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Infant and Toddler Stress

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Presentation on theme: "Infant and Toddler Stress"— Presentation transcript:

1 Infant and Toddler Stress

2 Imagine it was you… With those sitting at your table, read the scenario provided Discuss how you would feel Report to the entire group your feelings

3 Leaving the Parent Attachment Relationships Routine

4 Stress at Home Moving Schedule Fighting New sibling Parent stress
Family illness Food insecurity Divorce Death in the family

5 Stress in Care Inconsistency No Relationship Lighting/Noise
Caregiver Schedule No Relationship Lighting/Noise Multiple Children

6 Physiological Factors
Cortisol Brain development

7 Coping Styles Think about your own coping style
How do you deal with stress? Find others in the room who are similar to you.

8 Coping Styles continued
Get mad Eat Cry Use calming strategies Take control Exercise

9 How to reduce the impact of family stress?
Communication/Relationship with family Support for family Consistency

10 How to eliminate stress in the childcare setting?
Form strong relationships Primary caregiving Continuity of care Follow the child’s lead

11 Calming Techniques and Strategies

12 Becky Bailey’s Conscious Discipline
Breathing techniques Baby Doll Circle Time Soothing

13 Calming atmosphere Consider what is on the walls Less is More
Think about floor space Layout Toy selection

14 Cozy Area Time away space Comfortable Soft and sensory appealing

15 Go outside Fresh air New sights, sounds, feelings Different textures
Different types of play

16 Move Run outside Dance Play a game Burn some energy

17 Hugs and Reassurance A hug from a trusted friend can turn things around Physical prompts to help a child know what to do Being available when a child needs a little extra attention

18 Be calm yourself

19 Resources
Bailey, Becky, and Elizabeth Montero-Cefalo. Baby Doll Circle Time: Strengthening Attachment, Attunement, and Social Play. Oviedo, FL: Loving Guidance, Print. Miller, K. (2001). Ages and stages: Developmental descriptions and activities birth through eight years. West Palm Beach: Telshare Pub.

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