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Intro to aimsweb Plus September 12, 2016

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1 Intro to aimsweb Plus September 12, 2016
Jane Sturgell, S. Psy. S., NCSP School Psychologist & MTSS Consultant

2 MTSS CELEBRATIONS CBMs within one system (aimsweb Plus) with Digital Record Forms (DRF) and Test Nav app Creating EasyCBM Rosters and Uploading to Data Director Hand scoring and data entry for M-Comp Hand scoring and data entry for MLPP Introducing Standards Based Assessments (SBA) Vocabulary Reading Comprehension Math Concepts & Applications MLPP is now optional to help guide instruction / intervention with no deadlines or data entry. Used for diagnostic purposes versus screener

3 ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW Update all CBMs to new assessments from aimsweb Plus (Eliminate: AIMSweb M-Comp, EasyCBM Math / Word Reading & DIBELS Next) Add M-Step in Grades 4-8 as Fall data point only Add Brigance & PEARL to Fall Kindergarten Add SRI to Grade 2 MLPP assessments optional Update social-emotional / behavior screener to SRSS-IE (K-6) Eliminating --- AIMSweb Mcomp (8 minutes), DIBELS reading assessments and EasyCBM – 3 math assessments K-6, Word Reading assessment grades 2-3 K = added Brigance Screener & PEARL – administered by Speech Pathologist as part of Story Champs (doing anyway) 2nd grade SRI = was doing this anyway but is now a data point Behavior screener – no longer two separate assessments, now in one Excel sheet

Fall: Testing Window 9/19-9/30/16 SRI: September 19-23 DRA: 1st & 2nd September 19-23 DRA: 3rd - 6th September 26-30 aimsweb Plus: K-8 September 19-30 SRSS-IE (Behavior Screener in K-6): October 17-28 Winter: Testing Window 1/16/17 - 1/27/16 Specifics to come Spring: Testing Window 5/15/17 - 5/26/17 SRI window – tighter

5 WEEBLY Please continue to utilize the Curriculum Weebly:
Continually updating weebly, assessment timelines, etc. Most up to date information will be dated when modified

6 Tentative Fall Data Review Dates
*Central Office will assign floating subs to each building. Building Principals will create the schedule for the day(s) Twain Friday 10/7/16 Eisenhower Friday 10/7/16 & Monday 10/10/16 AM only Disney Tuesday 10/11/16 Salk Monday 10/10/16 AM only & Tuesday 10/11/16 Emerson Thursday 10/13/16 Edison Thursday 10/13/16 & Friday 10/14/16 AM only

7 Data Review Attendees Attendees include: Entire Grade Level Team, Building Principal, MTSS Building Liaison, Resource Room Teacher, Teacher Consultant, School Psychologist, Speech-Language Pathologist & School Social Worker. Additional staff per building discretion. Fall 2016 MTSS Building Liaisons: Disney - Jane Sturgell Edison - Katie Fitzpatrick Eisenhower - Kristin Reilly Emerson - Merri Lee Day / Jenna Shier Fraser High School - Helena Fisher / Jenna Shier Richards - Merri Lee Day / Mary Thompson Salk - Katie Burlingame Twain - Jane Sturgell

All NEW measures with strong technical adequacy “Digital record forms” for Kindergarten / First Grade “Digital record forms” for Oral Reading Fluency (Grades 1-6) Online, Group administered assessments for Grades 2-6 in “Test Nav” Eliminates paper / hand scoring  Eliminates calculating raw scores  Eliminates data entry! Reporting capabilities AIMSWEB Fall Assessments – completed by intervention staff (Not GE teacher) – School – Wide assessment team (SWAT) Teachers will still do their own DRAs and help proctor group AIMSweb assessments Digital Record Forms – one on one; student has hard copy of materials, teacher scores on iPad/MacBook Oral Reading Fluency – one on one (DIBELS); student has hard copy of materials, teacher scores on iPad/MacBook Grades 2+ - Test Nav app (teachers and interventionists help students get logged in to app – each student has a unique username and password like MStep

9 Estimated Testing Time
Grade Reading Math K 1 minute/student 10 minutes/student 1 3 – 7 minutes/student 2 *20 – 30 minutes/class 20-25 minutes/class 3 *25 – 45 minutes/class 20-30 minutes/class 4 5 6 Estimation only as some assessments are not timed *ALL K/1 assessments are done 1:1 *Oral Reading Fluency is done 1:1 for all grades, but every other assessment in 2-6 is done in a group / whole class * All measures in grades 2-6 are completed whole group on iPad except Oral reading Fluency

