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The Unit Planner 2 – The Console Radio Broadcasting 4

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1 The Unit Planner 2 – The Console Radio Broadcasting 4
NAME 4 BIGGER PICTURE DATE Radio Broadcasting 4 2 LAST UNIT 1 CURRENT UNIT CURRENT UNIT 3 NEXT UNIT 2 – The Console CDs and Turntables Production in Modern Radio 8 Schedule of Activities, Assignments and Assessments 5 UNIT MAP is about... Console amplification, routing and mixing. Write & record a soft drink commercial. Write a Weekend Events calendar. Research, write & record 6 Senior Stories. Journal writing. Complete a 90 minute airshift on 1450AM. Chapter 2 test (23 questions). Understanding console functions. Operation of the console. Analog and digital consoles. Know – Console inputs, Remote broadcasts, Fader, Patching & patchbay, Submixer, Audio console features & operation, VU meters, Routing, Telephones & consoles, Amplification. Reading, writing, math, use of technology. 7 UNIT CONTENT OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL SKILLS 6 CONTENT STANDARDS 5 PBZA Demonstrate the ability to use equipment necessary to produce a journalism, broadcast or web project.

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