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Raymond Chandler.

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1 Raymond Chandler

2 Early Years Born July 23, 1888 in Chicago, Illinois
Moved to London at age 12 Educated at Dulwich College public school (P. G. Wodehouse & C. S. Forester) Did not attend university, instead spending time in Paris and Munich In 1907 took the Civil Service Exam and took an Admirality job, during which time he published his first poem

3 Working Life Disliked civil service and resigned
Reporter for the Daily Express (newspaper) Reporter for the Western Gazette (newspaper) He was an unsuccessful journalist but continued publishing reviews and writing romantic poetry Richard Barham Middleton incident Returned to America in 1912 (San Francisco, Los Angeles) Strung tennis rackets, picked fruit, etc Enlisted in WWI in 1917 (Canada)

4 Continued Married Pearl Eugenie "Cissy" Pascal in 1924
 In 1931 he was a vice president of the Dabney Oil Syndicate, but alcoholism, absenteeism, promiscuity with female employees, and threatened suicides contributed to his dismissal a year later.

5 As a Writer Taught himself to write pulp fiction by studying Perry Mason His first professional work, “Blackmailers Don't Shoot” was published in a magazine in 1933 His first novel, The Big Sleep, published in 1939 and featured Phillip Marlowe 2nd Marlowe novel, Farewell My Lovely, in (three movies)

6 Novels The Big Sleep (1939) Farewell My Lovely (1940)
The High Window (1942) The Lady in the Lake (1943) The Little Sister (1949) The Long Goodbye (1953) Playback (1958)

7 Death Cissy died in 1954 after a long illness, Chandler was devastated and entered a clinical depression 1955 attempted suicide He returned to England He died at Scripps Memorial Hospital of pneumonial peripheral vascular shock and prerenal uremia in 1959. Chandler is buried at Mount Hope Cemetery, in San Diego, California.


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