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CT Essentials for Optimizing Sizing and TAVR Planning

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Presentation on theme: "CT Essentials for Optimizing Sizing and TAVR Planning"— Presentation transcript:

1 CT Essentials for Optimizing Sizing and TAVR Planning
Gaby Weissman MD FACC Medstar Heart & Vascular Institute Georgetown University

2 No disclosures

3 Slice thickness <1.0mm
The Basics The Basics ECG Gating Slice thickness <1.0mm Multiphase imaging is generally not mandatory May be preferable The scanner Contrast dose Radiation dose Image length Aorta Subclavian arteries Iliac and femoral arteries Does not need to be ECG gated

4 The Report Aortic Annulus Aortic valve Left ventricle Aortic root
Short vs long diameter Area Circumference Calcification/ LVOT calcification Aortic valve Cuspidity (tri vs bi) Calcification Left ventricle Masses/ thrombi Aortic root Sinus width Sinus Height Coronary heights Thoracic aorta Tortuosity Intraluminal obstruction/ thrombi Access vessels Luminal diameter Calcification

5 I. The Annulus

6 Aortic Annular Anatomy
Piazza N. Circ Cardiovasc Intervent

7 Techniques Manual Facilitated Semi automated

8 The Annulus

9 The Annulus

10 The Annulus

11 The Annulus

12 Cardiac Phase Blanke P. Radiology 2013.

13 Aortic Annular Calcifications
Barbanti M, Leipsic J. Circulation

14 Artifact - Motion

15 Artifact - Contrast Opacification

16 The Decision on the Valve and size are multifactorial
Annular Calcifications The Decision on the Valve and size are multifactorial All data available should be considered Take into account Image quality Factors beyond the annular measures

17 The Decision on the Valve and size are multifactorial
Coronary Height The Decision on the Valve and size are multifactorial All data available should be considered Take into account Coronary height Leaflets/ prosthetic valve leaflets

18 The Decision on the Valve and size are multifactorial
Sinotubular junction The Decision on the Valve and size are multifactorial All data available should be considered Take into account Size of the sinuses of Valsalva Height, size and calcifications of the sinotubular junction

19 II. Fluoroscopic Orientation

20 Annular Angulation

21 III. The Coronaries

22 Coronary Heights

23 Coronary Obstruction Ribeiro H JACC: Cardiovasc Intervent

24 Coronary Obstruction Ribeiro H JACC: Cardiovasc Intervent

25 IV. The Valve

26 The valve Bicuspid Tricuspid

27 Bicuspid Valves

28 PVAR in TAVR in Bicuspid AS

29 Outcomes in TAVR in Bicuspid AS

30 Vi. Bioprosthetic Valves

31 Bioprosthetic Valve





36 V. The Aorta


38 The Aorta

39 VI. Access

40 Access


42 VII. Contrast

43 Contrast Dose Kawaja MZ. Eurointervention 2012.

44 Dose Saving Techniques
50/50 contrast mixtures Low kVp scans Intra arterial contrast injections Dual source scanners eGFR based contrast medium dosing


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