10 Estimated Testing Time
Grade Reading Math 7 *10-15 minutes/class 25-35 minutes/class 8 Estimation only as some assessments are not timed *ALL K/1 assessments are done 1:1 *Oral Reading Fluency is done 1:1 for all grades, but every other assessment in 2-6 is done in a group / whole class * All measures in grades 7-8 are completed whole group on iPad except Oral reading Fluency

MLPP Letter ID **MLPP given to dig deeper** MLPP Sound ID DIBELS First Sound Fluency NEW aimsweb Plus Letter Naming Fluency (DRF) DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency (Winter / Spring) NEW aimsweb Plus Letter Word-Sound Fluency (DRF) (Winter / Spring) DRA (Winter / Spring) DIBELS Phoneme Segmentation NEW PEARL NEW Brigance (Fall only) Fall Kindergarteners are not usually tiered anyway --- MLPP is optional, flexible on time – when they want and IF they want to assess to help guide instruction – but do not need to have scores entered into Data Director or prepared for a data meeting DRF = digital report form (all one-on-one but interventionist scores on iPad/MacBook)

MATH EasyCBM Numbers / Operations aimsweb Plus Quantity Total Fluency (DRF) EasyCBM Measurement aimsweb Plus Number Naming Fluency (DRF) EasyCBM Geometry aimsweb Plus Concepts & Applications SBA (DRF) End of Trimester Test DRF = digital report form (all one-on-one but interventionist scores on iPad/MacBook)

13 KINDERGARTEN Fall Reading Fall Math Brigance Screener
PEARL (administered by SLP within first 2 weeks of school) aimsweb Plus Letter Naming Fluency (student says the names of visually presented letters for one minute, 1:1 with examiner using a digital record form) Fall Math aimsweb Plus Number Naming Fluency (student verbally names numbers up to 20 for one minute, 1:1 with examiner using a digital record form) aimsweb Plus Quantity Total Fluency (student states total number of dots within each box or pairs of boxes for one minute, 1:1 with examiner using a digital record form) aimsweb Plus Concepts & Applications SBA (student mentally solves various types of math problems, 1:1 with examiner using a digital record form – untimed 5-10 minutes) Examples of AIMSweb at the end

**MLPP given to dig deeper** MLPP Sound ID DIBELS Nonsense Word Correct Letter Sounds NEW aimsweb Plus Letter Word-Sound Fluency DRF (Fall only) DIBELS Nonsense Word Whole Words Read NEW aimsweb Plus Word Reading Fluency (DRF) DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency (3 stories - Winter / Spring) NEW aimsweb Plus Oral Reading Fluency DRF (2 stories – Fall/Winter/Spring) DRA NEW aimsweb Plus Auditory Vocabulary DRF (Winter / Spring)

15 FIRST GRADE CROSS WALK MATH 2015-16 2016-17
EasyCBM Numbers / Operations aimsweb Plus Number Comparison Fluency Pairs (DRF) EasyCBM Geometry aimsweb Plus Math Facts Fluency – One Digit (DRF) EasyCBM Numbers, Operations & Algebra aimsweb Plus Concepts & Applications SBA (DRF) End of Trimester Test M-Comp

16 FIRST GRADE Fall First Grade Reading First Grade Math DRA
aimsweb Plus Letter Word Sound Fluency (student says sounds of letter, syllables and words for one minute, 1:1 with an examiner using a digital record form) aimsweb Plus Word Reading Fluency (student reads a list aloud for one minute, 1:1 with an examiner using a digital record form) aimsweb Plus Oral Reading Fluency (student reads two different stories aloud for one minute each, 1:1 with an examiner using a digital record form) First Grade Math aimsweb Plus Math Facts Fluency – 1 Digit (student mentally solves simple addition and subtraction problems with numbers 0-10 for one minute, 1:1 with an examiner using a digital record form) aimsweb Plus Number Comparison Fluency – Pairs (student identifies which of two numbers is larger for each pair for one minute, 1:1 with an examiner using a digital record form) aimsweb Plus Concepts & Applications SBA (student mentally solves various types of math problems, 1:1 with examiner using a digital record form untimed - 7 – 10 min) End of Trimester Math Assessment Oral Reading Fluency starts Fall of 1st grade & only do 2 stories (DIBELS Next --- had 3 stories and started in January)

READING DIBELS Nonsense Word Correct Letter Sounds NEW aimsweb Plus Vocabulary SBA (Test Nav) DIBELS Nonsense Word Whole Words Read NEW aimsweb Plus Passage Comprehension SBA (Test Nav) DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency (3 stories - Winter / Spring) NEW aimsweb Plus Oral Reading Fluency DRF (2 stories – Fall/Winter/Spring) EasyCBM Word Reading Fluency NEW SRI DRA BLUE Font = taken on iPad. Students use a unique username / password to log in to the Test Nav app

