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Vocabulary Unit 11 Level D.

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1 Vocabulary Unit 11 Level D

2 Brevity The speech was notable more for its brevity than for its clarity. (n.) Shortness Synonyms: conciseness, terseness, pithiness Antonyms: verbosity, long-windedness, prolixity

3 Comport As the students left the building, the principal reminded them to comport themselves as emissaries of the school. (v.) to conduct or bear oneself, behave; to be in agreement Synonyms: deport oneself, agree, concur

4 Concise As a rule of thumb, editors and readers appreciate writing that is concise and forceful. (adj.) expressing much in a few words Synonyms: brief, succinct, terse, pithy, to the point Antonyms: wordy, verbose, long-winded, prolix

5 Demure Despite their demure appearance, they are competitive speed skaters, who are always ready for a challenge on the ice. (adj.) sober or serious in manner, modest Synonyms: shy, diffident, sedate, seemly, decorous Antonyms: bold, forward, assertive, immodest

6 Depreciation The accountant calculated the depreciation of the computer over a period of five years. (n.) a lessening in value; a belittling Synonyms: cheapening, lowering, devaluation Antonyms: increase, appreciation, enhancement

7 Deteriorate In a junk yard vehicles deteriorate rapidly when left in the elements. (v.) to lower in quality or value; to wear away Synonyms: worsen, decline, degenerate, debase Antonyms: improve, fix up, enhance

8 Divulge On some occasions, scrupulous reporters cannot divulge their sources of information. (v.) to tell, reveal; to make public Synonyms: disclose, impart, spill the beans, “leak” Antonyms: hide, conceal, cover up, secrete, keep under wraps

9 Enlightened An enlightened society is ruled by knowledge and reason rather than superstition and prejudice. (adj.) free from ignorance and false ideas; possessing sound understanding Synonyms: knowing, informed, aware, cultivated Antonyms: ignorant, unaware, untaught, benighted

10 Forestall Sometimes it is possible to forestall a cold by eating fruit that contain Vitamin C. (v.) to prevent by acting first Synonynms: hinder, thwart, preclude, ward off Antonyms: welcome, accept, allow, submit, abide by

11 Garble If you’ve played “telephone,” you know how easy it is to garble a message. (v.) to distort in such a way as to make unintelligible Synonyms: jumble, scramble, confuse, misrepresent Antonyms: clarify, elucidate, articulate

12 Proponent Lucretia Coffin Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton were among the first proponents of women’s suffrage in the United States. (n.) one who puts forward a proposal; one who supports a cause or belief Synonyms: supporter, advocate, exponent Antonyms: opponent, critic, foe, adversary

13 Quaver My voice quavers whenever I try to reach the high notes.
(v.) to shake, tremble; to trill Synonyms: quiver, vibrate, shiver, quake, palpitate

14 Recoil When a cannon is fired it will recoil from the blast springing back and then will roll forward again. (v.) to spring back, to shrink; (n.) the act of springing back Synonyms: (v) flinch; (n) kickback Antonyms: (v) advance, proceed, gain ground

15 recoup (v) I plan to recoup my family’s lost fortune by working hard, earning extra money, and investing wisely. to make up for, regain S: recover, retrieve A: lose, default, forfeit, kiss goodbye

16 Reek The unmistakable reek of spoiled food greeted us as we entered the long-abandoned cabin. (n.) an unpleasant smell; (v.) to give off unpleasant smells; to give a strong impression Syn0nyms: (n) stench; (v) stink, smell Antonyms: (n) perfume, fragrance, bouquet

17 Relentless The novel Les Miserables recounts ex-convict Jean Valjean’s lifelong flight from a relentless police inspector. (adj.) unyielding, harsh, without pity Synonyms: stern, merciless, persistent, unremitting Antonyms: merciful, accommodating, indulgent

18 Rivulet While we could hear the running water, dense vegetation hid the rivulet from view. (n.)a small stream Synonyms: brook, creek, rill

19 Squander I think that it is criminal to squander our natural resources. (v.) to spend foolishly, waste Synonyms: misspend, dissipate Antonyms: save, economize, hoard, squirrel away

20 Staccato We strained to listen, and we heard staccato hoof beats striking the pavement. (adj.) detached or disconnected in sound or style Synonyms: abrupt, disjointed Antonyms: continuous, flowing, unbroken

21 Statute Lawyers will often consult cases of law to examine how statues have been upheld by the courts. (n.) a law Synonyms: rule, ordinance, enactment

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