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WAS LERNEN WIR UND WARUM? What are we learning and why?

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Presentation on theme: "WAS LERNEN WIR UND WARUM? What are we learning and why?"— Presentation transcript:

1 WAS LERNEN WIR UND WARUM? What are we learning and why?

2 Year 7 German: The Big Picture (1)MFL Transition Pronouncing German words Counting to 20 Spelling words in German Learning to ask simple questions and follow instructions in class (2) Meine Welt und ich Asking and answering questions Verbs: sein, wohnen, haben Using adjectives Using mein and dein (3) Familie und Tiere Practising genders and plurals Personal pronouns kann + infinitive Adjectival agreement Connectives (und, aber, oder) (4) Freizeit Using gern Using the verb spielen Giving opinions Word order: Verb 2 nd rule Talking about the future using the present tense Strategies for prediction in listening PREPARING GCSE LANGUAGE SKILLS (5) Schule ist klasse! Using weil to give reasons and opinions Using possessive pronouns sein and ihr Using prepositions in, an, auf, neben Dictionary skills (6) Gute Reise! Using es gibt and ein/kein Using ich möchte to say what you would like Future tense (werden+infinitive) Developing higher level listening and speaking skills

3 Year 8 German: The Big Picture (1)Die Kölner Clique! Form regular verbs Form common irregular verbs Use du, ihr and Sie correctly Form the past tense Use the verb second rule (2) Unterwegs Past tense with haben and sein Use the Time Manner Place rule Conjugating haben and sein Using the nominative and accusative (3) Topfit Form plurals Give instructions Form regular and common irregular verbs Use können + infinitive Use separable verbs Use the Verb 2 nd rule (4) Essen und einkaufen Talk about preferences and opinions with justifications Use er/sie/es to mean it Use prepositions + dative Use prepositions + accusative/ dative PREPARING GCSE LANGUAGE SKILLS (5) Los gehts nach Köln Use mein and dein Use the past tense (including separable verbs) Use kein/keine/keinen Ask permission Zu + dative Give instructions (6) Unter Freunden Use Möchtest du.....? Use ich muss + infinitive Use adjective endings Use ich trage + accusative Use gefallen to say what you like Use ich will + infinitive

4 Year 9 German: The Big Picture (1) Austausch Verbs: regular/ irregular Past participles: regular and common der/die/das and dieser/diese/dieses in the nominative and accusative (2) Die Schule -Opinions -Comparative -Superlative -Modal verbs (dürfen) -Future tense -Revision of 3 tenses (3) Österreich und die Umwelt -um….zu…. clauses -wenn clauses -Perfect tense revision -Using adjectives -Using modal verbs (sollen, können) (4) Medien Opinions and justifications Using the verb 2nd rule Using können + infinitive Using war / waren (imperfect tense) Using hatte / hatten (imperfect tense) PREPARING GCSE LANGUAGE SKILLS (5) Jobs und Geld Forming regular verbs Forming common irregular verbs Using dieser and welcher Using adjective endings (6) Kein Problem Using sein and ihr Using ihn and sie Using du, Sie, ihr Prepositions and cases Using connectives (weil / wenn / obwohl)

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