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Kinesio Taping and the Effect on Cervical Neck Pain

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1 Kinesio Taping and the Effect on Cervical Neck Pain
Sheltering Arms In-service 6/29/2015 Leah batten, SPT

2 Kinesio Tape – What is it?
Developed by Japanese Chiropractor Dr. Kenso Kase in the 1970’s Thin, pliable elastic adhesive tape that stretches to % of its original length Exerts a proposed pulling force to skin

3 Kinesio Taping Uses of KT Most Common Regions in Research
Pain Reduction Increase Range of Motion Proprioceptive Feedback Muscle Tone Normalization Increase Strength Most Common Regions in Research Shoulder Trunk Ankle

4 Hypothesized Mechanisms of Action & Benefits
Facilitating joint and muscle re-alignment by strengthening weakened muscles Improving circulation of blood and lymph by increasing interstitial space Decreasing pain through reduction in pressure on nocioceptors Repositioning subluxed joints by relieving abnormal muscle tension Increasing proprioception through stimulation of cutaneous mechanoreceptors

5 Cervical Neck Pathologies
Whiplash Associated Disorders (WAD’s) “Whiplash is an acceleration-deceleration mechanism of energy transfer to the neck” Incidence rate varies but 677 per 100,000 inhabitants Mechanical Neck Pain/Dysfunction 1 year prevalence: 16.7% % Neck pain and dysfunction results in substantial disability and costs. Determining the most appropriate intervention remains a priority for researchers…

6 Short-Term Effects of Cervical Kinesio Taping on Pain and Cervical Range of Motion in Patients with Acute Whiplash Injury: A Randomized Clinical Trial Javier Gonzalez-Iglesias et Al. 2009 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy

7 Purpose & Design Purpose
To determine the short-term effects of Kinesio Taping, applied to the cervical spine, on neck pain and cervical range of motion in individuals with acute whiplash-associated disorders (WADs) Design: RCT with 41 patients Mean age 33 years; 21 females Experimental Group: KT with tension Control: sham KT without tension

8 Methods & Measures Inclusion Criteria: Acute onset (within 40 days)
Met Quebec Task Force Classification of WAD II Neck Pain symptoms Musculoskeletal signs (restricted ROM) Exclusion Criteria: Concussion LOC Head/Upper Quadrant injury Sought treatment prior to their accident for neck pain Previous history of whiplash, neck pain, HA’s, psychiatric condition Neurologic/circulatory disorders Somatic disorders (fibro) Current claim for litigation or compensation

9 Methods & Measures Cont.
Outcome Measures: NPRS: 0 – 10 1.3 point MDC / 2.1 MCID Cervical ROM: CROM Device Neck Disability Index 0-50 5 MDC / 7 MCID Timeline of Measurements Baseline Immediately after taping 24 hour follow-up

10 KT Taping Technique Videos
Preparation of the tape Application of the tape Placebo tape

11 Results Experimental group experienced a statistically significant greater reduction in neck pain immediately post-application and at 24 hr follow-up than control. Experimental group obtained a statistically significant greater improvement in cervical range of motion than control.


13 Limitations & Conclusion
Small single clinic sample size Only short-term focus Does not include multi-modal approach (combination therapy) Wash out period of 72 hrs for pain meds Conclusion: Pts with acute WAD receiving an application of Kinesio Taping, applied with proper tension, exhibited statistically significant improvements in pain and CROM. However improvements were small and may not be clinically meaningful Future research is needed! Active exercise Despite the statistically significant between group differences, the clinical effectiveness of Kinesio Taping for reducing pain and improving cervical ROM the changes were small and possibly of minimal clinical difference.

14 Short-Term Effects of Kinesio Taping Versus Cervical Thrust Manipulation in Patients With Mechanical Neck Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial Manuel Saavedra-Hernandez et Al. 2012 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy

15 Purpose & Design Purpose Design: RCT of 80 total patients
To compare the effectiveness of cervical spine thrust manipulation to that of Kinesio Taping applied to the neck in individuals with mechanical neck pain, using self-reported pain and disability and cervical range of motion measures. Design: RCT of 80 total patients Mean age 45 yrs; 46.5% female Group 1: Kinesio Taping Group 2: Manipulations

16 Methods & Measures Inclusion Criteria: Exclusion Criteria:
Idiopathic “mechanical neck pain” Exclusion Criteria: Contraindications to neck manipulation (fracture, osteoporosis, vertebrobasilar insufficiency etc.) History of whiplash or cervical surgery Diagnosis of cervical radiculopathy, fibromyalgia Previous spinal manipulations or Kinesio Taping Tape allergy Younger than 18 yrs, Older than 55 yrs Generalized neck or shoulder pain provoked by sustained neck postures, neck movement, or palpation of cervical musculature

17 Methods & Measures Cont.
Outcome Measures NPRS: 0 – 10 1.3 point MDC / 2.1 MCID Cervical ROM: CROM Device 3.6 – 6.5 MDC Neck Disability Index: 0-50 5 MDC / 7 MCID Timeline of Measurements Baseline 1 week later MDC: minimal detectable change MCID: Minimal clinically important difference

18 Group 1 & Group 2 Interventions
Cervico-thoracic junction manipulation Mid-cervical Manipulation Kinesio Taping Same KT technique as previous study

19 Group 2: Manipulation Group 1: Kinesio Taping
Same taping technique as previous study Group 2: Thrust Manipulations Received two manipulations Mid-cervical Spine Cervico-thoracic Junction

20 Results Pain: ROM: NDI:
Kinesio Taping and Cervical Spine Manipulation had similar effects and reduced pain Decrease in neck pain values surpassed the 2.1 MCID (greater than earlier study) ROM: Group 2: Manipulation experienced a greater increase in cervical rotation ROM than those receiving Kinesio Taping. Statistically significant changes but did not surpass MDC Similar effects between the 2 groups with all other ROM NDI: Kinesio Taping and Cervical Spine Manipulation had similar effects and reduced disability Changes were below MCID


22 Limitations & Conclusion
No placebo control group Small single clinic sample size Short term only No multi-modal approach Conclusion: Patients with mechanical neck pain who received cervical thrust manipulation or Kinesio Taping exhibited similar reductions in neck pain intensity and disability and similar changes in active cervical ROM, except for rotation. Changes in neck pain surpassed the MCID whereas changes in disability did not Changes in ROM were small and not clinically meaningful

23 Final Conclusions Research shows the Kinesio Taping has some possible effect with certain populations. It cant hurt to try, especially with patients whose chief complaint is PAIN, and cant tolerate active exercise or manipulation. Further research is needed to determine the combined effect of active therapy with the passive treatment.

24 References: Gonzalez-Iglesias J et al. Short-Term Effects of Cervical Kinesio Taping on Pain and Cervical Range of Motion in Patients with Acute Whiplash Injury: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JOSPT. July 2009; Volume 39:Number Williams S, Whatman C, Hume P, Sherrin K. Kinesio Taping in Treatment and Prevention of Sports Injuries. A Meta Analysis of the Evidence for its Effectiveness. Sports Med 2011; dol; / Saavedra-Hernandez M et al. Short Term Effects of Kinesio Taping Versus Cervical Thrust Manipulation in Patients with Mechanical Neck Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JOSPT. August 2012; Volume 42: Number

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