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JEOPARDY Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4 Topic 5 $100 $100 $100 $100

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1 JEOPARDY Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4 Topic 5 $100 $100 $100 $100
$200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400

2 1 - $100 Due to the lack of government regulations, industrialists like Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller were able to accrue vast fortunes in the 19th century. VERB – TO GROW OR ACCUMULATE OVER TIME

3 1 - $200 High school students must include annotations in their works cited pages. NOUN – A CRITICAL OR EXPLANATORY NOTE OR COMMENT

4 1 - $300 In the 17th and 18th centuries people commonly referred to institutions for the mentally disabled as Bedlam. NOUN – A STATE OR SCENE OF UPROAR OR CONFUSION

5 1 - $400 The plan to capture Osama Bin Laden involved covert operations and careful timing. (2) ADJECTIVE – HIDDEN, DISGUISED, PURPOSEFULLY KEPT SECRET NOUN – A HIDING PLACE

6 2 - $100 His debonair manner did not fool me; I knew that he had calculated his every move to undermine our forming a new political party. ADJ – PLEASANT, COURTEOUS, LIGHTHEARTED

7 2 - $200 When a dun threatened Charles Dickens with debtor’s prison, Dickens replied: “I care nothing for the temporary embarrassment of life!” (noun, but can also be a verb and adjective). (3) VERB – TO DEMAND INSISTENTLY NOUN – A CREDITOR ADJ – DARK, DULL, DRAB

8 2 - $300 Many people suffering from pain find acupuncture efficacious in relieving their symptoms. ADJ – EFFECTIVE, PRODUCING RESULTS

9 2 - $400 The sign of a true leader is one who faces every adversity with equanimity, and works to find a solution. NOUN – CALMNESS, COMPOSURE

10 3 - $100 Meeting her lost sister in the Amazon jungle after a 10 year search in Europe was a fortuitous event; she was totally speechless. ADJ – ACCIDENTAL, OCCURRING BY A HAPPY CHANCE

11 3 - $200 Having digressed on a variety of topics for two hours, the candidate finally delivered the gist of his long winded speech. NOUN – THE ESSENTIAL PART, MAIN POINT

12 3 - $300 No matter how much a writer may love his or her creation, he/she must edit any gratuitous detail that does not advance the plot or theme. ADJ – FREELY GIVEN; UNWARRANTED

13 3 - $400 In Colonial India, many British citizens enjoyed a life of privilege and luxury; as a result their attitude was often imperious and supercilious towards their Indian servants. ADJ – OVERBEARING, ARROGANT

14 4 - $100 Rather than a polite and respectful debate, the two candidates shouted a torrent of invective, attacking each other’s spouses and relatives. (2) NOUN – STRONG DENUNCIATION ADJ - ABUSIVE

15 4 - $200 Despite the horrified stares of the other guests, she seemed oblivious as she paraded her motley jacket of yellows, blues and reds and purple, polka dot pants among them. (2) ADJ – SHOWING GREAT VARIETY NOUN – A JESTER’S COSTUME

16 4 - $300 As we had always considered him to be a miser, we were shocked by his munificent gift of a $1,000, to the town library. ADJ – EXTREMELY GENEROUS, LAVISH

17 4 - $400 Despite dire warnings by his professor, the student procrastinated completing the essay until it was too late. VERB – TO DELAY, PUT OFF UNTIL LATER

18 5 - $100 However unsettling, I much prefer a provocative story line to a vapid one. ADJ – TENDING TO PRODUCE A STRONG FEELING OR RESPONSE

19 5 - $200 In describing the relationship between human beings and a superior being, philosophers often wrote recondite texts that only a few scholars could understand. ADJ – EXCEEDING ORDINARY KNOWLEDGE

20 5 - $300 Despite several convictions and prison terms, the reprobate showed no intention of reforming. (3) NOUN – A DEPRAVED, VICIOUS, OR UNPRINCIPLED PERSON VERB – TO DISAPPROVE OF ADJ – WICKED, CORRUPT

21 5 - $400 Because office jobs tend to be sedentary, it is easy to gain weight and become sluggish. ADJ – CHARACTERIZED BY OR CALLING FOR CONTINUED SITTING

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