the coupling table for each vertical profile, time series or trajectory that it converts. The coupling table is managed by a local database imbedded in NEMO The coupling table can be : Edited (for modification, insertion or deletion) exported (to be used by the download manager) imported (from previous version of NEMO, for example)
Coupling table content (1)
LOCAL_CDI_ID Modus 1 : mono-station 3 multi-station Filename Date of creation
Coupling table content (2)
One unique LOCAL_CDI_ID in one mono-station ODV file The same LOCAL_CDI_ID in 2 different files : One multi-station MEDATLAS file One mono-station ODV file
Practical work on NEMO Generating CDI summary and coupling table
M. Fichaut
From ASCII data to XML files
Collection of ASCII files ODV files SeaDataNet CDI MIKADO XML CDI files summary_CDI_NEMO.xml Delivered with NEMO CDI summary CSV file Coupling table Export Coupling table
Creation of the CDI-SUMMARY and the coupling table
Input the information in NEMO SETTINGS Mapping Click in the box Generate mapping for SeaDataNet download Manager SeaDataNET CDI summary Unfold the SeaDataNet CDI Summary block Click in the box Generate SeaDataNet CDI summary Fulfill all the mandatory fields (in red), using right click for the Search function
Run the file conversion
Same file than in the previous exercise You will be asked to give : A dataset reference (can be a cruise name, for example) A name for the CDI summary file A name for the output file (all the stations in the same file) or name for the output directory (one station per file) An output directory prefix (for the coupling table). This prefix will be subtracted from the file name in the mapping table. For example if output file name = C:\username\NEMO\cruise_name\file_name and output directory prefix = C:\username\NEMO file name in the mapping table will be : cruise_name\file_name
CDI summary file Convert it to an EXCEL file (for future use by MIKADO) Open the CDI summary text file with EXCEL (field delimited by tabulations) Rename the spreadsheet into : STATION Save it under XLS or XLSX format, it will be used later on during the practical work on MIKADO
Coupling table Have a look to the coupling table
Menu : Coupling_table>Edit It gives the link between the LOCAL_CDI_ID and the file in which the LOCAL_CDI_ID will be found by the download manager of SeaDataNet MODUS = 1 if the LOCAL_CDI_ID is in a mono-station file MODUS = 3 if the LOCAL_CDI_ID is in a multi-station file One LOCAL_CDI_ID and one format is unique in the coupling table Add and delete records Export the coupling table in a flat file Menu : Coupling_table>Export Have a look at the flat coupling.txt file
MIKADO Tool for the generation of XML descriptions of SeaDanaNet catalogue records
Data centres: SeaDataNet nodes European portal
New data Data in ASCII file Format X database metadata XML validator SeaDataNet Vocabulary CDI EDIOS EDMERP EDMED SEADATANET PORTAL European portal CSR NEMO Collection of ASCII files at SDN Format Local copy of data for downloading Data request Downloading Download Manager RSM AAA Coupling table Metadata In database in Excel files Meta data at XML ISO19155 MIKADO
Objective SensorML and O&M for seismic data
MIKADO is used to generate XML catalogue descriptions, it creates XML ISO files using SDN common vocabularies for metadata exchange of CSR - Cruise Summary Reports EDMED - Marine Environmental Data sets CDI - Common Data Index EDMERP - Marine Environmental Research Projects EDIOS – Permanent Ocean-observing System SensorML and O&M for seismic data Planned Cruise Report (not used in SeaDataNet) Is freely available on SeaDataNet Web site
Technical characteristics
Release 2.3 Written in Java Language (Version >= 1.6) Available under multiple environments : Microsoft : Windows 2000, WINDOWS7, XP, VISTA , APPLE Unix - Solaris Linux. Interactive and batch modes available Use of the SeaDataNet common vocabularies web services to update lists of values needs network connection in order to have up to date lists of values. but Mikado works offline once the lists are up-to-date
MIKADO main features (1)
