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General Education Interventions and the Special Education Evaluation Process SEK Interlocal #637 SEK Interlocal #637.

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Presentation on theme: "General Education Interventions and the Special Education Evaluation Process SEK Interlocal #637 SEK Interlocal #637."— Presentation transcript:

1 General Education Interventions and the Special Education Evaluation Process
SEK Interlocal #637 SEK Interlocal #637

2 The 2 Prong Test Eligibility is based upon a student meeting 2 prongs
Does the student have an exceptionality? Prong 2 Does the student need special education services (determined by general education interventions and instruction)?

3 General Education Interventions
Schools must carry out interventions and document the child’s progress. The interventions and progress monitoring data will provide information about the child’s needs, including: Intensity of instruction needed Support required for the child to be successful General Education Intervention is an integral part of the evaluation process General Education Intervention and instruction information is required to answer prong 2

4 SIT Requirements SIT teams will be required to keep an intervention record indicating Skill Targeted Interventions conducted Dates intervention implemented Duration of intervention implemented Group size to which the intervention is implemented Progress monitoring data

5 Skill Targeted Must identify students specific skill deficit
Basic Phonics Skills Multiplication facts Attending to instruction Avoid general terms such as Can’t read Low in all areas He’s all over the place

6 Interventions Conducted
Interventions must be researched based Interventions must be specific as to the name of program or intervention Ex. Build up, 15-2 CVC words Avoid general terms for interventions, ex.“tier 2,” “Math Tutoring,” “Title services for Reading” SIT teams must keep record of the specific dates the intervention was implemented.

7 Progress monitoring data
Progress monitoring data is necessary to determine intervention effectiveness Progress monitoring of interventions must occur on a regular basis. Example progress monitoring methods: DIBELS Oral reading fluency Aimsweb Curriculum Based measures Skill based probes Tracking of assignments completed on-time Points/stickers earned on a behavioral point sheet

8 Intervention Forms

9 MTSS Intervention Log

10 Intervention Forms Intervention log and progress monitoring data is required before eligibility and need for special education services can be determined Intervention documentation will also be required when a parent makes a request for an evaluation

11 Resources Interventions for all areas
Florida Center for Reading Research Reading Interventions/Assessments Intervention Guides for Reading and Math

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