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How Documentation Affects Your Reputation & the Reputation of UK

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Presentation on theme: "How Documentation Affects Your Reputation & the Reputation of UK"— Presentation transcript:

1 How Documentation Affects Your Reputation & the Reputation of UK
Clifford Kaye MD Medical Director of Clinical Documentation Integrity September 2017

2 Faculty Disclosure No financial disclosures to report

3 Two Codes Generated from our Documentation
ICD Codes E&M codes Facility Fees & Professional Fees Quality Metrics CDI works to assure that the codes accurately reflect the complexity of care we’re delivering…and our outcomes CDI Clinical Documentation Integrity Service KMSF

4 Goals By the end of this session you will understand:
How our documentation affects quality metrics The role of CDI in maintaining the integrity of our quality metrics

5 Objectives Describe UK’s cohort Explain the impact of Quality metrics
Review case examples demonstrating documentation effects on: eROM eLOS Describe CDI’s role in this process

6 UK’s Comparator Group

7 Vanderbilt Medical Ctr University of Tennessee Mass General
We are a voluntary member of the UHC….ssembled to develop the Quality & Accountability Study. Goal: objective data-driven measure to compare systems. Cleveland Clinic Vanderbilt Medical Ctr University of Tennessee Mass General Johns Hopkins Duke Univ. Health System Temple U Penn All Mayo Clinics Stanford Health Care Emory University Hospital Northwestern Memorial Loyola University Medical Center University of Colorado

8 FYTD 17 UK Expected Mortality Chandler only Ranking: 1/135 AMCs
Hospital/ Hospital System Cases % Deaths (Obs) % Deaths (Exp) Mortality Index UKCHANDLER 21,118 3.65 4.74 0.77 UW_HARBORVIEW 11,402 3.62 4.49 0.81 JAMESCANCER 9,322 3.10 3.87 0.80 MARYLAND 19,061 3.31 3.81 0.87 IU_HEALTH-MEDICALCENTER 25,238 3.42 3.52 0.97 LAHEY_HEALTH_LHMC 15,401 2.82 3.49 CINCINNATI_UCMC 18,832 2.93 3.45 0.85 USC_KECK 7,802 3.38 1.02 NORRIS 1,095 4.57 3.29 1.39 NMEXICO-UNIVERSITY 14,814 2.96 3.26 0.91 FH_FROEDTERT 20,794 1.94 3.25 0.60 PENNSTATE 19,286 2.13 3.24 0.66 NEBRASKA 17,795 2.52 3.20 0.79 UCLA-RONALD_REAGAN 15,857 2.67 3.17 0.84 CLEVELANDCLINIC 34,308 2.43 3.14 IOWA 23,597 2.64 3.13 HERMANN 29,311 2.56 3.12 0.82 WFBH_NCBH 25,980 2.39 3.09 ALABAMA 35,102 2.97 3.07

9 Quality Metrics Build a Reputation
Your hospital’s reputation Your reputation Your job security

10 O/E index = Observed/Expected expected is determined by what you write
What do we see compared to what we’re expecting? UK Healthcare Sets Goals Performance Bonus

11 Documentation Quality Metrics eLOS & eROM

12 How are These Expectations Determined? Each DRG has Risk Models

13 It’s all about what’s POA
CDI Nurses comb through the chart looking for documentation of diagnoses and evidence of undocumented diagnoses

14 eROM Hospital Medicine Example

15 Hospital Medicine: eROM model
Admitted due to ESRD & volume overload (missed HD) This commits her to a specific DRG Mean expected ROM for this population is 1.3% Because the following were documented as POA: Shock Malnutrition Thrombocytopenia Transfer from Acute Care Facility Her eROM adjusted to 19%

16 CDI Query: “You documented Hep C. Was this acute or chronic Hep C?”

17 What is expected?

18 “Chronic Hep C” eROM changed from 19.1% to 47.5%

19 eROM Neurology Example

20 Because the following were POA:
Neurology: eROM model 85yo admitted with acute CVA manifesting with new aphasia & right arm weakness Because the following were POA: Age >= 85 years Chronic AFib His eROM = 0.8% Mean expected ROM for this population is 9.2%

21 CDI Query: The CT head demonstrated “diffuse hypodensity in the right lentiform nucleus & mass effect upon the right lateral ventricle” Which statement accurately describes this patient: 1) Brain compression is evident 2) No evidence of brain compression Mass Effect & Midline Shift can be chronic. Cerebral Edema & Brain Compression imply acuity

22 “Brain Compression” eROM changes from 0.8% to 1.8%

23 Surgery eROM Example

24 Because the following were POA:
Surgery: eROM model 64yo s/p right periprosthetic distal spiral femur fracture returns with surgical site infection. Mean expected ROM for this population is 1.6% Because the following were POA: Sepsis Protein Malnutrition Hyperkalemia Her eROM adjusted to 1.9%