MIKADO can be used in 2 different ways One manual way, to input manually information for the catalogues and CDI in order to generate XML files. One automatic way, to generate XML descriptions automatically, from information catalogued in a relational database or in an Excel file. Automatic way is needed for those who have many entries referenced in a relational database Only one interface for all catalogues Same look Same principles
MIKADO main features (2)
CSR EDMED EDMERP CDI EDIOS Manual XML files for SeaDataNet catalogues MIKADO Java code Automatic DATABASE JDBC Java DataBase Connectivity EXCEL File Native Drivers MYSQL ORACLE POSTGRES SYBASE MSServer Bridge Drivers using Microsoft ODBC ACCESS, EXCEL, SQL SERVER, Open Office Other Drivers Downloaded from ad hoc Websites (Copied in the dist/lib MIKADO directory)
MIKADO and SDN vocabulary lists (2)
List code List Name C16 SeaDataNet Sea Areas L061 SeaDataNet Platform Classes C77 ICES ROSCOP data types L071 SeaDataNet data access mechanisms C174 SeaDataNet CSR ship metadata L081 SeaDataNet Data Access Restriction Policies C320 ISO countries L101 SeaDataNet geographic co-ordinate reference frames C371 Ten-degree Marsden Squares L111 Height and Depth Vertical Co-ordinate Reference Datum C381 Ports Gazetteer L181 ROSCOP sample quantification units L05 SeaDataNet device categories L231 SeaDataNet metadata entities L021 SeaDataNet Geospatial Feature Types L241 SeaDataNet data transport formats L031 SeaDataNet Measurement Periodicity Classes P021 BODC Parameter Discovery Vocabulary EDMERP European marine projects P081 SeaDataNet Parameter Disciplines EDMO European marine organisation
MIKADO and SDN vocabulary lists (2)
Automatic check of the version of the vocabulary lists : once when MIKADO starts If “On” is clicked in the Vocabulary Update Menu MIKADO downloads locally the latest version of each list Possible to enable-disable the automatic check If “Off” is clicked Manual check Update once now
MIKADO – Manual input Available for 5 catalogues : EDMED, CSR, CDI, EDMERP, EDIOS (Programme, series and platform) Each input generates an XML file that can be sent to the central catalogue For EDMERP and CSR : EDMERP CMS and CSR online can also be used, but MIKADO is useful if you have problems with the NETWORK connection if you want to keep locally an XML description of your catalogues For EDMED, EDIOS and CDI, there is no online input tools.
MIKADO – Manual input
MIKADO manual : LOCAL Identifier
This LOCAL ID exists for all the catalogues and is under the responsibility of the data centre who generates the XML descriptions The LOCAL ID must be unique for a catalogue and a data centre (EDMO code) The LOCAL Identifier is vital because it is kept in the central catalogue and is the entry point to know if the record is new or if it is an update.
MIKADO manual – vocabulary lists (1)
Common vocabulary BODC, list C320 (Country ISO codes)
MIKADO manual – vocabulary lists (2)
MIKADO – Automatic XML generation
Principle Read the information about CSR, EDMED, EDMERP, EDIOS or CDI in a database or in an Excel file MIKADO has predefined variables which correspond to the XML tags definition for each catalogues MIKADO helps user to write the SQL orders to fulfill these variables with the information available in the database or in the Excel file
MIKADO – Automatic XML generation
4 STEPS Connect to a database or an Excel file and test the connection Write the queries to retrieve information in the database or in the Excel file, test the queries Save the queries in a “Configuration file” Generate the XML files using the “Configuration file”
MIKADO – Automatic XML generation
MIKADO automatic - connection
Help for the connection to the database Pre-filled information for some databases Check of the connection
MIKADO automatic – connection OK
Green message in the Check box
MIKADO – automatic – connection KO
Red message in the Check box
MIKADO automatic – queries
Expendable trees Main query Return the LOCAL ID Single subqueries Return 1 row Multiple subqueries Return 1 to n rows Single an multiple queries related to each LOCAL ID returned by the main query.
