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Barriers to Implementation of In-Place Recycling

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1 Barriers to Implementation of In-Place Recycling
NRRA Webinar 2/21/2017

2 Stabilization/Modifier Options
Cutbacks/Roadmix Proprietary Products – many products & claims Engineered Emulsion Lime/chlorides Foamed Asphalt Flyash/Cement Combinations of above

3 Full Depth Reclamation (SFDR) Keys to Success – Strength & Flex
Stabilization Considerations Foam Asphalt or Lime Cutbacks or Road Mix Proprietary Products Engineered Emulsion Fly Ash or Cement Prone to Cracking Prone to Rutting Stiff Flexible Organic Clay Granular

4 1.5 - 3” SMA, OGFC or Superpave
APA Perpetual Pav’t } ” SMA, OGFC or Superpave 4” to 6” Zone Of High Compression High Modulus Rut Resistant Material (Varies As Needed) Flexible Fatigue Resistant Material 3 - 4” Max Tensile Strain This is the concept underlying the perpetual pavement. Traffic stresses are highest near the surface of the pavement, so materials in the upper pavement layers must be resistant to rutting. The intermediate or binder courses should be comprised of rut-resistant material. Materials which have worked well include large-stone mixtures or others which provide a strong stone skeleton. Fatigue resistance is important in the lowest HMA layer or base layer. It is well documented that the most costly form of distress to fix in a pavement is bottom-up fatigue cracking. The pavement foundation serves as the ultimate support for the structure during construction and service, so it must be considered an integral part of the pavement. Pavement Foundation

5 } 1” UTBWC Flexible Fatigue Resistant Material 6 - 8”
2-3” Zone of High Compression High Modulus Rut Resistant Material Flexible Fatigue Resistant Material 6 - 8” Max Tensile Strain This is the concept underlying the perpetual pavement. Traffic stresses are highest near the surface of the pavement, so materials in the upper pavement layers must be resistant to rutting. The intermediate or binder courses should be comprised of rut-resistant material. Materials which have worked well include large-stone mixtures or others which provide a strong stone skeleton. Fatigue resistance is important in the lowest HMA layer or base layer. It is well documented that the most costly form of distress to fix in a pavement is bottom-up fatigue cracking. The pavement foundation serves as the ultimate support for the structure during construction and service, so it must be considered an integral part of the pavement. Pavement Foundation

6 Structural Benefit The Stabilization process will increase the structural coefficient of the material The structural coefficient of Stabilized material is dependent upon: Stabilizing Material Amount of P200 (fines) Angularity of recycled material

7 Structural Coefficients, AASHTO example
Base Treatment Existing Road Material Very Dirty Rounded Ag High Fines Med Quality Ag Med. Fines High Quality Ag High RAP Untreated < 0.10 ≥ 0.14 Hydrated Lime 0.12 0.14 N/A Cement (CTB) (soil cement) (depends upon % cement & material; lower for less cracking) Emulsion* EE Granular Base Stabilization EE Full Depth Reclamation Foam* 0.25 CIR (EE) HMA, NovaChip® Coefficients depend upon: Material quality Passing the mix design criteria Passing quality control requirements * Values are from the literature. All values here generalized; each agency has own point of view. Values validated by FWD Nova 99 short.ppt

8 Recycle in Place What are some of the other barriers?
Paradigm Shift Moving from “standard protocol” decision making Agency Issues Must be understood and accepted by all Must be committed to by top management Must have buy-in from Industry Remove stigma that recycle is lower quality or “less value” than new construction Industry Pressures Introducing new technologies Competition from industry (“rehab” and material suppliers) Public Perception Very positive once fully understood

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