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Transformation of the Ottoman Classical System

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Presentation on theme: "Transformation of the Ottoman Classical System"— Presentation transcript:

1 Transformation of the Ottoman Classical System
Transformation in Taxation, Military and Bureaucracy: Reforms of Selim III and Mahmud II


3 What are the basic aspects of the classical system?
A multinational empire Fragmentation and Diversity Sultan – Local Intermediaries – Subjects Patrimonialism Sharia Law and Ulema Circle of Justice Askeri and Reaya Millet System

4 Military and Taxation Tımar system Kapıkulu system
Taxation, administration and military recruitment Justice Kapıkulu system Janissaries


6 How did the Classical System begin to evolve in 16th and 17th Centuries?
Decline paradigm and its problems Changing internal & external dynamics Geographic Expeditions Inflation Population growth Shift of military superiority and end of conquests Sekban troops


8 What are the problems with Timar System?
Inflation Corruption Oppression of Reaya

9 Tax-farming as a solution?
İltizam and Mültezim Malikane Local notables (Ayan) Changing center- periphery relations Impact on Reaya

10 What are the problems with Janissaries?
Fading boundaries between the Reaya and Askeri Increasing number of Janissaries Changing identity of Janissaries

11 Reform in Ottoman Empire
Selim III & Mahmud II

12 What were the major objectives of reforms?
Modernization and Centralization Controlling local notables Dealing with military weaknesses Creating a centralized army, taxation, administration, education, communication

13 Selim III and his reforms (1789-1807)

14 Nizam-ı Cedid: New Order

15 Nizam-ı Cedid: New Order
How to train the new army? New military schools France and Prussia How to finance the new order? İrad-i Cedid Additional taxes and debasement What do the ayans think of the new order? What do the Janissaries and Ulema think of the new order?

16 Duality? What is the problem of duality? In military In economics
In culture

17 How did Nizam-ı Cedid end?
Discontent among Janissaries, ulema, and Ottoman subjects Kabakçı Mustafa Revolt (1807) Dethronement of Selim III

18 Reform in the Ottoman Empire
Mahmud II

19 Mustafa IV Alemdar Mustafa Paşa Mahmud II on the throne
What happened after Kabakçı Revolt? Mustafa IV Alemdar Mustafa Paşa Mahmud II on the throne

20 Sened-i İttifak (the Deed of Agreement – October 1808)
What did Ayans promise? What did the Sultan promise? Can we consider Sened-i İttifak as Ottoman Magna Carta?

21 Reforms in Military Vaka-i Hayriye (1826)
End of Janissaries Asakir-i Mansure-i Muhammediye New military schools

22 Reforms in State Administration
Centralizing reforms Meclis-i Vala-yı Ahkam-ı Adliye Tercüme Odası

23 What were some other reforms under Mahmud II’s rule?
First census Postal service Transportation Takvim-i Vekayi Fez

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