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Ed-ICT International Network:

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Presentation on theme: "Ed-ICT International Network:"— Presentation transcript:

1 What current models, frameworks or approaches exist and how useful are they?

2 Ed-ICT International Network:
Disabled students, ICT, post-compulsory education & employment: in search of new solutions Funded by Levehulme Trust, UK Project team: Jane Seale, lead, The Open University, UK Sheryl Burgstahler, Univ. of Washington, US Tali Heiman, Open University, Israel Catherine Fichten, Dawson College, Canada Björn Fisseler, FernUniversität, Germany

3 Ed-ICT International Network:
Explores the role that ICTs play or could play in creating barriers & mitigating disadvantages that students with disabilities face in post-secondary education generally &, specifically, in relation to social, emotional & educational outcomes

4 Housekeeping: Accessibility considerations Restrooms Breaks Handouts
Questions? Agenda

5 Tell your neighbor: Something you do well
Something you do not do very well

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