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APHA Annual Meeting 2014 Public health department accreditation: answering the ‘so what?’ question Tuesday, November 18, 2014 10:30-12:00 pm Session 4104.

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Presentation on theme: "APHA Annual Meeting 2014 Public health department accreditation: answering the ‘so what?’ question Tuesday, November 18, 2014 10:30-12:00 pm Session 4104."— Presentation transcript:

1 APHA Annual Meeting 2014 Public health department accreditation: answering the ‘so what?’ question Tuesday, November 18, 2014 10:30-12:00 pm Session 4104

2 Speaker Disclosures None of the speakers have any financial disclosures to make for this presentation.

3 Session Objectives Discuss the relationship between PHAB and other national accreditation readiness, performance management and QI initiatives Describe PHAB’s approach to internal and external evaluation of accreditation Discuss early findings of from PHAB’s evaluation initiatives

4 Panelists Liza Corso, CDC Pamela Russo, RWJF
Jessica Kronstadt, PHAB Les Beitsch, PHAB

5 Connecting the Dots Public health department accreditation
NPHII and other CDC Initiatives RWJF Initiatives Overarching QI and PM There IS a master plan!


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