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Study amongst Teens in EMEA Markets – Jan 09

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1 Study amongst Teens in EMEA Markets – Jan 09

2 Study Background Study Objectives
Understand awareness levels towards online safety and measures among Teens Study the general online habits. Methodology Teens in the age group between were invited to participate in an online study . A structured questionnaire was developed inline with the study objectives Geography EMEA markets comprising UK , Denmark, Austria, Finland, Italy, Norway, Spain, Switzerland, Ireland and Portugal. Sampling Random Sampling among MSN visitors Survey Time frame Jan 2009 UK Denmark Austria Finland Italy Norway Spain Switzerland Ireland Portugal N-size 2761 1281 64 8448 2049 875 2773 494 233 2787

3 Executive Summary Online Safety & Privacy Online Bullying
Teens reported limited restrictions on the use of internet from parents. Closer to 2/3rd in Portugal and UK reported no online restrictions. When it comes to reporting online risk majority prefer reporting to their parents followed by friends. Teens across markets claim to be aware of the risks of being online (80%+ in Finland, 70%+ in Ireland, Norway, Portugal, Switzerland & UK and 50%+ in Austria, Italy). Finland & Switzerland reported high percentage (46%) of users posting images/personal information online followed by teens in Ireland and UK (45% and 44% respectively). Teens prefer asking friends before posting their pictures online. Surprisingly, few teens across markets think young people respect others privacy online. Majority use privacy settings to restrict people from seeing personal information and images online. Online Bullying Online bullying is limited with lowest in Italy, where only 10% claim to have been bullied online. Switzerland (14%), Norway (17%) and Denmark (18%) top the list, claiming to have been bullied frequently either individually or in group. Most online bullying takes place on IM, Social Networking & . Most do not report online bullying and agree that internet makes online bully easier.


5 Do your parents restrict your use of the internet?
Parent mostly do not restrict use of internet among teens. This is observed most among Portugal, UK and Switzerland. Spain, Norway and Finland are exceptions with highest restriction levels. 28% in Norway and 21% in Spain witness the highest restrictions agree that there are certain things they cannot do online due to restrictions. Do your parents restrict your use of the internet? Not at all Not often, only sometimes Yes but I can get round the restrictions online Yes, there are certain things I cant do online

6 Who would you most likely go to if you felt at risk online?
When it comes to reporting online risk, parents and friends are most looked upon. Half in Spain say they would go to their parents if they felt risk online, followed by Norway (42%), Portugal (40%), Italy (40%). A high 41% of users in Ireland say they would approach their friends followed by UK (39%). Who would you most likely go to if you felt at risk online? Other Search online for help Site administrator Friends Teacher Police My parents

7 Have you ever been told about the risks of being online?
Most of the respondents claimed that they been told about the risks of being online (80%+ in Finland, 70%+ in Ireland, Norway, Portugal, Switzerland and UK and 50%+ in Austria, Italy). 21% in Denmark, 16% in Spain and 15% in Italy are not aware of the risk associated with being online. Have you ever been told about the risks of being online? Only a bit Yes No

8 Do you post images of yourself and/or personal information up online?
Despite high awareness levels towards online risk, closer to half in Finland (46%), Switzerland (46%), Ireland (45%) and UK (44%) claim to be posting images/personal information. In Italy & Spain, over 1/3rd do not post images/ personal information online, while in Denmark, Ireland and Portugal closer to half i.e. 44% upload images/ personal information as an occasional activity. Do you post images of yourself and/or personal information up online? Not all the time No Yes

9 Would you ask a friend before posting a picture of them up online?
A high 69% of the respondents in Finland say they would always ask their friends before posting pictures online. Italy, Norway and Switzerland (60%+) closely follow. 43% in Denmark and 42% in UK say they would occasionally ask their friend before posting photographs online. Would you ask a friend before posting a picture of them up online? I would sometimes ask them I would always ask them I would post it up without asking

10 Do you think young people respect each other’s privacy online?
Surprisingly, only few users across markets think young people respect each others privacy online. Over ½ in Norway, UK, Finland, Switzerland and Denmark occasionally feel young respect each others privacy online. Do you think young people respect each other’s privacy online? Sometimes No Yes

11 Majority use privacy settings to restrict people from seeing personal information & images online. Spain was an exception with 45% of the users do not use privacy settings for the same. Do you use privacy settings to restrict those who can see your personal information and images online? Sometimes No Yes


13 Have you ever experienced bullying online?
Majority of online users across countries have never experienced online bullying. A high 90% in Italy. However, online bullying is most noted in Austria, Norway and Switzerland with closer to half agreeing to witness online bullying. More than 1/3rd in these markets experienced bullying on one-off basis from an individual/group. While in Denmark, Norway, closer to 1/5th reported bullying frequently from individual/ group. Have you ever experienced bullying online? No Yes, only on a one-off basis from an individual / group Yes, frequently from an individual / group

14 In Denmark, Finland, Social Networking sites are rated highest.
Majority of online users across countries have never experienced online bullying. In markets like Austria, Norway and Switzerland around 1/3rd of the users have experienced bullying on an one-off basis from an individual/ group. In Denmark and Norway 18% and 17% of the users respectively reported bullying frequently from individual/ group. Bullying is witnessed highest on IM in Ireland (70%), Italy (45%), Norway (49%), Spain (64%), Switzerland (50%) and UK (66%). Social Networking sites follow next. In Denmark, Finland, Social Networking sites are rated highest. If yes, where on the internet has this taken place? Other Online Groups IM Blogging Sites Low sample Social Networking Sites

15 Do you think the internet makes it easier to bully?
Most agree that internet makes easy for bullying, highest among Austria, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Norway , Switzerland and UK. 36% in Italy and 35% in Spain do not agree. Do you think the internet makes it easier to bully? Don’t know No Yes Majority have never reported of any online bullying. Have you ever reported any online bullying? No Yes Q9. Have you ever reported any online bullying?


17 Norway (52%) & Denmark (43%) represented highest young teen online population (Age 14yrs), while Austria (23%) followed Italy (20%) represented elder teen group (Age 18 yrs) 18 yrs 17 yrs 16 yrs 15 yrs 14 yrs Online teen population in Norway (76%) is skewed towards females as compared to half of Finland (51%) & Spain (52%). UK is least (33%). Female Male

18 How many hours do you spend on the internet per week?
66% of the teens in UK spend more than 10 hours on internet per week. Denmark follows next with 56%, Portugal at 54% and Norway at 53%. In UK, 35% spend more than 15 hours per week on internet, followed by Denmark at 33% and Portugal at 32% How many hours do you spend on the internet per week? More than 15 hours 10 – 15 hours hours 1 – 5 hours

19 What services do you use most on the internet?
Using online groups is the most used services on internet for over 80% + teens in UK, Finland, Ireland, Spain. Also in these markets except Spain, 2/3rd use Social Networking sites. is also among the top used activity in Austria (64%); Spain (63%); Switzerland (58%); Finland (50%); Ireland (54%); Norway (41%); Italy (55%) UK (59%). What services do you use most on the internet? Others Gaming Sites IM Other Online Groups Blog Sites Social Networking

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