MATH EasyCBM Numbers / Operations aimsweb Plus Number Comparison Fluency Triads (Test Nav) EasyCBM Measurement aimsweb Plus Mental Computation Fluency (Test Nav) EasyCBM Numbers, Operations & Algebra aimsweb Plus Concepts & Applications SBA (Test Nav) End of Trimester Test M-Comp BLUE Font = taken on iPad. Students use a unique username / password to log in to the Test Nav app

19 SECOND GRADE Fall Reading Fall Math SRI DRA
aimsweb Plus Oral Reading Fluency (student reads two different stories aloud for one minute each, 1:1 with an examiner using a digital record form) aimsweb Plus Vocabulary SBA (student identifies meanings of words – multiple choice, untimed – 4–8 minutes in Test Nav) aimsweb Plus Passage Comprehension SBA (student reads six passages and answers MC questions, untimed minutes in Test Nav) Fall Math aimsweb Plus Number Comparison Fluency – Triads (student mentally solves multiple choice magnitude problems for 3 minutes in Test Nav) aimsweb Plus Mental Computation Fluency (student solves multiple choice math computation problems for 4 minutes in Test Nav) aimsweb Plus Concepts & Applications SBA (student mentally solves various types of math problems in Test Nav, untimed - 7–25 min) End of Trimester Math Assessment BLUE Font = taken on iPad. Students use a unique username / password to log in to the Test Nav app

DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency NEW aimsweb Plus Oral Reading Fluency DRF (2 stories) EasyCBM Word Reading Fluency NEW aimsweb Plus Vocabulary SBA (Test Nav) SRI DRA NEW aimsweb Plus Passage Comprehension SBA (Test Nav) BLUE Font = taken on iPad. Students use a unique username / password to log in to the Test Nav app

21 THIRD GRADE CROSS WALK MATH 2015-16 2016-17
EasyCBM Numbers / Operations aimsweb Plus Number Comparison Fluency Triads (Test Nav) EasyCBM Geometry aimsweb Plus Mental Computation Fluency (Test Nav) EasyCBM Numbers, Operations & Algebra aimsweb Plus Concepts & Applications SBA (Test Nav) End of Trimester Test M-Comp BLUE Font = taken on iPad. Students use a unique username / password to log in to the Test Nav app

22 THIRD GRADE Fall Reading Fall Math SRI DRA
aimsweb Plus Oral Reading Fluency (student reads two different stories aloud for one minute each, 1:1 with an examiner using a digital record form) aimsweb Plus Vocabulary SBA (student identifies meaning of words – multiple choice, untimed – 4–8 minutes in Test Nav) aimsweb Plus Passage Comprehension SBA (student reads six passages and answers MC questions, untimed minutes in Test Nav) Fall Math aimsweb Plus Number Comparison Fluency – Triads (student mentally solves multiple choice magnitude problems for 3 minutes in Test Nav) aimsweb Plus Mental Computation Fluency (student solves multiple choice math computation problems for 4 minutes in Test Nav) aimsweb Plus Concepts & Applications SBA (student mentally solves various types of math problems in Test Nav, untimed - 7–25 min) End of Trimester Math Assessment BLUE Font = taken on iPad. Students use a unique username / password to log in to the Test Nav app

READING SRI DRA DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency NEW aimsweb Plus Oral Reading Fluency DRF (2 stories) NEW aimsweb Plus Vocabulary SBA (Test Nav) NEW aimsweb Plus Silent Reading Fluency (Test Nav) NEW aimsweb Plus Passage Comprehension SBA (Test Nav) M-Step (Fall only) BLUE Font = taken on iPad. Students use a unique username / password to log in to the Test Nav app

MATH EasyCBM Numbers / Operations aimsweb Plus Number Comparison Fluency Triads (Test Nav) EasyCBM Measurement aimsweb Plus Mental Computation Fluency (Test Nav) EasyCBM Numbers, Operations & Algebra aimsweb Plus Concepts & Applications SBA (Test Nav) End of Trimester Test M-Comp M-Step (Fall only) BLUE Font = taken on iPad. Students use a unique username / password to log in to the Test Nav app

