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Structures of Life: Embryology

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1 Structures of Life: Embryology
Science Structures of Life: Embryology Lesson 4: Germination Materials needed: -minisprouters -life cycle flash card for each student -3 blank flash cards for each student -root, stem, and leaves flash card for each student -a few seedlings of each type from the class sprouter that have been growing for 7-8 days (try to make sure each group has seedlings with different structures present – just roots, roots and stem, and roots, stem and leaves) -11 x 17 germinated seeds placemat for each group -Structures of Life book for each student

2 life cycle the sequence of changes to an organism as it develops from its earliest stage to the same stage in the next generation Today, we are going to continue to observe our seeds in our minisprouters so that we can learn more about the sequence of changes that a plant goes through as it develops from its earliest stage to the same stage in the next generation. What do you call that sequence of changes? * Let’s make a flash card for the word life cycle. I already wrote the definition for you, so you just need to add the word on the other side. We learned a little bit so far about the…

3 What is the life cycle of a plant?
The BIG Question: What is the life cycle of a plant? …life cycle of a plant. We know that life begins as seed, and we put…

4 Sunflower Seeds Popcorn Seeds Pea Seeds Bean Seeds
…four different types of dormant seeds in our minisprouters and added water to them. Once we added water to them… Pea Seeds Bean Seeds

5 embryo seed coat cotyledons
…they began to swell and the * outer layer became softer. What do you call that outer layer that protects the seed? * Inside * our seeds, a * baby plant began to grow. What do you call that undeveloped plant that started to develop? * We have been supplying water to help the embryo to grow, but the embryo is getting its food from this * main part of the seed. What do you call this structure of the seed that stores food for the developing embryo? * The seeds in our minisprouters have been growing for 6 days now. When a seed begins to grow and develop after a long period of being dormant, like the seeds we put in our minisprouter, it is called... cotyledons

6 the beginning of the growth of a seed after being dormant
germination the beginning of the growth of a seed after being dormant …germination. Germination is…* Let’s make a flash card for this word. On the front of your card, write the word germination. On the back of the card, write the definition. It would probably also be a good idea for us to make a flash card for the word…

7 the process of becoming bigger and more complex
growth the process of becoming bigger and more complex …growth. What would you say growth is? Growth is…* On the front of your card, write the word growth. On the back of the card, write the definition. Some of the seeds in our minisprouters have grown into young plants. A young plant that grows from a seed is called a…

8 a young plant that grows from a seed
seedling a young plant that grows from a seed …seedling. A seedling is the next stage in the life cycle of a plant. Let’s also make a flash card for this word. On the front of your card, write the word seedling. On the back of the card, write the definition…* We are going to observe the seeds in our minispouters today. So, you’ll need page…

9 …6 in your binder. Remember that you will write a 6 today for the number of days in the minisprouter. Draw a line under your observations from day 4 to separate them. If possible, try to find a seed that has become a seedling to draw on your sheet. As you observe the seedlings, there are two things I want you to… 6

10 How does the size of the seedling compare to the dry seed?
Think about it! How does the size of the seedling compare to the dry seed? …think about. Here is the first…* Can someone read it? Here is the second…* Can someone read that? Let’s talk about your observations. How does the size of the seedling compare to the dry seed? On the dry seed, you can only see the seed coat, but on the seedling, you can see other structures that have developed. Let’s see if you can name the… What structures or parts do you observe in the seedling compared to the dry seed?

11 Structures of a Seedling
leaves …structures of a seedling. Here is a * picture of a bean seedling. Your seedling may have looked a little something like this. What is this * structure? * roots Label that on your picture. Why are the roots important to a plant? (they hold it in the ground and take up water and nutrients) What is this * structure? * stem Why is the stem important? (it grows upward and supports the rest of the plant) How about this * structure? * leaves Why are leaves important? (the leaves are where the plant makes its food using light from the sun) Let’s make some flash cards for the structures of the seedling… stem roots

12 root the structure of a plant that grows downward to provide support and take up water and nutrients What do you call the structure of a plant that grows downward to provide support and take up water and nutrients? * On the front of your card, write the word root. On the back of the card, write the definition. The root is one of the first structures to grow. We saw the root poking out of our seeds after a few days in the minisprouter. What do you call…

13 stem the structure of the plant that grows upward and supports the rest of the plant …the structure of the plant that grows upward and supports the rest of the plant? * On the front of your card, write the word stem. On the back of the card, write the definition. What do you call…

14 leaves the flat parts of the plant that grow from the stem or up from the roots ..the flat parts of the plant that grow from the stem or up from the roots? * On the front of your card, write the word leaves. On the back of the card, write the definition…* Now let’s go back to our…

15 What is the life cycle of a plant?
The BIG Question: What is the life cycle of a plant? …big question for today. When I say go, tell your partner what you know so far about the life cycle of a plant. (give time to talk) Where does the life cycle of a plant begin?

16 seedling seed A plant’s life cycle begins with a seed.
What did we have to do for the seed to no longer be dormant and start life? (water it) What is the next step in the life cycle of a plant? What did our seed turn into? * seedling Different types of seed may germinate faster or slower than others. Even seeds that are the same type may germinate at different rates. Let’s compare some seedlings and the structures that are found on them. We’ll use the seedlings in our minisprouters, and I am also going to give you some seedlings from my big sprouter. I am going to give you a big chart that looks like this…

17 See if you can find a seedling for each category and lay it in the correct box.
(pass out seedlings and have students sort them) Which one has the longest roots? Which one has the most developed leaves? *talk about the difference in how the monocot seeds (corn and pea) grow compared to the dicot seeds (bean and sunflower) – the roots and stem grow from two different directions in the monocot, but in the dicot, the stem forms right from the root Let’s add some facts to our…

18 * All living things are organisms.
* Life for a plant begins in a seed. * A seed is an organism (a living thing). * Seeds develop in the part of a plant called the fruit. * Different kinds of fruit have …big ideas page. The last thing we wrote was… I am out of room on the front of my sheet, so I am going to the back… different kinds and numbers of seeds. *Seeds change in the presence of water. They become bigger and heavier. *All living things have a life cycle. *The life cycle of a plant starts with a seed. Water makes the seed start to grow and develop.

19 *Young plants that grow from
seeds are called seedlings. *Seedlings have roots, stems, and leaves. First let’s write…* Next let’s write..* Let’s end today by reading a page in our books. (pg. 2)

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