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SQA Examination Assembly April 2017

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1 SQA Examination Assembly April 2017
May 2nd – June 2nd 2017

2 Exam Preparation Begins Monday 8th May 2017 for pupils sitting at least 1 Nat 5 examination. ALL S6 pupils are out of school irrespective of level. Any pupils being presented at Nat 3 or 4 in ALL subjects are IN school at all times Return to school on Wednesday 31st May 2017 (New Timetable) Pupils who have exams OUTWITH these dates are entitled to the day before and the day of the exam to prepare/sit the examination

3 Exam Preparation Exams on In-Service Day - Friday 26th May - Higher Geography (am) / National 5 Geography (pm) Exams on School Holiday – Monday 29th May - Higher Administration and IT (am) / National 5 Lifeskills Maths (pm)

4 The Exams! SQA Board – Library Window Be EARLY SCN, name, seat number
Be prepared (MUST use black biro pens) Listen to invigilators Use ALL the time available Do your best

5 Important Rules No talking No notes, jotters, books at desk
No ELECTRONIC DEVICES of any kind No copying from another candidate No turning round No sharing equipment

6 Seating / Arriving Late
Your individual SQA timetable will show you your allocated seat number for each exam Make sure you know your seat number before the exam You MUST sit at your allocated desk If you arrive late for an exam, you must report to Mr Stewart or Mrs Mackie (Business Manager) immediately More than 30 mins late – NO ENTRY TO EXAMINATION

7 Absence Phone school before 8.40am
Leave a message for Mr Stewart or Mrs Mackie Medical certificate REQUIRED for an Exceptional Circumstances request along with internal evidence Medical certificate submitted to school within 3 days

8 Studying in School Must be in full school uniform
Library available – see Mrs Hunter NO studying in Dining Centre/Atrium NO wandering the building after exam Support from teachers – arrange in advance

9 Helpful information Your Exams 2017 (electronic versions available on school website and on Twitter MySQA – Tuesday 8th August receive results by text or e mail from 8am You MUST register by mid July to receive your results by text or e mail

10 Preparation – Useful information – Specimen Papers – Study Guides – Interactive Digital Zone (free resource)


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