25 FOURTH GRADE Fall Reading Fall Math SRI DRA
aimsweb Plus Oral Reading Fluency (student reads two different stories aloud for one minute each, 1:1 with an examiner using a digital record form) aimsweb Plus Vocabulary SBA (student identifies meanings of words – multiple choice, untimed – 4–8 minutes in Test Nav) aimsweb Plus Passage Comprehension SBA (student reads six passages and answers MC questions, untimed minutes in Test Nav) aimsweb Plus Silent Reading Fluency (student reads 3 stories divided into 4 parts and answers multiple choice questions about each story in Test Nav – untimed – 4-6 minutes) M-Step (Fall only) Fall Math aimsweb Plus Number Comparison Fluency – Triads (student mentally solves multiple choice magnitude problems for 3 minutes in Test Nav) aimsweb Plus Mental Computation Fluency (student solves multiple choice math computation problems for 4 minutes in Test Nav) aimsweb Plus Concepts & Applications SBA (student mentally solves various types of math problems in Test Nav, untimed - 7–25 min) End of Trimester Math Assessment BLUE Font = taken on iPad. Students use a unique username / password to log in to the Test Nav app

DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency NEW aimsweb Plus Oral Reading Fluency DRF (2 stories) NEW aimsweb Plus Vocabulary SBA (Test Nav) NEW aimsweb Plus Silent Reading Fluency (Test Nav) NEW aimsweb Plus Passage Comprehension SBA (Test Nav) M-Step (Fall only) BLUE Font = taken on iPad. Students use a unique username / password to log in to the Test Nav app

27 FIFTH GRADE CROSS WALK MATH 2015-16 2016-17
EasyCBM Numbers / Operations aimsweb Plus Number Comparison Fluency Triads (Test Nav) EasyCBM Geometry, Measurement & Algebra aimsweb Plus Mental Computation Fluency (Test Nav) EasyCBM Numbers, Operations & Algebra aimsweb Plus Concepts & Applications SBA (Test Nav) End of Trimester Test M-Comp M-Step (Fall only) BLUE Font = taken on iPad. Students use a unique username / password to log in to the Test Nav app

28 FIFTH GRADE Fall Reading Fall Math SRI DRA
aimsweb Plus Oral Reading Fluency (student reads two different stories aloud for one minute each, 1:1 with an examiner using a digital record form) aimsweb Plus Vocabulary SBA (student identifies meanings of words – multiple choice, untimed – 4-8 minutes in Test Nav) aimsweb Plus Passage Comprehension SBA (student reads six passages and answers MC questions, untimed minutes in Test Nav) aimsweb Plus Silent Reading Fluency (student reads 3 stories divided into 4 parts and answers multiple choice questions about each story in Test Nav – untimed – 4-6 minutes) M-Step (Fall only) Fall Math aimsweb Plus Number Comparison Fluency – Triads (student mentally solves multiple choice magnitude problems for 3 minutes in Test Nav) aimsweb Plus Mental Computation Fluency (student solves multiple choice math computation problems for 4 minutes in Test Nav) aimsweb Plus Concepts & Applications SBA (student mentally solves various types of math problems in Test Nav, untimed - 7–25 min) End of Trimester Math Assessment BLUE Font = taken on iPad. Students use a unique username / password to log in to the Test Nav app

DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency NEW aimsweb Plus Oral Reading Fluency DRF (2 stories) NEW aimsweb Plus Vocabulary SBA (Test Nav) NEW aimsweb Plus Silent Reading Fluency (Test Nav) NEW aimsweb Plus Passage Comprehension SBA (Test Nav) M-Step (Fall only) BLUE Font = taken on iPad. Students use a unique username / password to log in to the Test Nav app

30 SIXTH GRADE CROSS WALK MATH 2015-16 2016-17
EasyCBM Numbers / Operations aimsweb Plus Number Comparison Fluency Triads (Test Nav) EasyCBM Algebra aimsweb Plus Mental Computation Fluency (Test Nav) EasyCBM Numbers, Operations & Ratios aimsweb Plus Concepts & Applications SBA (Test Nav) End of Trimester Test M-Comp M-Step (Fall only) BLUE Font = taken on iPad. Students use a unique username / password to log in to the Test Nav app

31 SIXTH GRADE Fall Reading Fall Math SRI DRA
aimsweb Plus Oral Reading Fluency (student reads two different stories aloud for one minute each, 1:1 with an examiner using a digital record form) aimsweb Plus Vocabulary SBA (student identifies meanings of words – multiple choice, untimed – 4-8 minutes in Test Nav) aimsweb Plus Passage Comprehension SBA (student reads six passages and answers MC questions, untimed minutes in Test Nav) aimsweb Plus Silent Reading Fluency (student reads 3 stories divided into 4 parts and answers multiple choice questions about each story in Test Nav – untimed – 4-6 minutes) M-Step (Fall only) Fall Math aimsweb Plus Number Comparison Fluency – Triads (student mentally solves multiple choice magnitude problems for 3 minutes in Test Nav) aimsweb Plus Mental Computation Fluency (student solves multiple choice math computation problems for 4 minutes in Test Nav) aimsweb Plus Concepts & Applications SBA (student mentally solves various types of math problems in Test Nav, untimed - 7–25 min) End of Trimester Math Assessment BLUE Font = taken on iPad. Students use a unique username / password to log in to the Test Nav app

