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Mrs. LeAnne Lupo 7th Grade Language Arts

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. LeAnne Lupo 7th Grade Language Arts"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. LeAnne Lupo 7th Grade Language Arts
Welcome to Open House Mrs. LeAnne Lupo 7th Grade Language Arts

2 Who is Mrs. Lupo? 14th year teaching in Cobb County Schools
12th at Lovinggood- here since it opened! Graduated from University of georgia, Masters from Georgia State university Married with two boys, Kindergartner and 4th grader at Kemp

3 My Class on a typical day
opening Students enter the classroom, retrieve their textbooks from the bookshelf while the class helpers pass out toolkits and graded papers. All students complete a warm-up activity that introduces a lesson or concept, or reviews a skill from the previous day or days. We share the learning targets for the day and review homework for the night before, if needed. Work session Students will engage in a variety of tasks related to reading/writing with purpose. Students will work individually, with partners, in whole class groups or small groups depending on the task. Closing Summary of the day’s lesson or activity; exit ticket, questions for the class, sticky note response, etc.

4 My blog – Lupo’s Linguistics
I update my blog every Monday with the learning targets, standards, and assessments for the week. I also provide a mid-week update with any additional details and information about the week.

5 Springboard ELA textbook
New textbook this year published by Collegeboard Rigorous yet engaging Lessons are designed to continue to build and support student success Online digital textbook available Provides access to books while students are not in class Provides additional support through audio, video, and extra activities for practice and review

6 Tidbits HOMEWORk – assigned as needed based on the following criteria
Skills review & practice, quiz/test prep, independent reading needs Summative Reassessments- will be outlined on my blog as needed Tutoring - Before school assistance will be available in the near future. Details will be posted on my blog Parental support – encourage homework review, keeping up with assignnments, and checking blog Negative behavior – will be shared with you via Synergy and Projects – no out of class projects will be assigned this year in 7th grade LA classes

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