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Section Numbering Customer Observation.

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Presentation on theme: "Section Numbering Customer Observation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Section Numbering Customer Observation

2 Import / Export / Edit-in Word & Section Numbering
Word documents come in from suppliers and OEMs Each is formatted differently They can be imported by creating/modifying XSLT Section numbering and references are not 100% maintained Documents are then exported from PTC Integrity LM to Word Representation of and round tripping of document content has differences in section numbering.

3 Import / Export / Edit-in Word & Section Numbering
MS-Word section number mismatch between initial document and integrity

4 Import / Export / Edit-in Word & Section Numbering
Integrity Section Information is not same with MS-Word Heading Number. So When adding a caption for Table/Figure with heading number, Auto generated caption number in Integrity is not same as MS-Word’s.

5 Import / Export / Edit-in Word & Section Numbering
In Edit in Word View the section number is not same as MS-Word original document.

6 Import / Export / Edit-in Word & Section Numbering
After Adding a new table and caption number creates with heading number in Edit in Word View, All of caption numbers with heading number are changed by Integrity section number.

7 Section Numbering Tool Philosophy

8 Section numbering is a user controlled logical grouping of content
Microsoft Word Section numbering is a user controlled logical grouping of content User Controlled: Each document can be different Document numbering can be inconsistent Not ordered Numbers skipped Some elements not numbered Hierarchy not or inconsistently represented Logical Grouping: Organization not based on rules or hierarchy

9 PTC Integrity Lifecycle Manager
Section numbering is a system controlled physical representation of content System Controlled: All documents in the system are numbered the same Numbering is always consistent All content items have a unique (within that document) section number Ordered top to bottom Hierarchy reflected in numbering Physical Grouping: Hierarchy is the only deciding factor in section numbering

10 Section Numbering Options

11 How do you deal with this scenario?
Options Understand and ignore the differences knowing that the integrity of the document is in tact. If the document includes unique identifiers for objects (requirements etc.) then use those in communication between organizations. If the document does not include unique identifiers, PTC Integrity LM assigns a unique ID to each object in the document when it is initially imported – use that identifier rather than the section number in communication between organizations. Attempt to create an XSLT that places the MS-Word section number in a dedicated field within PTC Integrity LM Ongoing maintenance/synchronization will be manual How do you deal with this scenario?

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