MIKADO automatic – queries
Write the queries SQL syntax (for Oracle, Excel, MySQL, …) and SQL variables must be adapted to your own data base Check the Queries Green OK Red KO : read the error message
MIKADO automatic – single queries
All the XML variables are listed in the expendable tree In bold : mandatory fields 1 to n single subquery can be written Green ticks: fields already fulfilled Add or delete variables in a query Delete a full query Check the query
MIKADO automatic – multiple queries
All the XML variables are listed in the expendable tree Number of queries is pre-defined The list of variables for each of these multiple queries is also pre-defined In bold : mandatory field Green ticks : fields already fulfilled
MIKADO automatic – multiple queries
In a group of variables (same XML block, same pre-defined set of variable in a query), the non mandatory variables can be left to null Check all function
MIKADO automatic - Save the queries
When all the queries are written Saved in an XML file (configuration file) to be re-used later on
MIKADO automatic - generate the XML files
Select the catalogue you want to generate Open the corresponding configuration file Choose the output directory Choose the type of export files Export the XML files Progress bar Cancel allowed
MIKADO automatic - local mapping
While generating the XML files for all the catalogues Each time that MIKADO does not recognized a value (entrykey or entryterm) which should come from the common vocabulary, it asks the user for mapping MIKADO manages a demand-driven continuous (incremental) extension of a local mapping : mapping of the local database to the common vocabulary Mapping tables can be modified Delete rows Modify the LOCAL value
MIKADO automatic - local mapping
Example CSR generation Mapping of the platform type
MIKADO automatic - local mapping
Modification of the local mapping If wrong entries have been input, it is possible to: Delete one entry Delete all the entries Change the local code
MIKADO in batch mode MIKADO can be run in batch mode using existing configuration files Several arguments can be added on the command line Java –Djava.endorsed.dirs=”dist/lib” –jar dist/Mikado.jar mikado-home=[path] argument2= … argumentn= Log file to register the errors
Coupling file for Download manager
MIKADO is able to generate this coupling file The coupling file is used by SeaDataNet download manager to make the mapping between a LOCAL_CDI_ID (one profile, one time-series or one trajectory) and the name of the file containing this LOCAL_CDI_ID (MODUS1 and 3) : if the metadata is in a data base and the data in files or the SQL Query to retrieve the meta data and the data of this LOCAL_CDI_ID in the local database (MODUS 2)
Coupling file for Download manager (2)
The principle to create this coupling file is the same than to create XML files for catalogue descriptions User has to create a configuration file that will be used for the generation of the coupling file. to write the queries to retrieve the filename or the data for each LOCAl_CDI_ID Retrieve the filename: if the data are stored as files Retrieve the data: if the data are stored in a database
Coupling file generation
3 STEPS Create a configuration file Connect to a database or an Excel file and test the connection Write the queries to retrieve information in the database or in the Excel file, test the queries Save the queries in a “Configuration file” Generate the coupling table using the “Configuration file”
Configuration file for coupling
Create a new one From nothing Using a MIKADO CDI configuration file Open an existing one
Configuration file for coupling
Connection to the database or excel file Main query to retrieve all LOCAL_CDI_IDs
Configuration file for coupling: MODUS 2
Data are stored in a database Write the query to retrieve the data in the database Temperature Salinity Oxygene … Test your query Give the name of the mapping file used by DM to generate ODV files
Configuration file for coupling: MODUS 1 or 3
Data are stored in files Modus 1: on the shelf Modus 3: to be converted by the Splitter Choose the file format Write the query to retrieve The adress of the file Test your query Preview the coupling file Save your configuration file
Generation of the coupling table
Using the configuration file for coupling Select the configuration file Select the output directory Select the write mode Append Overwrite
Generation of the coupling table
MIKADO – User manual User manual is provided :
File : SDN_MIKADO_UserManual_V2.3.pdf Detailed explanation for MIKADO use, lots of snapshots
MIKADO next release: version 3
ISO for CDI and CSR CDI available, to be finalised BODC vocabulary, version 2 New services to be included Backwards compatibility with old XML files : Read of old URN and conversion to new ones Pre-requirements Importation tools must be ready for ISO catalogues and must manage BODC V2 vocabulary
Coupling table : NEMO or MIKADO?
