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Danielle Pomicter SIG Coordinator SCC Soft Computer

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1 Danielle Pomicter SIG Coordinator SCC Soft Computer
Special Interest Groups SIG Danielle Pomicter SIG Coordinator SCC Soft Computer

2 Agenda SoftExpress SoftBank SoftDonor SoftLab HIPAA/Security/ Commons
SoftMicro SoftReports SoftID/SoftID.TX Anatomic Pathology SoftTotalQC Genetics SoftWeb SoftWorkload SoftAR

3 SoftExpress Randy Carnahan Product Specialist SCC Soft Computer . SIG

4 SoftExpress If a SIG Enhancement is multi-module and SoftExpress is affected we will let your SIG Advisor and our SIG Moderator know so it that can be factored in the decision.

5 SoftDonor Robin Fronda Blood Services Product Specialist SCC Soft Computer Advisor: Jayme Osborn SIG

6 SoftDonor Physical Exam window – Added interpretation field description and normal range.

7 Manual entry of donation number after pooling (parameter controlled).
SoftDonor Manual entry of donation number after pooling (parameter controlled). Select No, to enter the donation number manually.

8 SoftDonor Donation number entered manually, accept components and print label.

9 HIPAA / Security / Commons
Selma Causevic Commons Product Specialist SCC Soft Computer Advisor: Debbie Smith SIG

10 HIPAA/Security/Commons
Status Update on 2014 SIG Enhancements

11 HIPAA/Security/Commons
2014 Expire Fields Original Description of the SIG Request: We are a teaching facility, and have many students that come and go through our facility. It would be nice to have the ability to enter an end date and the system automatically inactivate a user based on that date. We are not always notified when students move on. Task: CSF DOD (Degree of Difficulty): Medium Estimated Hours: 40 Status: Available in Security Management

12 HIPAA/Security/Commons
SIG Enhancement Suggestions Total Programming Hours: 100 hours

13 HIPAA/Security/Commons
2015 View Existing Report List remains open Original Description of the SIG Request: Viewing Existing reports from the Tools menu: When you want to see what reports have recently gone to a printer should work similarly to the Viewing failed faxes. Once you are in the list, when you close the report you are looking at, it should default back to the list and not kick you all the way back to the main screen. Task: IFR DOD (Degree of Difficulty): Medium Estimated Hours: 40 hours

14 HIPAA/Security/Commons
2015 Set future date for activation and inactivation Original Description of the SIG Request: We get notification up to a month in advance of when an employee or physician is leaving our facility. Or when someone is going out on medical leave. At the current time, their is no way to set a future date for a user to be activated or inactivated. We must set a reminder on our calendar to process activations and inactivations submitted for a future date. The only work around is to set a review date. But this only works for inactivations as this will lock out the user but it does not actually inactivate the user as required by HiTech standards. We need to be able to enter a future date for both inactivating and activating a user. Extra Information: Per Mykhaylo O., today Mon 11/17/2014 6:35 AM, he indicated: "I have updated Description of specified Issue ISS-CSF-16007IS: “We need a way to inactive a user at a specific date. We need a way to activate a user at a specific date. Should not interfere with review date.“ Task: ISS-CSF-16007IS DOD (Degree of Difficulty): Low Estimated Hours: 20 hours

15 SoftID Alan Nichols, MS MT(ASCP) Product Specialist SCC Soft Computer Advisor: Debbie Smith SIG

16 SoftID Time Stamp for Reschedule Comments Submitted by: REGIN Topic: We would like to see a time stamp added to the reschedule comments to make it easier for users to see in SoftID how long it has been since the specimens were rescheduled. You can see this information on the specimen comment tags in SoftLab but not on the handheld PDA Task: IFR Degree of difficulty:Medium (use lab web services) Estimated Hours:`16 Priority: Medium

