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2 School Accountability
Daniel Leal Barry University EDU-674


4 School Accountability
No Child Left Behind 2001 Elementary and Secondary Education Act 1965 Funding so that all students have fair and equal opportunities to a quality education. Title I Established a state wide school accountability system in order to continue funding.

5 Purpose of School Accountability System
Assess the effectiveness of a school’s ability to successfully educate all of their students. ( )

6 How does the state ensure that schools are successfully educating all of their students?

7 School Grading System A formula that assigns letter grades to schools based on student performance and learning gains on the state assessments. FCAT, FSA, EOC, FAA

8 1008.34- Schools Grading System
Grading system is supposed to determine the progress that schools are making in educating all their students. (NCLB) Excellent progress. “A” Above average progress. “B” Satisfactory progress. “C” Below satisfactory progress. “D” Inadequate progress. “F”

9 Why are School Grades Important?

10 School Grades 1. School grades communicate to the public how well a
school is performing relative to state standards. 2. Access to State and Federal Funds. 3. State takeover or conversion.

11 How Are Schools Graded?

12 1. Student achievement in state assessments.
Reading Writing Math Science 1. Student achievement in state assessments. Reading and Math 2. Annual learning gains for each student. Reading and Math 3. Progress of the lowest quartile of students.

13 % of students passing = the number of points a school receives.
Basic Model for Grading Schools (800Points) % of students passing = the number of points a school receives.

14 Elementary Schools (800 pts.)
“A” = At least 525 “B” = points, “C” = points, “D” = points, “F” = 394 or below Schools must test at 95% of students in order to receive an “A”

15 Basic Model for Grading Middle Schools (900 Points)
(Plus) 100 pts. Participation and Performance on EOC and Industry Certification

16 Middle Schools (900 pts.) “A” = At least 590 “B” = 560 to 589
“C” = 490 to 559 points, “D” = points, “F” = 445 or below Schools must test at 90% to receive a grade. 95% to receive an “A” 100 pts. Participation and Performance on EOC and Industry Cert.

17 Basic Model for Grading High Schools (1600 Points)

18 High Schools “A” = At least 1,050 points “B” = 990 - 1,049 points
“C” = points “D” = points “F” = 789 or below

19 Scenario The State Board of Education has recently approved a new school accountability plan that will show greater progress for subgroups that have a history of being behind their peers. You are the principal at local high school and have just been informed by the State, that in order to help close the achievement gap, your school’s graduation rates need to improve over the course of the next six years.

20 Based on your school’s FSA scores, your school is expected to graduate at least 82 percent of Asian students, 68 percent of white students, 52 percent of Hispanics and 45 percent of African-American students.

21 1. Can the State Board of Education set such objectives?
The State Board of Education has the authority to enforce Public School Improvement.

22 “The law requires states to determine whether all students, as well as individual subgroups of students, are making progress toward meeting state academic content standards.”

23 2. Are there any potential areas of concern regarding the new accountability plan?
Complaint Filed by Legal Aid Society


25 Review What are the names of the two Federal Acts that set the foundation for school accountability?

26 Review By assigning school grades according to the State School Accountability System How does the state ensure that schools are successfully educating all of their students?

27 Review 3. What are the three basic components used by the state in order to grade schools?

28 References CNN, (2011, September, 23) 2001: Bush touts 'No Child Left Behind‘ (Video File), Retrieved from Edmonds, Ron (2002,) Signing of No Child Left Behind [Image File]. Retrieved from Ross, Kaitlin State stands by race based expectations for students (Video File), Retrieved From Florida Department of Education (2012) School Grading Guide Sheet [Image File]. Retrieved from K-20 Education Code, Florida Statutes (2013). Retrieved from K-20 Education Code, Florida Statutes (2013). Retrieved from K-20 Education Code, Florida Statutes (2013). Retrieved from

29 References Ross, Kaitlin
State stands by race based expectations for students (Video File), Retrieved From SARC [Image File] Retrieved from The Daily Caller, (2012) Florida sets education standards based on race, ethnicity [Image File] Retrieved from The LBJ Library, (2012, August, 30) Signing of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (Video File), Retrieved from The Sun Sentinel, (2013) Florida's race-based education goals discriminate, complaint alleges [Image File] Retrieved from Wolfe, Frank (1965) Signing of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act [Image File], Retrieved from

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