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History Day and You!.

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Presentation on theme: "History Day and You!."— Presentation transcript:

1 History Day and You!

2 History Day? What is that?
A research based history project!

3 OH GREAT, not another project, just what I need!

4 Hold it, this isn’t just any research based project, it is an adventure into new and exciting things that becomes what YOU want it to be.

5 What do you mean by that? All the projects I ever do have a specific format and all I do is follow a teacher-created model.

6 Not this time. This time you are provided with a topic and general format guidelines but you get to create whatever type of project you want.

7 What do you mean by format guidelines?
Well, you have 5 choices for format …

8 Research Paper

9 Exhibit

10 Drama

11 Documentary

12 Website

13 Ok, so the formats seem interesting, and I get to pick HOW I want to do my project, but this seems like a large project, do I have to do it by myself?

14 No, you have choices there too. You can …

15 Work alone, With a partner, Or in a group of three, four or five!

16 WOW, I can write a paper with two other people! How cool is that!

17 Actually, the paper format is the only one you can’t work with other people on. It is an individual format.

18 Ok, this isn’t sounding too bad. How do I start?

19 Well, first you need to hear what the theme is and start deciding on what topic you want to do.

20 Cool! So, what’s the theme?

21 Conflict and Compromise

22 WOW, that’s a GREAT theme
WOW, that’s a GREAT theme. There are SO many different topics that can fit it. This is going to be a tough choice. I don’t even know where to start.

23 I can help with that…

24 I think I have an idea what topic I want to do but it seems so broad
I think I have an idea what topic I want to do but it seems so broad. What do I do now?

25 Narrowing down your topic isn’t too hard, try using this process…

26 Theme Broad Topic Focused Topic Specific Topic

27 Conflict and Compromise Florida and the Civil Rights Movement
The Groveland Four The Groveland Four: Racial Conflict in Post-War Florida the Compromise of Justice.

28 Conflict and Compromise Racial Equality U.S. Civil Rights Movement
Montgomerey Bus Boycott

29 Ok, so now that I have the topic narrowed down, what is the NEXT step?

30 You need to do a pre-assessment of what you already know about your topic.

31 Pre-assessment? What is that?

32 A pre-assessment is when you brainstorm everything you know about your topic. It is how you prepare to start researching.

33 Your pre-assessment will help you start your research but you still need one more thing before jumping into your research.

34 A thesis. What’s that?

35 Hey, I know what a thesis is…
Really? tell me!

36 A thesis is the point or premise of your project and is what all your research will center around.

37 That’s right! Your thesis will help you focus your research and give you a framework to work with.

38 Creating a Thesis Develop a Thesis Statement
NHD projects should do more than just tell a story. Every exhibit, performance, documentary, paper and website should make a point about its topic. To do this, you must develop your own argument of the historical impact of the person, event, pattern or idea you are studying. The point you make is called a thesis statement. A thesis statement is not the same as a topic. Your thesis statement explains what you believe to be the impact and significance of your topic in history.

39 Example: Topic: Battle of Gettysburg Thesis Statement: The battle of Gettysburg was a major turning point of the Civil War. It turned the tide of the war from the South to the North, pushing back Lee’s army that would never fight again on Northern soil and bringing confidence to the Union army.

40 Example: General Topic: U.S. Civil Rights Movement Specific Topic: The Montgomery Bus Boycott Thesis Statement: Rosa Parks was arrested when she refused to compromise with segregation laws and give up her bus seat to a white passenger in 1955 Montgomery, Alabama. The 381 day bus boycott that followed, a conflict led by civil rights leaders, drew nationwide attention and resulted in a successful Supreme Court battle for desegregation.

41 Great, I am so ready to get started
Great, I am so ready to get started. I know the theme, I have picked a topic, I have an idea where to start researching and I have a thesis to keep me focused!

42 Great, lets get going! YEAH!

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