17 SoftID Time Stamp for Reschedule Comments Added to .

18 SoftID Control Reschedule All Option Added to .

19 SoftID Control Reschedule All Option Added to .

20 There are currently no SIG Enhancement requests for SoftID.TX

21 SoftTotalQC Robin Valder, MS MT(ASCP) Product Specialist SCC Soft Computer Advisor: Randy Rhodes SIG

22 SoftTotalQC Enhancement Requests Provide the ability to apply the Ordered in Lab Frequency Limit to the individual test, media, or panel or the overall QC item Provide the ability to apply Control’s Mean and SD to corresponding parameter in Reagent Lot record Provide the ability to always include results of rejected results in Statistics

23 SoftTotalQC Provide the ability to apply the Ordered in Lab Frequency Limit to the individual test, media, or panel or the overall QC item Scenario: An instrument runs more than one test When a batch of patient and QC samples for any of the tests is run on the instrument, certain parameters from the instrument must be documented. These parameters must be documented with each different test run but only once per day for the same test An Ordered in Lab Frequency is defined with each test run on the instrument and a Limit of Day. The Ordered in Lab Frequency is assigned to the parameters in the Equipment Record for the instrument. Currently: When one of the tests is added to a patient order, the QC order for the Equipment record is created. If a different test run on the instrument is added to another patient order, a new QC order for the Equipment record will not be generated even if the previous order is resulted or the ‘Generate with pending’ option is selected for the tests in the Frequency Setup record. This is because the system currently applies the Limit only to the ITEM, in this case, the Equipment record, not the individual test, media, or panel that triggers the event. A second order is not generated even when the ordered-in-lab defined test is different than that which generated the first order. This enhancement would generate a new order on the Equipment record when a different test is requested in Lab, eliminating the need to create ad hoc orders or remove the Limit and cancel not needed QC orders Degree of difficulty: Medium Estimated programming hours: 30

24 SoftTotalQC Provide the ability to apply Control’s Mean and SD to corresponding parameter in Reagent Lot record Scenario: When a new lot of reagent is received in the Lab, the “routine” controls are run with the new lot. The current mean and SD of the routine control’s lot record are used when testing the new lot of reagent prior to being placed into use. When the reagent lot is ready to be placed into Testing, the user must obtain the current Mean and SD of each control for the test for which the reagent is run. Request: System should default the current mean and SD of a control into the corresponding fields of a parameter in a reagent lot record if the parameter’s control, test, and workstation are the same Degree of difficulty: Medium Estimated programming hours: 35

25 SoftTotalQC Provide the ability to always include results of rejected results in Statistics Request: Provide the ability to always include results flagged as rejected or out of control in statistics regardless of how the 'Include in statistics' option is set on the action entered in the Corrective Action window and be able to control this on the Department or QC item level. Currently, the individual Out of Control, Rejection, and Warning type actions can be defined to include or exclude the result for which a Corrective Action is applied. If the actions and methods are used across departments and a user would like to view the statistics with the excluded results, they are required to change the ‘Include excluded results from statistics’ options on various reports Recommendations: In Department Setup, add the option Always <include/exclude> results of out of control results in statistics. When 'include' is selected, the system will set the Include in statistics flag on all out of control or rejected results on orders with that Department regardless of the action selected in the Corrective Action window. When 'exclude' is selected, the system will NOT set the Include in statistics flag on all out of control or rejected results with that Department regardless of the action selected in the Corrective Action window. OR In QC item Setup, add the option Always <include/exclude> results of out of control results in statistics. This option would apply on individual QC item level. Degree of difficulty: Low Estimated programming hours: 20

26 SIG SoftWeb Lesa Einhorn Product Specialist SCC Soft Computer
Advisor: Randy Rhodes SIG

27 SoftWeb Batch Editing Of User Settings In The Admin Console (SoftWeb)
It is a maintenance nightmare having to update every single Phlebotomists everytime we build a new Client(Clinic) location in SWP. It takes a long time to go into each Phleb to update location access line.