32 SEVENTH GRADE Fall Reading Fall Math SRI
aimsweb Plus Vocabulary SBA (student identifies meanings of words – multiple choice, untimed – 4-8 minutes in Test Nav) aimsweb Plus Silent Reading Fluency (student reads 3 stories divided into 4 parts and answers multiple choice questions about each story in Test Nav – untimed – 4-6 minutes) M-Step (Fall only) Fall Math aimsweb Plus Number Comparison Fluency – Triads (student mentally solves multiple choice magnitude problems for 3 minutes in Test Nav) aimsweb Plus Mental Computation Fluency (student solves multiple choice math computation problems for 4 minutes in Test Nav) aimsweb Plus Concepts & Applications SBA (student mentally solves various types of math problems in Test Nav, untimed - 7–25 min) BLUE Font = taken on iPad. Students use a unique username / password to log in to the Test Nav app

33 EIGHTH GRADE Fall Reading Fall Math SRI
aimsweb Plus Vocabulary SBA (student identifies meanings of words – multiple choice, untimed – 4-8 minutes in Test Nav) aimsweb Plus Silent Reading Fluency (student reads 3 stories divided into 4 parts and answers multiple choice questions about each story in Test Nav – untimed – 4-6 minutes) M-Step (Fall only) Fall Math aimsweb Plus Number Comparison Fluency – Triads (student mentally solves multiple choice magnitude problems for 3 minutes in Test Nav) aimsweb Plus Mental Computation Fluency (student solves multiple choice math computation problems for 4 minutes in Test Nav) aimsweb Plus Concepts & Applications SBA (student mentally solves various types of math problems in Test Nav, untimed - 7–25 min) BLUE Font = taken on iPad. Students use a unique username / password to log in to the Test Nav app

34 Overview of aimsweb Plus
Customer ID: 4982 User Name: JaneSturgell Password: Auto-generated

35 Why use General Outcome Measurement?
Medicine measures height, weight, temperature, and/or blood pressure Federal Reserve Board measures the Consumer Price Index Wall Street measures the Dow-Jones Industrial Average Companies report earnings per share McDonald’s measures how many hamburgers they sell

36 Curriculum-Based Measurement
CBM is one type of Curriculum-Based Assessment. CBA is the direct assessment of what is taught in the classroom. CBM is a standardized set of methods for assessing students’ skills in different areas. Reading, Mathematics, Spelling and Writing Most helpful in lower elementary grades and struggling learners through grade 8 Oral Reading Fluency is the single best predictor of general reading achievement through 8th grade

37 Overview of the Measures
“How Can We Help” Measures Videos How To’s

38 Number Naming Fluency (1:1)
Kindergarten Student verbally names numbers up to 20 for one minute

39 Quantity Total Fluency (1:1)
Kindergarten Student states the total number of dots within each box or pair of boxes for one minute

40 Number Comparison Fluency – Pairs (1:1)
First Grade Student identifies which of two numbers is larger for each pair for one minute

41 Math Facts Fluency – One Digit (1:1)
First Grade Student mentally solves simple addition & subtraction problems involving numbers 0 to 10 and states the correct answer for one minute

42 Number Comparison Fluency – Triads (Group)
Second Grade to Eighth Grade Student mentally solves MC math problems, each requiring assessment of magnitude while comparing a set of three numbers, for 3 minutes on the iPad 2 practice items (self-paced)

43 Mental Computation Fluency (Group)
Second Grade to Eighth Grade Student mentally solves math computation problems for 4 minutes on the iPad 2 practice items (self-paced)

44 Concepts & Applications
Kindergarten to Eighth Grade Student solves various types of math problems (1:1 in K/1 and on the iPad in 2-8) – untimed but estimated to take 7-25 minutes 1 practice item

45 Letter Naming Fluency (1:1)
Kindergarten - Fall, Winter & Spring Student names letters (upper & lower case) for one minute

46 Auditory Vocabulary (1:1)
First Grade – Winter / Spring Student points to the picture that matches the orally presented word (untimed - estimated to take 2-4 minutes)

47 Letter Word Sound Fluency (1:1)
Kindergarten – Winter / Spring, First Grade – Fall Student says the sounds of visually presented letters, syllables & words for one minute

