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Status of the ODR and System Integration 31 March 2009 Matt Warren Valeria Bartsch, Veronique Boisvert, Maurice Goodrick, Barry Green, Bart Hommels,

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Presentation on theme: "Status of the ODR and System Integration 31 March 2009 Matt Warren Valeria Bartsch, Veronique Boisvert, Maurice Goodrick, Barry Green, Bart Hommels,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Status of the ODR and System Integration March Matt Warren Valeria Bartsch, Veronique Boisvert, Maurice Goodrick, Barry Green, Bart Hommels, Marc Kelly, Andrzej Misiejuk, Martin Postranecky, Matthew Wing, Tao Wu ABSTRACT: A data acquisition system is described which will be used for the next generation of prototype calorimeters for the International Linear Collider and could also be used for the final system. The design is sufficiently generic such that it should have applications elsewhere, be they other ILC detectors or within High Energy Physics in general: e.g. this could be applied to LHC upgrade apparatus. The concept of moving towards a "backplaneless" readout is pursued. A strong under-pinning thread here is to attempt to make use of commercial components and identify any problems with this approach. Therefore the system should be easily upgradable, both in terms of ease of acquiring new components and competitive prices. The conceptual design, both hardware and software, of the data acquisition system for the ILC calorimeter will be discussed. Results and tests already done will then be shown indicating both the potential and limitations of the approach.

2 Firmware Status (no change)
Receive data on 4x fibre (RX), Write to disk FAST (>150MB) Send data up fibre (TX) Controlled from Linux driver DOOCs Interface Future plans: Decode event header from LDA Provides on-line info Can deal with control messages from LDA Allows host to write to disk without processing 31 Mar 2009 Matt Warren et al. - ODR Status - CALICE/EUDET DESY

3 ODR V2 Saga (starring Barry at RHUL)
PLDA (the manufacturer) ‘upgraded’ to a new board We call this “Version 2” Main change: clock increased from 125 to 250MHz (Xilinx gig-links prefer this) Jumper allows use of old 125MHz clock, our firmware works/ed in this mode … Then our code stopped working on a v2s… Card not recognised on PCIe bus To rule-out hardware failure, we tried a second card. Failed too. After LOTS of trials and testing, we contacted PLDA We tried their reference design – it worked (PLDA off the hook)! We removed much of our design – it DIDN’T work. We scratched our heads … Contacted PLDA again - They tried our firmware – it worked! Could it be the PC? - We’ve tried various motherboards, presume not. Phone meeting with PLDA We sent our card this to them - IT FAILS! HOORAY! They’re about to get new stock (this week!) – will retest our code… 31 Mar 2009 Matt Warren et al. - ODR Status - CALICE/EUDET DESY

4 Matt Warren et al. - ODR Status - CALICE/EUDET DESY
Introducing LODDAR Due to LDA delays, we decided to kick-start the system test. LDA  LODDAR  ODR Use ODR hardware as an LDA Wrap LDA code for Virtex4 Use onboard SFP for Ethernet link ODR Virtex4 MAC and replaces LDA version No PCIe etc Add (existing) LDA HDMI board via debug pins on ODR Connect to a real ODR using the proper fibre interface ODR Hardware ODR LDA Firmware LDA HDMI Board 31 Mar 2009 Matt Warren et al. - ODR Status - CALICE/EUDET DESY

5 Matt Warren et al. - ODR Status - CALICE/EUDET DESY
DAQ System Test Setup at UCL Aim to build complete DIF to DAQ PC chain So far we have ODR, LODDAR only. DIF hardware and firmware is available LDA is has been difficult (see Marc’s talk) LODDAR in separate PC (power only) Easier power-cycling etc of LODDAR For initial testing. ODR packets sent to PC running wireshark sanity check – Ethernet has advantages! Then plug outgoing fibre ONLY into LODDAR Monitor replies with wireshark – very useful. Then complete the link DAQ PC Power Supply PC ODR LODDAR Gbit Fibre NIC Good News – the LDA responds as expected Packet sent containing multi-register write to configure test data 16 packet received by DAQ software 31 Mar 2009 Matt Warren et al. - ODR Status - CALICE/EUDET DESY

6 Next Steps (Conclusion)
As the LDA develops Incorporate new firmware into LODDAR Use as testbed for DAQ PC software (caldata) Then move over to using the LDA IF we have production delays (+Ethernet +HDMI board), we can go to “LODDAR2”: Fully combine LDA and ODR functions Both firmware functions inside the ODR External IO (e.g. CCC) via debug pins Both firmware designs use Xilinx LocalLink interfaces We simply replace MAC-SFP-fibre-SFP-MAC with a bus! DIF LODDAR DIF ODR Firmware LDA Firmware HDMI Board LocalLink LocalLink x10 DIF 31 Mar 2009 Matt Warren et al. - ODR Status - CALICE/EUDET DESY

7 Matt Warren et al. - ODR Status - CALICE/EUDET DESY
The End 31 Mar 2009 Matt Warren et al. - ODR Status - CALICE/EUDET DESY

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