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What You’ll Need for Class

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Presentation on theme: "What You’ll Need for Class"— Presentation transcript:

1 What You’ll Need for Class
Pencil Pencil Crayon Math Binder Textbook Protractor (Grade 8’s)

2 Topic 1.1 Quiz Clear your desks for the daily quiz
When you’re done hand in your quiz. Grade 8’s grab a Mac .

3 1.2 - Create Designs & 12.1 Tessellations

4 Grade 8’s Go to the Learning Alberta Website
The link to the website is posted on the Plone. Work on the Tessellations Interactive

5 Grade 7’s Flag Assignment Draw a Flag on a Cartesian Plane
Identify the Key Coordinates Write Directions As if you were talking someone through drawing your Flag

6 Grade 8’s What is a tessellation?

7 Tessellations Tessellation – A pattern that covers an area or plane without overlapping or leaving gaps. Also known as a tiling pattern For the tessellation to exist, such that there are not gaps. The angles of all of the shapes that fit together must equal 360* Tiling/Tessellation the Plane – Using repeated congruent shapes to cover an area without leaving gaps or overlapping.

8 Tessellations Assignment
Complete the shape chart Create a Tessellation Find Tessellations in Real Life

9 Instructions Use the rest of your class time to work on your assignments. If you finish you can work on your textbook questions for these topics.

10 Learning Logs Grade 7 Grade 8
What is the difference between the following three coordinates: (3,0), (0, 3) and (0, -3) Grade 8 What is a tessellation?

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