48 Word Reading Fluency (1:1)
First Grade Student reads a word list aloud for one minute

49 Oral Reading Fluency (1:1)
First Grade to Sixth Grade Student reads TWO stories aloud, for one minute each

50 Vocabulary (Group) Second Grade to Eighth Grade
Student identifies the meanings of target words (MC on iPad), untimed but estimated to take 4-8 minutes 1 practice item & Grade 2 = 18 questions, Grades 3 – 8 = 24 questions Audio available for all students (directions / text) Student can go back to change responses

51 Silent Reading Fluency (Group)
Fourth Grade to Eighth Grade 2 practice items Directions only able to be read aloud Student reads three stories, each divided into four brief sections and answers MC questions about each story on the iPad – untimed but estimated to take 4-6 minutes Student cannot go back to change answers (system indicates whether each question was correct or incorrect) The time students spend on each screen is captured to determine reading rates for each story Student cannot go back to change a response

52 Silent Reading Fluency (Group)

53 Passage Reading Comprehension SBA (Group)
Second Grade to Sixth Grade Student reads six passages of text and answers 4 MC questions about each passage on their iPad – untimed, but estimated to take minutes (24 questions total) Students are able to go back to correct a response Text is visible when answering questions

54 Passage Reading Comprehension SBA (Group)

55 Administration: General Considerations
Altering instructions or presentation of test forms, providing hints, giving corrective feedback or using test forms as teaching tools will invalidate results 1:1 & Online testing completed in a quiet space (limited distractions) 1:1 – position yourself so you are across from a student at a small table or the corner of a larger table If testing is spoiled (interrupted during fluency measures), students can retake the test a few days later

56 Administration: General Considerations
Accommodations – changes made to test setting, timing, presentation format or response format that minimize obstacles to perceiving / respond to test content WITHOUT changing the test – are permitted TestNav – has a menu of special accommodations tools / features for SWD (contract settings, magnifier, answering masking, show / hide line reader ORF – enlarging / modifying Special lighting, adaptive furniture, etc. Modifications – changes made to the testing process or content – are not permitted Hints Corrective feedback Extended time on timed measures (ORF, MCF, etc.)

57 Administration: Math Grades 2 - 8
No calculators are permitted on any measure Number Comparison Fluency – Triads (NCF-T) & Mental Computation Fluency (MCF) are fluency measures with strict time limits Concepts & Applications (screening only) Students are allowed scratch paper and pencil Untimed Audio available

58 Administration: Math Grades 2-8
Online measures (NCF-T, MCF and C&A) – all test directions & content are presented on iPad using the TestNav app (Self-Service) Each student will need headphones / ear buds (have student test audio before beginning) Examiners present and supervise (proctor) sessions

59 Administration: Math Grades 2-8
NCF-T – comparison of a set of 3 numbers. Student determines if the top number in the triad is closer to the value of the bottom left number, the bottom right number or exactly in between the numbers Directions / audio included 2 practice items Attempts as many as possible for 3 minutes (max 40 items – 4 items per screen) MCF – 1 or 2 step mental computation problems Attempts as many as possible for 4 minutes (max 42 items – 2 items per screen) Scoring Rules: NCF-T is combined with MCF and reported as a Number Sense Fluency (NSF) score (40 points max)

60 Administration: Math Grades 2-8
C&A – one & two step word problems 1 practice item No time limit Student attempts all items Allowed to use scratch paper / pencil to solve test items Audio is available 29-31 items (depending on grade)

61 Math: Online Test Sessions
Encourage students to take any bathroom or water breaks before testing begins Consider using a DND sign Be an active proctor Do not allow students to talk Address questions individually by going TO the student with a question Do not answer any questions about the test items themselves Encourage students to answer test items based on what they think each item is asking and to the best of their abilities Students should complete each assessment at his / her own pace Test sessions consist of several sections. Be sure each student completes all sections assigned Read script (found in Appendix A in Administration & Scoring Guide) Walk around the room to make sure students are progressing through the test and answer any questions that arise (students should remain seated)

62 Administration: Reading Grades 2-8
Online measures (VO, RC, SRF) – all test directions & content are presented on iPad using the TestNav app (Self-Service) Each student will need headphones / ear buds (have student test audio before beginning) Examiners present and supervise (proctor) sessions Oral Reading Fluency – examiner uses a DRF to admin / score, but students need a stimulus book (2 stories each for benchmarking) Directions pop up / stop watch built in Score as you go including SC and score is automatically generated

63 Reading: Online Test Sessions
Encourage students to take any bathroom or water breaks before testing begins Consider using a DND sign Be an active proctor Do not allow students to talk Address questions individually by going TO the student with a question Do not answer any questions about the test items themselves Encourage students to answer test items based on what they think each item is asking and to the best of their abilities Students should complete each assessment at his / her own pace Test sessions consist of several sections. Be sure each student completes all sections assigned Read script (found in Appendix A in Administration & Scoring Guide) Walk around the room to make sure students are progressing through the test and answer any questions that arise (student should remain seated)

