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APK: On your I-pad, make 2 columns: list parts of your body that help you move & parts that help you obtain resources.

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Presentation on theme: "APK: On your I-pad, make 2 columns: list parts of your body that help you move & parts that help you obtain resources."— Presentation transcript:

1 APK: On your I-pad, make 2 columns: list parts of your body that help you move & parts that help you obtain resources.

2 EQ: What structures do animals use for movement & obtaining resources?
Listen to me read the EQ. Group 1, go to group 7 & tell them the EQ. Group 2, go to group 6 & tell them the EQ. Group 3, go to group 5 & tell them the EQ. Group 4, go to group 1 & tell them the EQ. Group 5, go to group 2 & tell them the EQ. Group 6, go to group 3 & tell them the EQ. Group 7, go to group 4 & tell them the EQ. Write the EQ on your I-pad. Erase the non-important words. Tell me the important words in the EQ.

3 What will you know at the end of class?

4 Lesson Importance: WHY?????
Why do you need to know the structures animals use for movement & obtaining resources? Think of an answer. Think of an excellent answer. Think for 10 second more. Tell your group your answer. Write your answer on your board & show me.

5 Guided Practice: II. Structures for movement (allows animals to find food & escape predators & for courtship) A. Legs (strong legs-rabbit) B. Feet (snowshoe hares have large feet to travel in snow) C. Arms (starfish) D. Tails (monkeys) E. Fins (fish) F. Wings (insects) G. Body design (mice have soft bones to allow them to get through small spaces) H. Skeletons (Birds have hollow bones)

6 Legs

7 Wings

8 Feet

9 Tails

10 Body design

11 Arms

12 Fins

13 Skeleton

14 On your I-pad, list the 8 structures for movement.
Legs Feet Arms Tails Fins Wings Body design Skeletons

15 III. Structures to obtain resources
A. Allows animal to chew, tear, & eat food or drink a. mouth parts b. beaks (eagle) c. teeth (shark) d. flexible jaws (snakes can hinge jaw to open to swallow large prey) e. tongues (some butterflies have a party whistle type tongue to get to nectar) f. tube shape (worms)

16 beaks

17 teeth

18 Flexible jaws

19 tongues

20 tube shape

21 T A P P L E T I M E What are the 7 structures that allow animals to obtain resources?

22 B. Allows animal to grab & hold food
a. tentacles (octopus holds food w/ tentacles) b. pinchers (crab, lobster) c. claws (lion, cheetah) d. fangs (snakes)

23 tentacles

24 pinchers

25 claws

26 fangs

27 Elbow neighbor time Tell your elbow neighbor the 4 structures that allow an animal to grab & hold its food. Tentacles, pinchers, claws, fangs

28 C. Allows animal to consume food in water
a. filtering structures (clams) b. filter feeders (sponges)

29 Clam sponge

30 On your I-pad…..write the 2 structures that allow animals to consume food in water.
Filtering structures & filter feeders

31 Independent practice:
Make a pic collage of structures animals use to obtain resources. 5 pictures. to me.

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