28 SoftWorkload Betty Kramer, Product Specialist Michal Kukula, Programmer SCC Soft Computer Advisor: Randy Rhodes SIG

29 SoftWorkload Logout Prevention Prompt Client Identified:
Unintended SoftWorkload System Log Off / Log Out F1 back up > too many times > too fast > logged out Undesirable Result: Re-login Required, SoftWorkload System Application Time - Loss of time Work Flow - Interrupts work flow Concentration - Interrupts dedicated concentration Who is Affected? American and Canadian Clients

30 SoftWorkload Logout Prevention Prompt SHNPN-00785
Will be helpful to have a prompt alert display, "Do you want to exit the system?” (Y/N)  Often, System User inadvertently logs out, requiring System User having to log back in to SoftWorkload "Logout Prevention Prompt” will display as an alert

31 SoftWorkload Logout Prevention Prompt SIG Date: April 29, 2013
Version: SA Base x Degree of Difficulty: Medium Total Programming Hours: 100 SIG “Free” Programming Hours: 50 Ready When? est 4th QUARTER 2015

32 SoftA/R Debbie Brosseau SoftA/R Product Specialist SCC Soft Computer Advisor: Laura Jones MT (ASCP) SIG

33 No vote required SoftA/R
The number of hours required does not exceed the number of hours allotted for SoftA/R. 6 Suggestions will be processed as final votes for the SIG cycle.

34 SoftA/R Define Fields in Results in PAM Reason to Add to the Topic
It would be very helpful to be able to define and expand the result fields when searching in PAM. Jason Huff, Genova Diagnostics, Inc.

35 SoftA/R Define Fields in Results in PAM Clarification from Client
When searching from PAM, our biggest issue is that when we get a list of patients (MRNs) in the search results, we don't always have enough information to select the patient we want to view… If we select a patient from the list and it turns out to be the wrong account, the search criteria is not retained and we have to start from scratch. Could an option be added to the search screen to keep or save the criteria?

36 SoftA/R Define Fields in Results in PAM SCC Response
We will save the list of selected patients, so that you will not need to start the search from the beginning, but pick next patient from the list. Estimated Hours: 32 Degree of Difficulty: Medium

37 SoftA/R Define Fields in Results in Bulk Utility
Reason to Add to the Topic It would be very helpful to be able to define and expand the result fields when searching in Bulk Utility. Jason Huff, Genova Diagnostics, Inc.

38 SoftA/R Define Fields in Results in Bulk Utility
Clarification from Client Within Bulk Utility, could there be the ability to import a list of invoice numbers (from a spreadsheet or flat file), that would be automatically populated as the results?

39 SoftA/R Define Fields in Results in Bulk Utility SCC Response
Est. 24 hr Difficulty: Low Ability to Import a List of Invoice #s into Bulk Utility

40 SoftA/R On-Demand Client Statements Reason to Add to the Topic
Customers frequently request an (interim) on-demand client statement based on the charges accrued during the month, but before the end of the month when the period is normally closed and monthly statements are generated. Jason Huff, Genova Diagnostics, Inc.

41 SoftA/R On-Demand Client Statements Clarification from Client
Need the ability to provide a preliminary client statement displaying Charges / Payments / Adjustments that have been generated since the last month end close process, but prior to the official month end close process. Need a tool to be used when the outreach client calls our Customer Service Dept and requests, “What are our charges so far this month?”.

42 SoftA/R On-Demand Client Statements SCC Response Estimated hours. : 40
Degree of Difficulty: High

43 SoftA/R Ability from PAM to Add Transaction Comments
Reason to Add to the Topic Need the ability from PAM to add transaction comments (currently only available from Bulk Utility). Jason Huff, Genova Diagnostics, Inc.

44 SoftA/R Ability from PAM to Add Transaction Comments
Clarification from Client By having the system create a CMNT transaction type, it will help with workflow by standardizing comments in a structured manner for reporting.

