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Environmental Sustainability

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1 Environmental Sustainability

2 What is sustainability?
Sustainability is about maintaining the capacity of the environment to support our lives and the lives of other living creatures both NOW and in the FUTURE.

3 BIG Question: How can my life be more sustainable?
EEE – Extended Environmental Experience Experiential Environmental Sustainability lessons - Wed Day 8 Recycling Program

4 EEE You will be participating in the Extended Environmental Experience from the 11-15th September. You have the opportunity to explore the wonderful natural environment of the Great South West walk This experience will involve walking through the Lower Glenelg National park This will be a minimal impact expedition as you carry all you need for the week in you hiking pack. Exploring the concepts of ecotourism, healthy waterways and waste management in a pristine environment

5 Wednesday - Day 8 We will explore the concepts of
Water and healthy waterways Protection and conservation of marine environments Waste management This will involve active participation in 1. An excursion to Rickets Point to explore the Marine Park and assist with maintaining the foreshore by planting and weeding . A Bike ride around Ricketts Point to investigate the effect of residential urban build near the water 2. A Kayak down Mordialloc creek to observe first hand the effect of industry and urban build alongside water ways 3. Water quality testing in a number of locations at Mordialloc Creek to determine the health of the waterway. 4. A Snorkelling experience at Ricketts Point to investigate the Marine Park.

6 Reflections After each Environment session you are required to write a reflection of your experience. Keeping in mind the Big Question: How can my life be more sustainable?

7 Recycling program As a class you will be responsible for helping to maintain the school recycling program This will involve: emptying full recycling bins around the school, making sure all classrooms and office areas have a useable recycling bin, sifting through the recycling bins to make sure that they contain ONLY the relevant material and no food scraps and other rubbish. bringing the empty bins back into the school grounds once they have been emptied by VISY recycling my docs 2017\CUE enviro 2017\recycling\RECYCLING-procedures docx

8 Todays Reflection What is Sustainability? Write a paragraph outlining what sustainability is to you. Is it important to lead a sustainable life? Why , Why not


10 Preparation for activities out
1. An excursion to Rickets Point to explore the Marine Park and assist with maintaining the foreshore by planting and weeding .

11 Preparation for activities out
A Kayak and walk along Mordialloc creek to observe first hand the effect of industry and urban build alongside water ways.

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