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“Straight Talk about Vaccination”

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1 “Straight Talk about Vaccination”
Socratic Discussion & CER

2 1. Read Article As a class we will be reading the article together.
Save questions and discussion points for later

3 2. Socratic Discussion In your small groups
Discuss the article using the questions provided

4 Socratic Questions If some parents don’t want to vaccinate their children, why is that an issue for parents who do want to vaccinate their children? Wouldn’t they be protected against any infections? How does this article prove/disprove that secondary and tertiary sources can be damaging to the population. What counterargument can you give based on Wakefield’s study? Describe the articles suggestions on improving the number of parents who agree to vaccinate their child? Explain the recurring themes for parents not wanting to vaccinate their children. Describe the data the author’s investigation found in their Colorado study and compare with the Wakefield study. How can safety play a role in the vaccine argument? Conclude your thoughts on the paper and summarize key points.

5 3. CER Create a CER (Claim Evidence Reasoning) explaining your view on vaccinations and the proper way of educating new parents. Make sure to reference the article and use the discussion you had with your group


7 HOME LEARNING The following vocabulary are found in the article.
Define the words using context clues from the reading. Disease Chronic disease Skepticism Preventable Evidence Contend Persistently Pneumonia Preservatives Insidiously Flaws Debunked Misled Erroneously Grander Counterarguments Convulsions Proactive Inoculations Peril Adequate Vaccines Infer Reassurances Allotted Hypothesis Broad Circumference Theory Vague Heart murmur Rigorously Prenatal class Disheartening Autism Recurring Susceptible Side effects Dismantling Immune system Speculative

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