Depending of your data organisation If data in data base MIKADO If metadata in database, and address of the file in a specific table MIKADO is recommended If no database, data in flat files generated using NEMO NEMO
Web service for validation of the XML files generated by MIKADO
Training Workshop – Ostende – 1-4 March 2010 XML validation tool Web service for validation of the XML files generated by MIKADO
European portal Data centre SEADATANET PORTAL Download Manager
XML validator Meta data at XML ISO19155 Data centre New data Data in ASCII file Format X database Metadata In metadata in Excel files MIKADO AAA SeaDataNet Vocabulary CDI EDIOS EDMERP EDMED SEADATANET PORTAL European portal CSR NEMO Collection of ASCII files at SDN Format Local copy of data for downloading Data request Downloading Coupling table Download Manager RSM
Select the catalogue you want to validate
View all CDI schema versions
View statistics about detected errors Run the validation with the last version of XML schema
Upload the file you want to validate
Validation works only file per file
The file is displayed on the screen
Press Validate
Errors and warning are displayed
Warning are not obstacles for XML delivery Errors must be corrected
XML validation Services have been developed in the frame of SeaDataNet by the Russian NODC It is a Web validation Service available at
Practical work on MIKADO Creation of XML files for CDI
Training Workshop – Ostende – 1-4 March 2010 Practical work on MIKADO Creation of XML files for CDI M. Fichaut
Exercise 1 CDI Automatic generation from the CDI summary file created this morning with NEMO – Validation of the XML files Creation of the corresponding coupling file
From ASCII data to XML files
VALIDATOR a b Collection of ASCII files ODV files CDI summary CSV file Coupling table Export SeaDataNet CDI XML CDI files summary_CDI_NEMO.xml Delivered with NEMO Coupling file for DM MIKADO
a) Configuration file for CDI XML
Run MIKADO Open the configuration file delivered with NEMO : MIKADO => Automatic/Open/CDI the configuration file is in the HOME_DIRECTORY of NEMO, but for the training it is under \Practical work\config , file summary_CDI_NEMO.xml Make the connection with the Excel file that you have created with NEMO (the Excel file must be closed to avoid conflict access) Check the connection (you must have a green message) Go to the Queries tag and have a look at the queries Check them (green message after check all) Save your configuration file
a) XML file generation Run Automatic/Generate/CDI Open the configuration file \Practical work\config\summary_CDI_NEMO.xml Choose the export directory (where CDI XML files will be written) Choose the type of export file you want : XML files Zip file containing the XML files Both (XML and Zip) Open one XML export file to have a look at it with MIKADO Manual>Open>File>CDI
a) Web validation service: Validator
Check the XML file with the Web validation Service at : Select the CDI catalogue Validate file with CDI Xml schema Upload one of the XML file that has been generated Validate the file Look at the result of the validation : you must have no error, you can have some warnings depending on the vocabulary versions.
b) Coupling configuration file
Run MIKADO Open the configuration file delivered with NEMO : MIKADO => Tools/Coupling table for download manager/ Import CDI configuration the configuration file is the same than in a) ) in the config directory Check the connection to the excel file \Practical work\config\CDI_summary_with_address.xls Go to the main query tag and check the query (you must have a green message) Go to Modus 1 or Modus 3, choose the output format and fulfill the query which retrieve the file address in the excel file Check it Preview the coupling file Save your coupling configuration file
b) Coupling file generation
Run the generation of the coupling file MIKADO => Tools/Coupling table for download manager/ generate/ Modus 1 or Modus 3 depending on your ODV file(s) Select the configuration file for coupling that you just create Select the output directory Choose the mode for writing (Append or Overwrite) Generate the coupling file Open it with a text editor
Exercise 2 EDIOS manual input of 1 Program 1 Series 1 Platform
Under SDN_tools\practical_work
Under \EDIOS__POSEIDON_Example\EDIOS_Data Open the EDIOS_POSEIDON.xls file describing the EDIOS program, series and platforms (1 program, 15 series,15 platforms) Input the program information into MIKADO and create the corresponding XML file Input 1 series information into MIKADO and create the corresponding XML file Input the platform related to the previous series in MIKADO and create the corresponding XML file Why can’t you first enter a platform, then a series then a program?
Exercise 3 EDIOS Automatic generation of XML files for: Program Series
Under SDN_tools\practical_work
\EDIOS__POSEIDON_Example\EDIOS_Data Open the EDIOS_POSEIDON.xls file describing the EDIOS program, series and platforms (1 program,15 series, 15 platforms) Run MIKADO to create the automatic query to retrieve the program information Or open the already written XML configuration for MIKADO for EDIOS program : \EDIOS__POSEIDON_Example\EDIOS_Data\queries\poseidon_edios_program.xml Run MIKADO to create the automatic query to retrieve the series information Or open the already written XML configuration for MIKADO for EDIOS program : \EDIOS__POSEIDON_Example\EDIOS_Data\queries\poseidon_edios_series.xml Or open the already written XML configuration for MIKADO for EDIOS platform : \EDIOS__POSEIDON_Example\EDIOS_Data\queries\poseidon_edios_platform.xml
Generate the XML EDIOS files
EDIOS PROGRAM Run MIKADO : Automatic>Generate>EDIOS Program Choose the \queries\poseidon_edios_program.xml Choose the export directory \results\program EDIOS SERIES Run MIKADO : Automatic>Generate>EDIOS Series Choose the \queries\poseidon_edios_series.xml Choose the export directory \results\series EDIOS PLATFORMS Run MIKADO : Automatic>Generate>EDIOS platforms Choose the \queries\poseidon_edios_platforms.xml Choose the export directory \results\platforms
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