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Systems Thinking and Scrutiny

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1 Systems Thinking and Scrutiny
December 2015

2 Improving lives Incommunities
Why systems? Improving lives Incommunities Our Plan Focus on improving our service using systems thinking methodology to reduce waste and improve efficiency and effectiveness

3 Our Objectives Better places to live
We want great homes we would be proud to live in We will, understand our customers needs, deliver high quality services Do the right things right And learn and develop as we grow Strategic Plan: Focus on improving our service using systems thinking methodology to reduce waste and improve efficiency and effectiveness

4 Change & System Thinking
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them” Albert Einstein Why we use a systems thinking approach – the link to thinking is what can drive the system, understanding and changing the thinking can lead to a better service for the customer Conclude by talking around the changes that need to come from our thinking differently – no right way to do the wrong thing etc etc etc Doing similar but (hopefully) better things, with no change in the underlying thinking is more or less the same thing. There’s no right way, to do the wrong thing!

5 What is it? Systems Thinking Taking a customer perspective
Consider the whole system Measuring what matters to our customer Normative approach to change – Everyone is included in the journey, staff and customer Design services to meet demand and to create value for our customers No Targets: Seek perfection through continuous improvement Systems Thinking In it's simplest terms Systems Thinking can be defined as a way of looking at a system, it’s a management methodology which promotes common sense thinking, adaptability in the face of change and the elimination of waste in work processes. Taking a customer perspective – establishing purpose with the customer – understanding what it is that we are here for. Consider the whole system: Moving away from a traditional and often fragmented processes and sile working that often creates and also hides ineffective practice Measure what matters to the customer

6 The Framework A continuous cycle of change and learning
Guides you, to encourage the THINKING 6

7 Systems Thinking:

8 Purpose of Scrutiny “Working as partners with customers, to clearly identify whether services are effective and delivered to meet purpose to improve lives In communities” Each service must have a purpose that will give them direction, something set from the customer perspective relating to the response they wish to receive to their demand. Thinking that the purpose of business is to make money, is like thinking that human beings are on this earth to eat. Eating allows us to fulfil our purpose in life and it is the same for business. Profit allows Business to fulfil its Greater Purpose” John Mackey Author of “Conscious Capitalism” Focusing on profit as the Purpose of your business, has one major flaw: Your customers have no interest in helping you to make money.   Seriously, they will only be happy for you to make a profit AFTER you have met their needs. We must consider a purpose in everything that we do, The purpose set for scrutiny provides the group with guidance on what they’re trying to achieve with every review and why. Broken down the purpose means: Partners: Working with the organisation and the customers, a partnership Identifying: Investigating, Fact finding, reviewing and reporting Services: Certain service areas, one at a time as instructed by LMT Boards, policy and performance committee and strategic leaders Effective and Delivered to meet purpose: Discovering what the service said they would do and establish 1, if they are doing this? And delivering purpose to customer and 2, are they delivering it in the most effective and efficient way Improving Lives: Our vision, the greater purpose of the organisation

9 Purpose Something to guide you, give you direction & structure
“Repair my home first time at a time convenient to me” Repairs Intervention “To provide a safe and effective heating & hot water system, when needed” Gas Intervention “Help me find a suitable home when I need it” Voids and Allocations Intervention “Help me to affordably obtain, dispose or transport furnishings that are safe & suitable for my home when I need them” Furniture Intervention “Help me to live well and enjoy my home and neighbourhood responsibly, by offering support and ensuring that the duties of the landlord are fulfilled” Neighbourhood Services Intervention Purposes for all services that have gone through a System review

10 Model for check 1 Customers Purpose 2
We need to see the system through the eyes of the customer The customers is the person or persons the system is there to serve 1 Purpose What is it that we are here to do for the customer? What are customers asking for? What do customers need from us? 2 7 Stages to Check 1 – 5: Tell us what is happening 6 & 7: Tell us why Demand: Value & Failure – Type & Frequency What matters to the customers – what are they asking for? Are they asking because we failed to do or get something right in the first place? 3 System Conditions What do we have to do as a Landlord to meet our legal & regulatory requirements? 6 Capability of Response Measures: What does good look like? How well are we performing? What should we measure to establish if we are getting it right for the customer? 4 Explain each aspect of the model for check Focus on Understanding Customer and Demand – design and roll in depend upon this Check is the most important stage of the framework, it’s the foundation for everything that follows 1 – 5 tell us what is happening 6 & 7 tell us why! Flow: Value work & Waste What does the journey for the customer look like? How does it flow? Thinking What’s the organisation’s thinking? 7 5 10

11 Thank you Any Questions?

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