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Lent 2017 – St. Joseph’s Church

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1 Lent 2017 – St. Joseph’s Church
welcome Lent 2017 – St. Joseph’s Church

2 How did it go this week? How has the study been for you? Has it assisted you in keeping your Lenten resolutions? Getting started!

3 What are the seven last words of christ?
Father forgive them, they do not know what they are doing. Today you will be with me in Paradise. Woman, here is your son…Here is your mother. My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? I am thirsty. It is finished. Father, into your hands I commend my spirit. What are the seven last words of christ?

4 SIXTH word “It is finished.” John 19:30 Read together: John 19: 28-42

5 “Tetelestai”: accomplished, complete, arriving
Genesis John Revelation SIXTH WORD

6 SIXTH WORD The evangelist John often chooses words with double meanings. Tetelestai means the earthly life of Jesus is “finished” and so too his mission on earth.

7 Compare the words “it is finished” to the words in Mark and Matthew
Compare the words “it is finished” to the words in Mark and Matthew. How is John’s portrayal of Jesus a more serene image? SIXTH WORD

8 SIXTH WORD What was accomplished? How is John’s account a foretaste of Pentecost?

9 SIXTH WORD Read together p. 63 Points of embarkation: Who is a point of embarkation for you?

10 SIXTH WORD Read p. 64 together, Hasidic Tales of the Holocaust account. Discuss: Who in the Communion of Saints is an even stronger point of embarkation for you in death than they were in life?

11 We live in a communion of the “terrible brokenness of the world…The world will only be healed, repaired, restored, renewed if we Christians and Jews become such points of embarkation for one another and for the world.” How does this affect your understanding of Good Friday? SIXTH WORD

12 SEVENTH WORD “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” Luke 23:44-46 Read the chapter on the Seventh Word and Luke as your self-guided reflection for Holy Week along with the study guide.

13 Closing prayer Read aloud together: Poem p. 76 The Way of the Cross p. 77 Watch and ponder:

14 MEET the author, FR. Tom ROSICA Retreat at st
MEET the author, FR. Tom ROSICA Retreat at st. joSEPH’s The Words of the resurrection: May 7 – 8 – 9 7:00 - 8:30pm

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