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Comparative Coverages

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1 Comparative Coverages

2 “will repair leaks caused…by defects in the roofing system…”
BondCote’s good faith determination of applicability Must be installed by a BondCote Contractor No coverage of sealants, pitch pan filler, accessories, etc. “to repair any leaks in the roof caused by any defect in the membrane materials or accessories or by the workmanship of the …Contractor Neutral regarding determination of applicability Must be installed by an authorized Contractor Covers accessories

3 Building Owner Requirements
Pay all bills Sign warranty indicating acceptance of terms…return to BondCote within 30 days if issuance Notify manufacturer within 30 days of occurrence of the leak Make repairs found to be outside of warranty coverage Pay cost of investigation for leaks found to be not covered by warranty Pay all bills Sign warranty indicating acceptance of terms… Notify manufacturer within 30 days of discovery of the leak Comply with the terms of the warranty

4 Building Owner Requirements
Allow free access to the roof during regular business hours


6 “…shall have no obligation under this Limited Warranty, or any other liability, now or in the future, if a leak or damage is caused by: “…shall in no instance be held liable for any damages whatever arising from causes not fully within its control, including among other such causes:

7 Limitations (p.3) Natural forces, disasters, Acts of God including but not limited to lightning, hurricanes, tornadoes, fire, hail,winds equal to or exceeding 55mph, atomic radiation, insects or animals Damages whatever arising from causes not fully within its control including… fire, lightning, hurricanes, gales, tornadoes, floods, and earthquakes

8 Limitations (p.3) Any act(s), conduct or omission(s) by any person, or act(s) of war, which damages the system or which impairs the System’s ability to resist leaks Damage caused by intentional acts, negligence, failure of Owner to use reasonable care, accidents, including but not limited to, acts by Owner or third party, riots or vandalism

9 Limitations (p.3) Failure by the Owner to use reasonable care in maintaining the roof Failure of Owner to use reasonable care

10 Limitations (p.3) Deterioration or failure of building components, including, but not limited to, the roof substrate, walls, mortar, HVAC units, etc. Moisture entering the roof system through walls, copings, structural defects, or any part of the building structure, including from adjacent buildings

11 Limitations (p.3) Condensation or infiltration of moisture in, through, or around the walls, copings, rooftop hardware or equipment, building structure or underlying or surrounding materials Moisture entering the roof system through walls, copings, structural defects, or any part of the building structure, including from adjacent buildings

12 Limitations (p.3) Any acid, oil, harmful chemical and the like which comes in contact with the system, which damages the system, or which impairs the systems ability to resist leaks …or damages caused by chemicals not normally found in nature

13 Limitations (p.3) Alterations or repairs to the System not approved in writing by BondCote Damage caused by any unauthorized modification to said roof including, but not limited to, damage caused by unauthorized components used in installation or repair, or by additional equipment or structures added to or made a part of said roof…

14 Limitations (p.3) The architecture, engineering construction or design of the roof, roofing system, or building See d and g above

15 Limitations (p.3) A change in building use or purpose

16 Limitations (p.3) Failure to give proper notice as set forth in paragraph 2(a) above. See Building Owner’s Requirements re: leak notification period

17 Specific Exclusions Does not extend to color

18 Specific Exclusions Any act(s), conduct or omission(s) by any person, or act(s) of war, which damages the system or which impairs the System’s ability to resist leaks Damage caused by intentional acts, negligence, failure of Owner to use reasonable care, accidents, including but not limited to, acts by Owner or third party, riots or vandalism

19 BondCote Exclusions Consequential Damages, although we carry the same type of Product Liability insurance as other manufacturers

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