45 SoftA/R Ability from PAM to Add Transaction Comments SCC Response
Estimated hours : 8 Difficulty: Low

46 SoftA/R Query Limits in Bulk Utility Reason to Add to the Topic
The current query limit in Bulk Utility defaults to 50 results. It would be helpful to be able to define a default other than 50, perhaps at an individual user level. Jason Huff, Genova Diagnostics, Inc.

47 SoftA/R Query Limits in Bulk Utility SCC Response Estimated hours. : 8
Difficulty: Low

48 SoftA/R Notification of a Comment Entered Within the Setup Module
Reason to Add to the Topic In AR Setup, we use the comments field to document various thing about changes/info about the test. There is no way to know when there's a comment attached to that test. We'd like to see some sort of pop up or check mark or flag when accessing that test indicating there's a comment attached. Becky Schran, Olmsted Medical Cent.

49 SoftA/R Notification of a Comment Entered Within the Setup Module
SCC Response Estimated Hours: 8 Degree of Difficulty: Low

50 Updates to Previous SIG Tasks
SoftA/R Updates to Previous SIG Tasks MERWI-05872 Enhance Setup/Denial table to allow for specific denial/payor/test combinations that can be actioned for write off or other action. CPT code column added to Denial Code Dictionary. The system will use a Remittance algorithm to determine the denial action during payment processing. Release Version: Date Available: TBD

51 Updates to Previous SIG Tasks
SoftA/R Updates to Previous SIG Tasks STRON / PHYSI / MSHA-04999 Non-active Records Not to be Qualified During the Initial Search within all of the Setup TablesCPT code column added to Denial Code Dictionary. Release Version: X / X Date Available: TBD

52 SoftBank Laurie Sapp Blood Services Product Specialist SCC Soft Computer Advisor: Jayme Osborn SIG

53 SIG Requests included since SNUG 2014
SoftBank SIG Requests included since SNUG 2014 Order Linking - ability to look across stays Order Move Automatic clearing of worksheets

54 SoftBank Order Linking – Look Across Stays
This feature enables users to use a valid type and screen result on one stay with a product order on another stay for the same (MRN) patient Parameter driven hos_TSLink when set to “Y” order link functionality is enabled

55 SoftBank Order Linking – Look Across Stays

56 SoftBank Order Linking – Look Across Stays

57 SoftBank Order Move This feature allows moving an order from one stay to another. New sub-option added in PATIENT>Orders: Omove. Users with security access will have the ability to move orders

58 SoftBank Order Move

59 SoftBank Order Move

60 SoftBank Automatic Clearing of Worksheets
In Worksheet setup the Auto-clear should be checked to enable completed results to be cleared automatically from the worksheet.

61 SoftLab Lee Ann Youkhong SoftLab Product Specialist SCC Soft Computer Advisor: Corbin Ellsaesser SIG

62 SIG Requests included since SNUG 2014
SoftLab SIG Requests included since SNUG 2014 New Tags Tab in the Aggregated Comment window. Tags are no longer mixed with the comments on the Comments Tab Cursor remains on the selected workstation when the user switches the Test Maintenance screen from Read mode to Edit mode in order to edit a workstation Query and Report Format Setup has been enhanced to display a sequential prefix number in front of each chapter and each subchapter name When the user makes any change within the Query and Report Format Setup the Save button will become active Results was enhanced to provide Resulting Keypads with a Tool Tip box

63 SoftLab IFR / PCC-46497 The system has been enhanced to display tag information in the Tags tab under the Aggregated comment window that is accessible in Resulting, Query, Interface Menu applications. Additionally, the Comments checkbox will display with a check only when a reportable comment is present in the Tags tab. Coded in

64 SoftLab IFR / PCC-46497 We have a new Tags Tab in the Aggregated Comment window.

65 SoftLab IFR / PCC-46497 The Tags are no longer mixed with the comments on the Comments Tab.

66 SoftLab IFR / PCC-54739 SoftLab > Setup > Test Maintenance was enhanced. The system provides the ability to have the cursor remain on the selected workstation when the user switched the Test Maintenance screen from Read mode to Edit mode in order to edit a workstation. Coded in

