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Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education

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1 Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education
Internationalisation and Key Performance Indicators of the University Indrachapa Bandara, PhD Buckinghamshire New University Bihac/ 6 September 2016 Project number: EPP BE-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP "This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein"

2 Internationalisation and Key Performance Indicators of the University
Indrachapa Bandara Project number: EPP BE-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP "This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein"

3 Key Actions Priority One – Enhance Marketing and Communication
International Marketing Office • A detailed three year International Marketing Strategy and Plan will be developed to review, appraise, identify and develop our overseas recruitment markets. KPI will be developed to measure the performance of various marketing campaigns. • A detailed appraisal of current IEC marketing functions, channels, campaigns, and relationships with other marketing and recruitment teams within Bucks New University will be conducted to identify gaps and to prioritise marketing activities. • Identify and develop key selling propositions for international recruitment at University, Course, and Country level. Communicate these propositions to our customers (students, agents and partners) with a consistent communication plan and effective execution. • Review and Identify primary and secondary markets based on Bucks recruitment performance and industry data over the last five years. IEC- Implementation, Evaluation & Control

4 Key Actions Priority Two – Continue to Build Capacity for *International Recruitment *International Recruitment and Admission Office *International Partnership Development Office Ensure and enforce Bucks’s proposition in the changing and competitive recruitment market by effective management of our existing recruitment channels – sponsors, agents, pathway and articulation partners, feeder schools etc. Advise Colleges and Schools on market needs and demand for new products. Identify and cultivate new sponsors and new scholarship scheme to encourage new market development. Consolidate the current programmes in Ghana, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Korea by working closely with relevant BUCKS offices and overseas partners. Support the Horizon campus. Conduct research on international trends and advise the University on opportunities for new development. Increase recruitment from smaller promising markets by investing resources and measuring the outcomes. This will help to reduce the dependency on a small number of large markets. Withdraw investment from a number of non-­‐responsive markets. IEC- Implementation, Evaluation & Control

5 Key Actions Priority Three – Provide Support to International Students and Alumni International Student Support Office Develop a system to collect international students’ feedback on various services provided by the IEC and marketing intelligence. Address students’ concerns accordingly to improve our services and recruitment activities, with a focus on partner student network and support. Improve the visibility of the International Student Ambassadors and the International Alumni Ambassadors to fulfil the potential of the schemes on student support and recruitment. Work with the Career Office to develop student employability and provide practical help in securing internship, work placement and volunteering work. Develop a regional HE/FEI network for international student support. Continue pre-­‐sessional and in-­‐sessional English support backed by student performance analysis, introduce new courses to capture new opportunities, e.g., a pre-­‐ study course as part of PhD programme. IEC- Implementation, Evaluation & Control

6 Key Actions Priority Four – Further Expand Staff and Student Mobility
International Mobility Office Design and implement a new system of Academic Recognition from study and work abroad to promote students’ global learning and demonstrate the value that Bangor attaches to international education. Working with Schools to promote the free language classes. Engage with students on their return to disseminate more visibly and widely the benefits of their global experience, particularly in relation to their employability Invest in web resourcing to transfer and automate administrative processes online wherever regulations and practicalities allow. Working with Bucks HR to raise the awareness and institutional recognition of staff mobility. Fully utilise the International Exchanges Forum as a formal community of mobility practice, bringing together and synthesising the work and views of all stakeholders regarding mobility to include discussions on processes, programmes and Erasmus+ projects. IEC- Implementation, Evaluation & Control

7 Strategic Priorities, Key Objectives and Key Performance Indicators



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