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8 de septiembre.

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1 8 de septiembre

2 Campana # 1- Hoy es lunes,11 de septiembre
In your cuaderno… turn to the first page labeled Campanas. Copy the following sentences and Translate them to español. Use the back of the name plate as guidance. What’s your name? How are you? May I go to the bathroom please? I am good/ well. Good morning Mrs. Muñoz.

3 Página 7- Participación

4 Objetivos We will expand on our Spanish basic greetings and review the Spanish alfabeto. I will recite the Spanish alfabeto as a class. We will work on pronunciation and greetings. Success Criteria: Recite the alfabeto Copy notes from power point presentation. Practice pronunciation of new vocabulary. Importante Grades have been updated on FOCUS. Make sure to log on and check. Alphabet quiz next class!

5 Los ABC’s en español Sra. Muñoz


7 A Pronounced: “ahh” Examples: avion agua arte

8 B Pronounced: “beh” Examples: botas bebe beso

9 C Pronounced: “seh” Hard C before: a, o, u Soft C before: e, i
Examples: coco cacahuete

10 Ch Pronounced: “cheh” Examples: chocolate chancla

11 D Pronounced: “deh” Examples: doctor dinero

12 E Pronounced: “eh” Examples: elefante estrella

13 F Pronounced: “efe” Examples: fantasma familia

14 G Pronounced: “heh” Hard G before: a, o, u Soft G before: e, i
Examples: guapo gato

15 H Pronounced: “ah-che” Sound: NO SOUND! Examples: huevo hormiga

16 I Pronounced: “ee” Examples: iglesia insecto

17 J Pronounced: “jota” Sound: h-sound Examples: jugo jabón

18 K Pronounced: “kah” Examples: kárate koala

19 L Pronounced: “ele” Examples: lucha libre lampara

20 Ll Pronounced: “eh-yeh” Sound: y-sound Examples: llave lluvia

21 M Pronounced: “eme” Examples: mosquito mono

22 N Pronounced: “ene” Examples: nubes naríz

23 Ñ Pronounced: “en-yeh” Examples: año mañana

24 O Pronounced: “oh” Examples: oso Octubre

25 P Pronounced: “peh” Examples: puerta pulpo

26 Q Pronounced: “koo” Sound: k-sound Examples: quesadilla que

27 R Pronounced: “ereh” Examples: rosa rana

28 RR Pronounced: “erreh” Examples: perro carro

29 S Pronounced: “ese” Examples: sol sirena

30 T Pronounced: “teh” Examples: tortuga tiburon

31 U Pronounced: “ooo” Examples: umpiro uva

32 V Pronounced: “veh” Examples: vaca vampiro

33 W Pronounced: “doble veh” Examples: Washington

34 X Pronounced: “eh-kees” Examples: boxeo expresión

35 Y Pronounced: “ee-gree-ye-gah” Examples: Yo Yoga

36 Z Pronounced: “seta” Sound: s-sound Examples: zapatos zorro

37 Pronunciation Rules a- AH- (open wide) e- EH- (fake smile)
In Spanish, every letter is pronounced (except for H), and every vowel always sounds the same (no long/short vowels) Vowels: A, E, I, O, U a- AH- (open wide) e- EH- (fake smile) i- EE- (real smile) o- OH- (form an o) u- OO- (duck lips)

38 Consonants that differ from English: D, H, Z, J, Qu, LL, G, R
D- When surrounded by vowels, it sounds like the “th” in the English word (though) ex: puedo, de nada H – The h is silent. ALWAYS !!!!!!! ex: hola, hacer Z – Sounds like “s” ex: zapatos, zanahoria  J - Sounds like a “h” ex: jardín, extranjero, José, ejercicio Qu – Sounds like “k” ex: queso, qué, querer, quince LL - Sounds like “y” ex: llamo, calle, llegar, llevar

39 G- When a g is followed by an “e” or an “i” it sounds like an “h”
ex: generalmente, gigante, gimnasia When it is followed by a “ua” it sounds like “gw” ex: guacamole, guantes When it is followed by anything else, it sounds like a regular “g” (“guh”) ex: gorra, guerra, ganga When it comes at the beginning of a word, or if there are two Rs together, it rolls. (Put your tongue slightly behind your top teeth and exhale while making sound. Let the tip of your tongue vibrate.) ex: Raquel, perro

40 Spanish Alfabeto song
ABC song

41 Spelling time Spell 3 out of the 5 each items below aloud in Spanish while your partner writes it out! Time: 5 minutes Your name Name of the city or town you’re from Your best friend’s first name Your favorite actor/actress’s name Your favorite sports team

42 Writing races Winning side will receive puntos on Alphabet quiz. 2nd- right side won! 5th- left side won 6th- left side won 8th-

43 Finish oral practice # 1 Su nombre es _________
él/ ella tiene _________ años. A _______ le gusta ________ A _______ no le gusta ________ Una cosa interesante es _________.

44 Using your name plates Ask your partner what their name is.
2. Ask your partner how they are doing. 3. Ask your partner their age.

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