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Third Party Billing for Therapeutic Behavioral Aides

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Presentation on theme: "Third Party Billing for Therapeutic Behavioral Aides"— Presentation transcript:

1 Third Party Billing for Therapeutic Behavioral Aides

2 Therapeutic Behavioral Service
COMAR Definition An intensive, rehabilitative service that is documented in the written behavioral plan and is intended to: Provide the recipient with behavioral management skills to effectively manage the behaviors or symptoms that place the recipient at risk for a higher level of care; and Restore the recipient's previously acquired behavior skills and enable the recipient to develop appropriate behavior management skills. Therapeutic Behavioral Service means an intensive, rehabilitative service that is documented in the written behavioral plan and is intended to: Provide the recipient with behavioral management skills to effectively manage the behaviors or symptoms that place the recipient at risk for a higher level of care; and Restore the recipient's previously acquired behavior skills and enable the recipient to develop appropriate behavior management skills.

3 Therapeutic Behavioral Aide
COMAR Definition A health care professional or a nonprofessional who is supervised by an individual who is licensed, certified, or otherwise legally authorized to provide mental health services independently in the state where the service is rendered; Trained and supervised by a therapeutic behavioral service provider to implement a behavior plan; and Available on-site to provide one-to-one behavioral assistance and intervention to accomplish outcomes specified in the behavioral plan.

4 Therapeutic Behavioral Aide
Required Proof of CPI Training Crisis Prevention Intervention (CPI) Training must occur at a minimum of once per school year and include: Name of the course, workshop, or in-service; Date of training; Duration / Length of course; Copy of the agenda and course description; Name and qualifications of the instructor; Certificate of completion and CPI Card; Proof of attendance; Related to behavior management.

5 Therapeutic Behavior Aide - Service Log
Sample Service Log – Part 1

6 Therapeutic Behavior Aide - Service Log
Sample Service Log – Part 2 Date: 06/05/17 BIP Implemented by TBA? (Y/ N) Time: Activity/Location Behavior 1 Behavior 2 Behavior 3 BIP Components 15 min. 7:30-8:00 A B C D 8:00-8:30 8:30-9:00 9:00-9:30  Doctor appt. 9:30-10:00  Language Arts l l l l l l l N 10:00-10:30 l l l 10:30-11:00  Resource Y 11:00-11:30 11:30-12:00  Math O 12:00-12:30  Lunch 12:30-1:00  Recess 1:00-1:30  History 1:30-2:00 2:00-2:30  Speech 2:30-3:00 3:00-3:30  Dismissal 3:30-4:00 Supervisor: Ryan Deal Signature: Ryan Deal Title: LCSW-C Aide: Minnie Moran Signature: Minnie Moran Total Y’s BIP Behavior 1 Frequently refuses to complete his work, can be sleeping or walking around BIP Behavior 2 Engages in disruptive and noncompliant behavior as overly playful and silly and behaviorally inappropriate (i.e., touching, laughing inappropriately) with staff and walking out of class BIP Behavior 3 For each 30-minute time period, circle the letters corresponding to the BIP components that were implemented: A-Prevention Strategies B- Teaching Strategies C-Response Strategies D-Crisis Intervention

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