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February Vocabulary Words

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1 February Vocabulary Words
Do Now (3 min) Please create this heading in your notebook: Name Date February Vocabulary Words

2 Agenda Survey (10 min) HW (2) Quick Write (15 min) Do Now (3)
February Vocabulary (20) Survey (10 min) The Holocaust: What do you already know? HW (2) Quick Write (15 min)

3 Elicit Definition: to provoke someone to draw forth a response
Part of Speech: Verb (v) Synonyms: Prompt, evoke Antonyms: Stop, ignore Example: The growling of Napoleon’s dogs was meant to elicit a fearful response from the other animals.

4 Esoteric Definition: Knowledge only understood by members of a small group Part of speech: Adjective (adj) Synonyms: Deep, profound Antonyms: Shallow, superficial Example: “The teachings of the Jewish Kabbalah are very esoteric, and only understood by people who have studied the Torah for many years.”

5 Euphemism Definition: a pleasant word or phrase used in place of one that is offensive Part of speech: Noun (n) Synonyms: Understatement, substitute Antonyms: None Examples: “the final solution” OR “I got laid off today at work” “The final solution” was a euphemism for Hitler’s horrifying master plan of exterminating all Jewish people.

6 Fastidious Definition: Particular about how you do something
Part of speech: Adjective (adj) Synonyms: Exacting, demanding Antonyms: Relaxed, careless Example: “As a teenager, Elie Wiesel was fastidious about his religious studies, and studied the details of the Talmud every night.

7 Facetious Definition: An inappropriate or insensitive joke
Part of speech: Adjective (adj) Synonyms: Humorous, foolish Antonyms: Sincere, earnest Example: “People who deny the occurrence of the Holocaust often make facetious remarks about the “suffering” prisoners must have endured.

8 Illicit Definition: forbidden or banned by law
Part of Speech: Adjective (adj) Synonyms: Prohibited, outlawed Antonyms: Lawful, legal Example: Montag would have been thrown in prison for possessing illicit materials, such as books.

9 Hiatus Definition: A period of time in which something is stopped or suspended Part of speech: Noun (n) Synonyms: Gap, Break Antonyms: Continuation, extension Example: Elie Wiesel took a ten year hiatus from speaking about the Holocaust before he wrote his memoir, Night.

10 Incessant Definition: Continuing without interruption
Part of speech: Adjective (adj) Synonyms: Perpetual, nonstop Antonyms: Discontinuous, periodical Example: The Nazi Party’s discrimination against Jews was incessant during the 1930’s and 1940’s.

11 Indigenous Definition: produced, growing, living, or occurring naturally in a particular region or environment  Part of speech: Adjective (adj) Synonyms: Natural, original Antonyms: Foreign, imported Example: Since avocados are indigenous to the state of California, they are easier to buy and sell here.

12 Infinitesimal Definition: Tiny; extremely small
Part of speech: Adjective (adj) Synonyms: Microscopic, miniscule Antonyms: Enormous, large Example: At the end of Boxer’s life, he only had an infinitesimal amount of strength left to continue working on Animal Farm.

13 The Holocaust: What do you already know?
Type in this link on your phone: Answer the questions on the survey as HONESTLY as possible! No one will see your answers but me 

14 Bring your copy of Night to class on Tuesday/Wednesday
Homework Bring your copy of Night to class on Tuesday/Wednesday 10 point extra credit grade!

15 Exit Ticket: Quick Write (15 min)
10 points Directions: Respond to the two questions below, explaining in detail your reasoning for your beliefs. You may use first person in your response. Write at least 3-5 complete sentences for each question. How does silence encourage violence?  Why are eye witness accounts, told from a first person perspective, important when telling a story?

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