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Learning Accord Multi Academy Trust

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1 Learning Accord Multi Academy Trust

2 Learning Accord MAT Vision
Why? Response to National Landscape Education and Adoption Bill Yorkshire Anglican TSA Preservation of Distinctive Context Church of England schools working in partnership with community schools Commitment to excellence Working in partnership with other MATs, TSAs and schools Inspiration drawn from work with others Moral purpose

3 Learning Accord MAT- Benefits:
Outcomes for our children Increased leadership capacity Sharing of expertise Sharing of resources Development of shared roles Staff development and enrichment Governor development Extended services for families School to school support Peer review & challenge Joint Procurement Freedom Strategic overview and liaison Enhanced recruitment and retention of staff School improvement experience

4 Structure and Proposed Governance Model
Learning Accord Multi-Academy Trust Members Members: Custodians of the Trust Critical Friends ‘Check and balance’ on performance of the MAT Trustees Board Trust Level Trustees Board: Strategic oversight Standards and effectiveness Ultimate responsibility for management decisions of MAT Strategic Direction Robust accountability Local Governing Bodies retained within each academy Executive Head Executive Headteacher Substantive Headteacher at the Lead School Local Governing Bodies: Support & challenge role Day to day governance of each Academy. Local decisions Academic Performance Local Community & Stakeholders Head Kaye’s First & Nursery Head St Aidan’s CE (VA) First Head Skelmanthorpe First & Nursery Head Scissett CE (A) First Future partner academies/ sponsored academies may join. Review of Trustee Membership

5 Learning Accord MAT – Structure & Governance
DBE appointee Chair Bishop/ appointee Members Roles & Responsibilities: Appoint trustees Amend articles of association Remove trustees Community appointee Diocesan appointee Members

6 5 Diocesan Academy trustees
Learning Accord MAT - Structure & Governance MAT board of trustees Trustees are responsible for management and administration of the MAT Accountable to the Members Structure: 9 trustees comprising: Executive Headteacher- Ex Officio 5 Trustees appointed by the Members 4 Academy Trustees Suggested committees: Audit (annual audit and risk management) Personnel, Pay & Performance Standards Committee. Executive Headteacher Trustees Board 4 Academy trustees 5 Diocesan Academy trustees Headteacher Board- to meet half termly- Heads can attend trustees board meeting if they wish. Chairs Board- to meet termly Views, opinions, information from both groups taken back to trustees

7 Learning Accord MAT- Governance Arrangements
Day to day decisions Usual terms of office (four years) Financial Contribution to MAT Continued roles and responsibilities Representation from LGB at Trustees level Each school retains its Local Governing Body Trustees satisfied about LGB’s ability to carry out functions Continued functions within terms of reference Agreed terms of reference

8 Learning Accord Multi Academy Trust- Next Steps
Communication and consultation Review of consultation Academy applications to DFE Application for Primary School Grant (£75 000) Academy Orders granted Governance arrangements finalised Financial planning Land transfer and issues resolved Staff TUPE transfers Indicative Academy conversion date August/September 2016 Ongoing development of systems and monitoring within the MAT

9 Growth Strategy Scissett CE (A) First School as Lead School
St Aidan’s, & Skelmanthorpe equal partner academies Each Academy retains its distinctive character and ethos All working collaboratively in partnership Other church and community schools will be welcomed Entry points for schools flexible Capacity matched to leadership arrangements Regular review of MAT capacity and structure Each Academy able to flourish Distinctive inclusive Church of England school family Inclusive and Diverse- Mission & Values

10 Scissett CE Academy, St Aidan’s CE Academy and Skelmanthorpe Academy converted on 1st March 2017

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