64 Oral Reading Fluency (ORF)
MUST complete online portions (Grades 2+) before you can assess ORF 1:1 using a Digital Record Form (DRF) - just like AIMSweb 1.0 Live) Directions appear in bold on screen Preview student passage to make sure it matches Begin when student begins reading Allow 3 seconds for the student to respond (timer in top right corner) Allow 10 seconds for student to sound out / subvocalize before saying the word and marking it incorrect Mark skipped lines, but do not redirect or give corrective feedback If student self-corrects within 3 seconds, record response as correct (re-click word)

65 ORF “When I say Begin, start reading aloud at the top of this page. Read across the page (demonstrate by moving finger across the page). Try to read each word. Ready? Begin.” After 1 minute, say “Stop” & record last word student read. For Benchmarking, have student turn to the second story page and say: “Let’s try another one. Be sure to do your best reading. Ready? Begin.” Note: if a student finishes in less than one minute, click the pause button and select “Score Completed Form” from the pop-up menu Discontinue rule: if student reads 10 or fewer words on the first story, do not administer the second story. Click the pause icon and select “Discontinue Form” from the pop-up menu

66 ORF Words are incorrect if: Do not penalize for: A word is skipped
Any sound in a word is mispronounced A different word is substituted A word is not read in its proper sequence An abbreviation is read rather than the full word it presents The student self-corrects after 3 seconds have elapsed, or No attempt is made within 3 seconds Do not penalize for: Self-corrections made within 3 seconds Repeated words Inserted words Regional dialects, or Articulation disorders

67 To assess ORF: Open Digital Record Form
Click “Students” & “Benchmark Comparison”


69 aimsweb Plus Terms (PLAAFP & SLA)
PM slightly below proficient (Below Average range) Percentile Range Descriptor Color 90 – 99 Well Above Average Blue 75 – 89 Above Average Turquoise 26 – 74 Average Green ***11 – 25*** ***Below Average*** ***Yellow*** 0 – 10 Well Below Average Orange

70 PR Tables: Click on Groups, Norms Tables, Select Measure & Grade (Expand out PR)

71 SRF If SRF score is considered invalid, system will not provide a Reading Composite

72 Individual Benchmark Report

73 Score Snapshot

74 Skills Plan

75 Skills Plan Continued

76 Adding Survey Level Assessments
Click on Student’s Profile & then SLA Click PLUS sign to add new assessment

77 Survey Level Assessments
Example #1 Example #2

78 Early Literacy (K/1)

79 Early Literacy (K/1) General Considerations (Same)
Print Concepts, Initial Sounds, Auditory Vocabulary, Phoneme Segmentation are untimed Fluency measures have strict time limits Students can become frustrated when pushed too quickly so use professional judgment Unless noted use a wait time of 3-5 seconds for an answer Paper presentation of student test forms (REQUIRED) Screening takes minutes total DRF includes all instructions needed to administer including what to say when the student provides a correct / incorrect response Scores calculated automatically Able to review responses and make changes if needed before submitting (due to self-corrections) NOTE: Should administer at least once to an appropriately aged child to ensure you are comfortable with all aspects of testing

80 Letter Naming Fluency (Fall K)
Student names upper & lower-case letters for one minute (100 possible) Wait rule: 3-5 seconds Discontinue rule: If student incorrectly Names 10 consecutively letters w/o SC, Click the pause icon and select “Discontinue Form” from pop-up menu

81 Letter Naming Fluency (Fall K)
Letter names are incorrect if: A letter sound is made rather than saying the name (after giving corrective feedback once) A letter is skipped Another letter name is given The student self-corrects after 3 seconds have elapse, or No letter name is given within 3 seconds Do not penalize for: Self-corrections within 3 seconds A response of either i or L for a lower-case L Regional dialects, or Articulation difficulties Note: if the student finishes in less than 1 minute, click the pause button and select “Score Completed Form” from the pop-up menu

82 Letter-Word Sound Fluency (K Winter / Spring & Fall 1st)
Part 1: Student sees rows of boxes containing 3 letters, and makes each letter sound Part 2: Student sees boxes that contain a consonant, a vowel-consonant and a CVC word, and makes the corresponding sounds Maximum score is 75 points Student says as many sounds as possible in 1 minute Place pages in front of student in order and so that only the first page is visible Wait rule: 3-5 seconds before saying the answer and marking it incorrect; on a syllable or word, allow 10 seconds for the student to sound out or subvocalize before saying the answer and marking it incorrect Discontinue rule: Student produces sounds for 10 consecutive letters w/o SC, click pause and select “Discontinue Form” from the pop-up menu Note: if the student finishes in less than 1 minute, click the pause button and select “Score Completed Form” from the pop-up menu