25 CDI Query: A TTE notes an EF of 35% and the patient is on chronic Lasix. Does this patient have: 1) Acute systolic CHF 2) Chronic systolic CHF 3) Acute on chronic systolic CHF 4) None of the above

26 “CHF” eROM changes from 1.9% to 4.3%


28 eLOS examples Each DRG has Risk Models

29 UHC/Vizient Risk Calculator: LOS

30 Hospital Medicine eLOS Example

31 Hospital Medicine: eLOS model
Same patient with ESRD and volume overload (missed HD) This commits her to a specific DRG Mean expected LOS for this population is 3.7 days Because the following were POA: Malnutrition Coagulopathy Diabetes with CC Liver Disease Deficiency Anemia Depression Her eLOS adjusted to 8.34 days

32 CDI Query: You treated the patient with Vanc/Zosyn until the time of her death. Were you suspecting a MDR bacterial infection?

33 “Suspected MDR Bacterial Infection” eLOS changes from 8. 34 to 11
“Suspected MDR Bacterial Infection” eLOS changes from to days

34 Neurology eLOS Example

35 Neurology: eLOS example
85yo admitted with acute CVA manifesting as new aphasia & right arm weakness Mean expected LOS for this population is 5.3 days Because the following were POA: Protein Malnutrition Dementia Chronic CHF Chronic AFib Her eLOS adjusted to 5.4 days

36 CDI Query: You stated that the patient had AMS on admission
CDI Query: You stated that the patient had AMS on admission. Does this patient have: 1) Toxic Encephalopathy 2) Metabolic Encephalopathy 3) Encephalopathy related to acute CVA 4) No evidence of encephalopathy

37 “Encephalopathy” eLOS changes from 5.4 to 7.7 days

38 Surgery eLOS Example

39 Her eLOS adjusted to 23.3 days
Surgery: eLOS example 64yo s/p right periprosthetic distal spiral femur fracture returns with surgical site infection. Mean expected LOS for this population is 9.5 days Because the following were POA: Sepsis Non-excisional debridement Deficiency anemia Hyperkalemia CHF Her eLOS adjusted to 23.3 days

40 CDI Query: Nutrition noted that the patient meets the ASPEN criteria for mild protein calorie malnutrition. Which statement is correct: 1) This patient has mild protein malnutrition. 2) This patient does not have malnutrition.

41 “Mild Protein Malnutrition” eLOS changes from 23.3 to 33.6 days

42 Deloitte PowerPoint timesaver – September 2011

43 Hospital/ Hospital System
Reputation & Revenue Reputation Hospital/ Hospital System Cases % Deaths (Obs) % Deaths (Exp) Mortality Index UKCHANDLER 21,118 3.65 4.74 0.77 UW_HARBORVIEW 11,402 3.62 4.49 0.81 JAMESCANCER 9,322 3.10 3.87 0.80 MARYLAND 19,061 3.31 3.81 0.87 IU_HEALTH-MEDICALCENTER 25,238 3.42 3.52 0.97 LAHEY_HEALTH_LHMC 15,401 2.82 3.49 CINCINNATI_UCMC 18,832 2.93 3.45 0.85 USC_KECK 7,802 3.38 1.02 NORRIS 1,095 4.57 3.29 1.39 NMEXICO-UNIVERSITY 14,814 2.96 3.26 0.91 FH_FROEDTERT 20,794 1.94 3.25 0.60 PENNSTATE 19,286 2.13 3.24 0.66 NEBRASKA 17,795 2.52 3.20 0.79 UCLA-RONALD_REAGAN 15,857 2.67 3.17 0.84 CLEVELANDCLINIC 34,308 2.43 3.14 IOWA 23,597 2.64 3.13 HERMANN 29,311 2.56 3.12 0.82 WFBH_NCBH 25,980 2.39 3.09 ALABAMA 35,102 2.97 3.07

44 How do Expectations Affect Your Bottom Line?
= $444,330

45 How do expectations affect your bottom line?

46 How do Expectations Affect Your Bottom Line?
1 more point meets Quality & Safety Target = 0.25% of 44M = $111,082 more in the pool

47 In Summary: When CDI Calls, Help Them Improve: - UK’s reputation - Your reputation - Your bottom line

48 Special Thanks to these CDI Specialists: Lisa Kingsely R. N
Special Thanks to these CDI Specialists: Lisa Kingsely R.N. (Neuro) John O’Hair R.N. & Kathy Tevis R.N. (Surgical) Pam Florence R.N. (Hospital Med/Mortality)


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