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Module 6 Note Taking and Revision Strategies

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1 Module 6 Note Taking and Revision Strategies
Some keys for successful learning Part 2

2 Revision preparation Know what you are preparing for:
What day/time? (and where) How many exams? How much time for each exam? How many questions for each exam? How many marks per question? What exactly are you being assessed on? You can find this information from the VLE (Virtual Learning Environment - they may not be familiar with VLE), the examination office, the teacher and the module description.

3 Revision strategies or Active revision
Draw up a revision timetable highlighting time and topics to learn. Use the module outcomes as a guide to identifying what you are expected to know. Set yourself an active target in every slot of your revision timetable– for example, condense previous notes/identify key ideas of a theory Review and reflect on your revision progress: Identify what did and did not work Think about why something worked or did not work If something did not work find an alternative

4 Sample active revision timetable
Day/Time Subject Topic Target Achieved Reflection Time slot 1 One area you will concentrate on for this time period i.e. going through lecture notes What will you refresh your memory on or learn in this time slot Make a note of whether you were successful in completing the target Session went well, though need to check understanding before the exam Time slot 2 Another area to concentrate on i.e. re-read a text i.e. create summary and mindmap for chapter 3 ?

5 Active revision is the clue
An active revision timetable can help you to: Focus on a particular area Monitor your progress Reflect on your learning and understanding Avoid passive reading of notes Avoid revising a topic only once – returning to the topic helps retention and improves understanding In Summary: Revise actively, be involved and engaged, ask questions, revise in short manageable time slots, explain what you learnt rather than just repeating it

6 Dealing with the exam Avoid writing straight away!
Allow time for planning and understanding (You always have 5-10 mins). Read through the question 2-3 times: Underline instruction words/content words Brainstorm initial ideas Put ideas into an order

7 Dealing with an essay exam: the structure
More advice on this topic is provided in MODULE 5. Keep your exam essay simple: Write a short but focused introduction Write about one idea/topic per paragraph Keep sentences clear and straightforward Write a short but focused conclusion Allow time to check your essay

8 A good exam paper Focuses on the title
Focuses on the most important points/issues Is clear and structured (coherent/well-planned) Uses evidence and shows analysis Does not just describe

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