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S. Godin-Beekmann1, A. Pazmiño1, F. Goutail1, S. Khaykin1, M. R

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Presentation on theme: "S. Godin-Beekmann1, A. Pazmiño1, F. Goutail1, S. Khaykin1, M. R"— Presentation transcript:

1 OHP ozone lidar time series, trends and comparison with nearby measurements
S. Godin-Beekmann1, A. Pazmiño1, F. Goutail1, S. Khaykin1, M.R. de Backer2, F. Jégou3, I. Petropavloskikh4 LATMOS/IPSL, UVSQ, CNRS, France Université de Reims, Reims, France LPC2E, Orléans, France GMDL, NOAA, USA

2 Recent post 1998 trends Plan
Past changes in the vertical distribution of ozone, Part III: Analysis and interpretation of trends Harris et al., ACP, 2015 Trend model: Seasonnal variation, QBO, ENSO, Solar cycle, stratospheric aerosols Conclusions different from WMO 2014 ozone assesment

3 OHP Stratospheric Ozone Measurem
Ozone measurement records at OHP OHP Stratospheric Ozone Measurem Haute-Provence Observatory: 44°N, 6°E – part of NDACC Alpine station Pioneer station for lidar measurements: temperature (since 1979), ozone, aerosols, water vapour, wind Total ozone measurements: Dobson spectrometer since September 1983 SAOZ UV-Visible spectrometer since January 1992 Stratospheric ozone vertical distribution Stratospheric ozone lidar (since July 1985 – routine from 1986) Ozone sondes: ECC since January 1991 Dobson Umkehr since September 1983

4 Total ozone trends at OHP
Multiple regression analysis deseasonalized monthly ozone levels and multiple proxies; autocorrelation taken into account Proxies: QBO (30 & 10 hPa), NAO index (Hurrell et al. 2003), F10.7 cm solar flux 100 hPa eddy heat flux averaged over °N aerosol optical depth at 550 nm EESC or PWLT (piecewise linear trend with turning point at end of 1996) e.g. Vyushin et al., 2007, Nair et al., 2013

5 Total ozone trends Similar results using PWLT and EESC
Influence of proxies: Low ozone values mainly due to QBO west. phase, low heat flux and Pinatubo aerosols in the 1990s (e.g. 1990, 1995, 1997, 2002) Large anomalies: QBO east. phase, large heat flux, negative NAO index (e.g. 1986, 1987, 2009, 2010, 2014) Mean annual total ozone PWL Trend : Pre-1997: ± 0.26 DU/yr Post-1997: 0.36 ± 0.83 DU/yr

6 Plan Analysis of trends in ozone vertical distribution

7 Data sets used Plan Local measurements Ozone lidar (1986 – present)
Ozone sondes (1991 – present) Umkehr (1983 – present) Satellite measurements SAGE II (1984 – 2004) Aura MLS (2004 – present) Vertical resolution Ozone sondes (0.3 km), lidar (0.5 – 5 km), umkehr (~5 km in the mid stratosphere), SAGE II (~1 km), MLS (~3 km) All data converted to ozone number density vs altitude using NCEP data above OHP

8 Drift analysis Plan

9 Ozone profile anomalies
Plan Ozone profile anomalies uncorrected sondes Ozone anomaly (%) Relatively good agreement between time series, depending on altitude and time period. Need to use sondes correction factor. Geophysical pertubation of similar size as temporary instrumental artefacts

10 Anomalies comparison Plan
Comparison between SAGEII, Aura MLS and sondes anomalies with lidar anomalies Altitude (km) Monthly anomalies differences (%)

11 Regression results Plan
Regression model applied to average ozone monthly anomalies R2 Month

12 Ozone recovering trends from individual records
Ozone profile trends at OHP Plan Before 1997 After 1997 Ozone recovering trends from individual records Mean anomalies

13 Comparison with nearby records
Plan Comparison with nearby records Ozone lidar at Hohenpeissenberg (1987 – present) Microwave spectrometer at Bern (Switzerland) Ozone anomaly (%)

14 Plan Recovering trends

15 Plan Conclusions Unsignificant recovering trends in total ozone at OHP over the 1997 – 2015 period Reasonably good agreement between individual time series Temporary instrumental artefacts of similar size as geophysical signals in time series -> spurious trends depending on the time period of study Generally significant recovering trend in ozone profile, with an average of ~1.7 %/decade and a range of about 3%/decade

16 Plan Perspectives Publication pour la NDACC special issue (31/03/2017): Extension des résultats jusqu’à fin 2016. Comparaison des séries temporelles avec les simulations (Reprobus, Slimcat(?), GMI model) Comparaison des séries temporelles de lidar ozone (tropo et strato) avec mesures IASI - projet CNES. Evaluation de la restitution du profil de température avec les voies non absorbées (355nm – 387 nm) (R. Wing) et étude de la corrélation avec l’ozone. Evaluation de la restitution du profil d’ozone avec méthode d’estimation optimale (coopération avec Bob Sica de l’Université de Western Ontario).

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