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Activity 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Activity 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Activity 3

2 1.) Write The Question You Are Investigating
How does the mass of an object affect the amount of PE and KE it has?

3 2.)Write What You Think Will Happen
If we drop 2 spheres of different masses from the same height, then the __________ sphere will…

4 3.) List The Materials You Will Use
2 Spheres Meter Stick and measuring tape Spring Scale Cloth bag Sand

5 4.) Write The Steps You Will Take
Weigh the spheres Drop a heavy sphere from 1 meter height into sand and measure the indent it makes (x3) Repeat step 2 but with the wooden sphere Record data

6 5.) Make A Chart To Organize Your Data
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average Wooden Sphere __5__ g Steel Sphere __70__ g Observations:

7 Rewrite your hypothesis to make it correct
Conclusion Claim: Write your hypothesis if correct OR Rewrite your hypothesis to make it correct I believe that if…..then….

8 Conclusion Evidence: Explain what your data tells us (patterns you see) From the experiment, the data showed that… Also include observations I noticed that…

9 Conclusion Reasoning: Make connections from what you already to know to what you just learned Key words/ concepts to include: Potential Energy Kinetic Energy Gravity Mass Same mass/ different mass Same heights/Different heights

10 Conclusion Future: What would I do differently next time and why?
If I were to do this experiment again I would …. because….

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