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Chill Skills for Students

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Presentation on theme: "Chill Skills for Students"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chill Skills for Students
Kate Young Mindset Coach

2 Objectives Understand the causes and impact of stress
Relaxation techniques Guide to exam/stress survival

3 Expectations Everyone in this room shows respect for each other
Openness and honesty But also the right to not participate Confidentiality Anything else?

4 Soapy Water

5 Nature of Stress Performance

6 Causes of Stress Control No Control Influence

7 Relaxation Breathing First aid for stress management!
Abdominal breathing Lengthening the breath

8 Impact of Stress Think about how stress affects how you:
Feel emotionally (upset, angry, irritable) Physically feel (tense, tired, headaches) Behaviour and habits (eat more, bad sleep) Perform (time keeping, concentration)

9 Relaxation Techniques
Breathing – first aid for stress Soapy water for tense shoulders and arms The Countdown Technique (MP3) Distraction technique Mindfulness exercise Write your worry list (MP3)

10 Guide to Exam Survival In Exam – S.O.S technique:
STOP and Slow breathing down OK, I can do this. Think ‘what do I need to do to get through this?’ Start afresh.

11 Action Planning Write a list of things 3 you are going to do
differently as a result of your workshop today.

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