67 SoftLab IFR / PCC-54739 Opened GLU test in Read mode and selected the Dimension workstation

68 SoftLab IFR / PCC-54739 After selecting the Edit mode the Dimension workstation remained selected

69 SoftLab IFR-20303/ PCC-54108 The Query and Report Format Setup has been enhanced to display a sequential prefix number in front of each chapter and each subchapter name. Coded in

70 SoftLab IFR-20303/ PCC-54108 A new menu option from the View menu called Chapter/Subchapter numbers was added. When you click on this, it will activate the new sequential numbering in the Query and Report Format Setup. This screen shot shows the new “Chapter/Subchapter numbers” inactivated.

71 SoftLab IFR-20303/ PCC-54108

72 SoftLab IFR-20303/ PCC-54108 This screen shot shows the new “Chapter/Subchapter numbers” activated. When you exit the setup the system will remember the state of the “Chapter/Subchapter numbers” setting.

73 SoftLab IFR-20303/ PCC-54108

74 SoftLab IFR-20304/ PCC-54173 The system has been enhanced to ask the user to save changes in the Query and Report Format Setup when the user chooses to save changes or upon exiting the Query and Report Format Setup. Coded in

75 SoftLab IFR-20304/ PCC-54173 When the user makes any change within the Query and Report Format Setup the Save button will become active.

76 SoftLab IFR-20304/ PCC-54173 The system will prompt the user to save changes when either the user clicks the Save button or exits the Query and Report Format Setup after changes have been made within the Query and Report Format Setup. When the user clicks Yes on this prompt question the changes are saved immediately. When the user clicks No on this prompt question the changes are discarded. When the user clicks Cancel on this prompt question the changes are retained but not saved to the database.

77 SoftLab IFR-20304/ PCC-54173

78 SoftLab IFR-20305/ PCC-54934 SoftLab Results was enhanced to provide Resulting Keypads with a Tool Tip box where the first line of the description for a Resulting Canned Message displays when the cursor hovers over the canned message in the keypad window. Coded in

79 SoftLab IFR-20305/ PCC-54934

80 SoftLab IFR-20305/ PCC-54934

81 SIG SoftMicro Joan Kamps SoftMic Product Specialist SCC Soft Computer
Advisor: Debbie Smith SIG

82 SoftMic SIG Requests included in
Search by Org. Class in Result Entry EPI antibiogram to distinguish the 3 methods Organism number on Micro Query Screen Printing comments on Micro labels Receiving worklist setup label default Move "Mark All" choice in Resulting Cancelled Tests on Review Report Micro Report formats to match Hosparam

83 SoftMic Search by Org. Class in Result Entry 2009/10 SIG Request
Would like the ability to search by Organism class from the "Org.ID" field in Result Entry. this would enable looking for organisms of a particular type without searching all organisms PCC-55580

84 SoftMic Search by Org. Class in Result Entry
SoftMic was enhanced. The system provides the ability to search/ filter Org ID by Organism Class Name and Organism Class ID in the Org ID Search Results window in Result Entry Isolate tab, Instrument menu Result Entry screen, Epidemiology Reports Only for Organism Option, Organism setup and Rule setup Associated Items window.

85 SoftMic Search by Org. Class in Result Entry
New Search Screen in Micro Result Entry Isolate Tab

86 SoftMic EPI antibiogram to distinguish the 3 methods
2010/11 SIG Request We need the antibiogram in EPI to distinguish the 3 different testing methods without having the method displayed in the name of the antibiotic. The method does not need to be known by the clinician but is very important in evaluating results. PCC-54792

87 SoftMic EPI antibiogram to distinguish the 3 methods
SoftMic Epidemiology Reports was enhanced. The system prints the Method name and the number of susceptibilities under each method (MIC, KB, BP) when the user selects the Print Option “Method” in the Epidemiology Micro tab (Micro Criteria tab). The system displays/prints on the Drug Susceptibility Short Format Report the Method Name “MIC, KB, BP” and under each method the number of sensitivities corresponding to each method for the antibiotic tested and its designated organism.

