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6th grade summer reading

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1 6th grade summer reading
What to expect

2 Elementary to Middle School
Changes? Expectations?

3 Book 1 Dramatic Fiction:
In a small Louisiana town in 1940, Jolene doesn’t remember her father, but that doesn’t mean she wants a new one. As far as she’s concerned, she and Momma and Grandpa are doing just fine on their own. So, when Leroy Redfield, a tall man with a big laugh, starts taking Momma dancing on Friday nights, Jolene is determined to get him out of their lives. Somehow, though, the man just won't go away, and as he patiently works to gain Jolene's acceptance, Jolene finds herself letting go of her resentment.

4 Book 2 Fiction/ Humor: Joey, and his younger sister, Mary Alice, live in the Windy City. Mary Alice plots outlandish schemes to even the score with members of her community. Grandma, Joey and Mary Alice go on escapades such as preparing an impressive funeral, catching fish from a stolen boat and arranging the elopement of Vandalia and Junior.

5 Book 3 Action/ Adventure:
Mark Chelmsley is pretty much killing time before his parents send him off to an exclusive prep school. Mark realizes the Week might be a chance to prove to Mr. Maxwell that he’s not just another of the slacker rich kids the teacher can’t stand. But it may be too late for Mark to change Mr. Maxwell’s opinion of him. On the first day of the Week, the tension between teacher and student explodes, and in a reckless moment, Mark puts not only himself, but also Mr. Maxwell, in grave danger. Can two such strong adversaries work together to save their lives?

6 Book 4 Autobiography: Rosa Parks is best known for the day she refused to give up her seat on a segregated bus, sparking the Montgomery, Alabama, bus boycott. Yet there is much more to her story than this one act of defiance. In this straightforward, compelling autobiography, Rosa Parks talks about the civil rights movement and her active role in it. Her dedication is inspiring; her story is unforgettable.

7 To-Do List: OVER THE SUMMER: Read ONE novel
Complete the Annotated Reading Log FIRST FULL WEEK OF SCHOOL: Turn in Annotated Reading Log THIRD WEEK OF SCHOOL: Use your graded Annotated Reading Log for In-Class Assessment (written)

8 Look over requirements
Look over questions Annotate important parts of the story (characters, setting, theme, plot, figurative language, etc.) Look for “*” for extra help




12 RACE RESPONSEs R: Restate question A: Answer question with detail
C: Cite textual evidence to support response E: Explain textual evidence and response

13 Sample race response STARTERS
CITE: In the text it states…. The author states ... EXPLAIN: This shows that … This means that ... This is important because ...

14 September dates 1st week of school: September 8th - Summer Reading Annotated Reading Logs are due (early submission) 2nd week of school: September 15th - last day for late submissions 3rd week of school: September 22nd – in class Assessment (written)

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