83 Letter-Word Sound Fluency (K Winter / Spring & Fall 1st)
Student must provide the most common sound of the letter (if the student says a less common sound, score it as an error) Vowels should be the short-vowel sound SEE: Common Sounds Pronunciation Guide (Table A1 Appendix A)

84 Letter-Word Sound Fluency (K Winter / Spring & Fall 1st)

85 Letter-Word Sound Fluency (K Winter / Spring & Fall 1st)
Sounds / words are incorrect if: A letter is named (after giving corrective feedback once) The whole CVC word is said rather than making the word-part sound A sound or sounds are omitted Other sounds / words are substituted The student SC after 3 seconds have elapsed, or No sound is made within 3 seconds Do not penalize for: SC within 3 seconds Regional dialects, or Articulation difficulties

86 Word Reading Fluency Student sees columns of words and reads as many as possible for 1 minute Maximum of 99 words Allow 3-5 seconds for the student to respond before saying the word and marking it incorrect Allow 10 seconds for the student to sound out or subvocalize before saying the word and marking it incorrect If a student skips an entire column, point to the first word in the skipped column and say: This one is next Discontinue rule: if a student incorrectly pronounced 10 consecutive words w/o SC, click pause and select “Discontinue Form” from the pop-up menu Note: if the student finishes in less than 1 minute, click the pause button and select “Score Completed Form” from the pop-up menu

87 WRF Words are considered incorrect if: Do not penalize for:
A word is skipped Any sound in a word is mispronounced The student SC after 3 seconds have elapsed, or No attempt is made within 3 seconds Do not penalize for: SC within 3 seconds Regional dialects, or Articulation difficulties

88 Early Literacy Appendix B – Qualitative Features Checklist
Appendix C – Timing Guidelines & Discontinue Rules

89 Early Numeracy (K/1)

90 Early Numeracy (K/1) General Considerations (Same)
C&A untimed Fluency measures have strict time limits Students can become frustrated when pushed too quickly so use professional judgment Unless noted use a wait time of 3-5 seconds for an answer Paper presentation of student test forms (REQUIRED) Screening takes minutes total DRF includes all instructions needed to administer including what to say when the student provides a correct / incorrect response Scores calculated automatically Able to review responses and make changes if needed before submitting (due to self-corrections) NOTE: Should administer at least once to an appropriately aged child to ensure you are comfortable with all aspects of testing

91 Number Naming Fluency (Fall K)
Number Naming Fluency Practice Page : 2 practice items Rows of numbers (0-20) Student reads across rows for one minute (80 numbers possible) Note: if the student finishes in less than 1 minute, click the pause button and select “Score Completed Form” from the pop-up menu Discontinue rule: If the student is unable to correctly name the first 5 numbers discontinue (click “pause” and select “Discontinue Form” from the pop-up menu)

92 Quantity Total Fluency (Fall, Winter, Spring K)
Student sees rows of boxes with blue dots on each test page and states the total number of dots in each box or pair of boxes 2 practice items Student reads across rows (38 items possible) Note: if the student finishes in less than 1 minute, click the pause button and select “Score Completed Form” from the pop-up menu Discontinue rule: If the student is unable to correctly answer the first 5 items discontinue (click “pause” and select “Discontinue Form” from the pop-up menu)

93 C&A (K/1) Student solves math words problems (untimed)
Note: Some C&A items have two-part questions; students must correctly answer BOTH parts to receive credit Discontinue rule: If the student is unable to correctly name the first 5 items discontinue (click “pause” and select “Discontinue Form” from the pop-up menu) 25 items total

94 Number Comparison Fluency (Fall, Winter, Spring 1)
Student points to and names the larger number in each pair (just like TEN Quantity Discrimination from AIMSweb 1.0) for one minute 2 practice items; 50 numbers total Note: if the student finishes in less than 1 minute, click the pause button and select “Score Completed Form” from the pop-up menu Discontinue rule: If the student is unable to correctly answer the first 5 items discontinue (click “pause” and select “Discontinue Form” from the pop-up menu)

95 Math Facts Fluency – 1 Digit (1st)
Student sees rows of number pairs and solves addition / subtraction of numbers 0-10 for one minute 2 practice items (40 items possible) Note: if the student finishes in less than 1 minute, click the pause button and select “Score Completed Form” from the pop-up menu Discontinue rule: If the student is unable to correctly answer the first 5 items discontinue (click “pause” and select “Discontinue Form” from the pop-up menu)

96 Appendix A

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