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Belmont Primary School

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1 Belmont Primary School
Governors’ Blog Belmont Primary School

2 Co-Vice Chair of Governors
Vice Chair, Brendan Hollyer visited the school on Friday 11November to attend our Remembrance Service Today I was lucky enough to be able to attend the whole school assembly for Remembrance Day. The children heard from Mr Gibson the history behind the special day and the part played by the poppy in giving hope after the despair of World War 1. Children read poems, displayed the works completed by each class and watched a short video. The minute silence was observed impeccably. Throughout the whole event the behaviour of the children was exemplary both for the occasion and towards each other. They are wonderful ambassadors for the school. Well done everyone Brendan Hollyer Co-Vice Chair of Governors

3 Vice Chair, Brendan Hollyer visited the school on Tuesday 29 November to look at behaviour for learning As a governor new to the school, yesterday I visited to get to know it better. I first met with Mrs Lyon-Lee who told me how all the children understand about what is acceptable behaviour and how they ensure their classmates all stick to the rules. We visited the children during break and I saw lots of energy being used up in the playground and children sharing as they played together. Three members of Belmont’s Parliament then showed me around the school, talking knowledgeably about what was going on in the classrooms and proudly showing off the displays. They were wonderful ambassadors for the school and all the children were very confident, polite and well behaved. I thoroughly enjoyed the visit and very much look forward to the next time I can see the children in their learning. Thank you to everyone involved.

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