88 SoftMic EPI antibiogram to distinguish the 3 methods
Epidemiology>Drug Susceptibility Short Format>Additional Parameters

89 SoftMic EPI antibiogram to distinguish the 3 methods
Epidemiology>Drug Susceptibility Short Format

90 SoftMic Organism number on Micro Query Screen 2011/12 SIG Request
Would like to see the Organism #'s on the Micro Query screen Patient List so that quickly you know which organisms are in each culture not just that there are "0X" isolates. Currently the system shows the list of cultures for the patient and that there are 00 or 01 or more isolates. The only quick way to see organism #'s is to select an order and then click the clipboard. Having the list on the Query screen would help when a physician wants to know which organisms are on what culture -- easier to select the order you need PCC-55583

91 SoftMic Organism number on Micro Query Screen
The system has been enhanced in SoftMic, Micro Query. An additional column called Organisms has been added to the Micro Search Results window in Micro Query and Micro Result Entry to display all organisms assigned to all tests on the order. This functionality enables the user to see all organisms assigned to all tests on the order in the Micro Search Results window. Also, the user can filter to display either all organisms (reportable and non-reportable) or only reportable assigned to the test on the order in the Organisms column The new additional option to control Organisms column which display on the Order search screen in Micro Query and Micro Result Entry is added to MIC_grids_query_order . o - Organisms Existing hosparam MIC_RE_general position 2 : Y - calculate only printable isolates. N - calculate all isolates.

92 SoftMic Organism number on Micro Query Screen
Settings/Definitions>Settings>Main>SoftMic>Grid Customization

93 SoftMic Organism number on Micro Query Screen
Micro Query Screen can be customized to display number of isolates and Organism IDs

94 SoftMic Printing comments on Micro labels 2011/12 SIG Request
Lab can control printing of OE comments on labels using a hosparam. Mic needs the same functionality. Currently all comments preceded with ? are not printed on micro media labels. The micro staff need that information. PCC-55584

95 SoftMic Printing comments on Micro labels
SoftMic was enhanced. The system provides a parameter to print or suppress the printing of Order Entry comments which have as the first character a “question mark”, on Micro Media labels MIC_skip_mess_with_? Option “N” Messages proceeded by a '?' print on Micro labels. Option “Y” Messages which are preceded by a '?' are suppressed from printing on Micro labels

96 SoftMic Printing comments on Micro labels
Settings/Definitions>Settings>Main>SoftMic>Order Entry

97 SoftMic Receiving worklist setup label default 2011/12 SIG Request
When in SoftMic, Receiving if the flags qualify receiving rather than plating, the setup LABEL Screen appears and is defaulted to specimen received. Can we have a choice to have the default be specimen plated instead? Techs forget to change this and the plated date and time does not get updated. We want to leave the qualifying criteria be not received but have the default be either received or plated depending on the worklist set up. Right now you have to have the qualifier flag at plated for the window to default to plated. PCC-55586

98 SoftMic Receiving worklist setup label default
SoftMic system was enhanced. Micro Receiving/Plating Worklist setup was enhanced to provide the ability of defining a worklist specific default value for the Setup/Label Window.

99 SoftMic Receiving worklist setup label default
Setup>Worklist/Log Report>Receiving/Plating Worklist

100 SoftMic Move "Mark All" choice in Resulting 2012/13 SIG Request
In the Resulting Worklist window, "Mark All" is right under "Remark". Would like to be able to move it lower on the list or be able to gray it out so that it isn't a choice. This would prevent the tech from accidently choosing "mark all" instead of "remark". PCC-55589

101 SoftMic Move "Mark All" choice in Resulting
The system was enhanced to have the ability customize list of the buttons that are displayed in Micro Worklists. New parameters are provided in the Settings/SoftMic/Micro Worklist section of the SSM for each type of the Micro Worklists for buttons customization.

102 SoftMic Move "Mark All" choice in Resulting
Settings/Definitions>Settings>Main>SoftMic>Micro Worklist

103 SoftMic Cancelled Tests on Review Report 2012/13 SIG Request
Would like the Cancelled Tests not to have to be reviewed on the Micro POS and Significant Reviews. Currently the cancelled test does not show on the list and if you batch out the list once reviewed and don't include the cancelled tests then the order stays on the list until the cancelled test is reviewed. Why do cancelled tests need to be reviewed and included on the report? "mark all" instead of "remark". PCC-55591

104 SoftMic Cancelled Tests on Review Report
SoftMic Worklist qualification was enhanced. A new option, “Only Not Cancelled”, in worklist setup will work in conjunction with the "Check test status" setting. If the "Check test status" and “”Only Not Cancelled”” are set the system will qualify only tests that are not cancelled to the worklist. If the "Check test status" is not set and ““Only Not Cancelled”” is set the system will qualify to the worklist only orders that are not cancelled. Furthermore, the new option will eliminate the need to review cancelled tests on the review worklist.

105 SoftMic Cancelled Tests on Review Report Setup>Worklist/Log Report

106 SoftMic Micro Report formats to match Hosparam 2012/13 SIG Request
We are trying to stop any unverified isolates from going to HIS or showing up on reports no matter what the status. MIC_report_nonverified_results position 1 N - Do not print or send to HIS nonverified isolate information, even with Final test status Y - Print and send to HIS nonverified isolate information at Final status But MICRO formats contain option F - option F - Print isolate only if Final OR test date (verify) is set. Therefore if Final is set the isolate will print on the report even if not verified. We would like to see these two statements separated or a new statement. Some of our HIS's see the actual report which would show unverified isolates and some see an electronic version which would not show unverified results. e.g.. Print isolate only if verified regardless of status PCC-55592

107 SoftMic Micro Report formats to match Hosparam
SoftMic system was enhanced. Micro Report Formats was enhanced to dynamically display the description of option ‘F’ based on the setting of hosparam MIC_report_nonverified_results first position.

108 SoftMic Micro Report formats to match Hosparam

109 SoftReports Kelly Ordiway SoftReports Product Specialist SCC Soft Computer Advisor: Randy Rhodes SIG

110 SoftReports Completed SIG Requests
Disable a Running Query in Query Builder & Launcher (SoftReports x) Report Designer Security Option (SoftReports ) User Defined Text for Report Watermark (SoftReports )

111 SoftReports Disable a Running Query in Query Builder & Launcher ( x)

112 SoftReports Report Designer Security Option ( )

113 SoftReports User Defined Text for Report Watermark ( )

114 SoftReports New SIG Requests for SoftReports
Report Priority Option (SIG) Cut All Related Designer (SIG) Run Query from Launcher (SIG/SCC) Management Reports Instructions/Examples (SIG/SCC) Calculated Columns Data Type Option (SIG/SCC) Customized Data Dictionary (SIG/SCC)

115 SoftReports Report Priority Option
Provide a management report setting that would allow a report writer to set a priority for a query.   The goal of the priority setting is to allow longer running queries to not timeout while running data intensive queries.

116 SoftReports Cut All Related Option in Designer

117 SoftReports Run Query from Launcher

118 SoftReports Report Instructions & Examples

119 SoftReports Data Type Option for Calculations - General vs. Text Default

120 SoftReports Customized Data Dictionaries

121 SoftReports Rejected SIG Requests for SoftReports
Blank columns/rows in Management Reports (Not SoftReports - Product Specific) Single Window for Report Tracking (Multi Module – Complex) Query External Data Table (This was for pulling data from another source when executing the report from the Launcher)

122 SIG SoftPath Doree Zaborske Product Specialist SCC Soft Computer
Advisor: Earle Barnes SIG

123 Genetics Laura Rodrigues de Miranda Product Specialist SCC Soft Computer Advisor: Earle Barnes SIG

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