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Ethnic and Racial Identity in Adolescents of Color

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1 Ethnic and Racial Identity in Adolescents of Color
Stephanie M. Miller PSYC 203 Westminster College

2 Identity Growth in Adolescents of Color
Development of abstract thinking skills allow adolescents to shift from racial-ethnic categorization to racial-ethnic identification (Quintana, 1994). Begin considering how their racial-ethnic identity impacts how society views them as well as how they view themselves (Helms, Jernigan, & Mascher, 2005).

3 Phinney’s Model of Ethnic Identity Development (1992)
Stage one: Unexamined ethnic identity Stage two: Ethnic identity search/moratorium Stage three: Ethnic identity achievement

4 Benefits of Positive Ethnic-Racial Identity
Positive relationships between ethnic pride and self-esteem (Mandara, Gaylord-Harden, Richards & Ragsdale, 2009; Romero & Roberts, 2003; Worrell, 2007). Higher ethnic identity positively correlated to greater pro-social behavior (Jones & Galliher, 2007; Armenta, Knight, Carlo, & Jacobsen, 2011). Lower rates of depressive symptoms (Swenson & Prelow, 2005).

5 Benefits of Positive Ethnic-Racial Identity
Greater racial identity exploration linked to higher interest in learning (Borrero & Yeh, 2011). Higher ethnic affirmation predicted more positive educational values (Perreira, Fulgini, & Potochnick, 2010). Linked to higher GPA (Sandoval, Gutkin, & Naumann, 1997; Shrake & Rhee, 2004).

6 Adolescents of Color in Education
More likely to receive harsher punishments than their white peers engaging in the same activities (Luna & Tijerina Revilla, 2013). Racial microaggressions (Sue, Capodilupo, Torino, Bucceri, Holder, Nadal, & Esquilin, 2007).

7 Microassault

8 Microinsult

9 Microinvalidation

10 HatchKids Discuss Microaggressions

11 Negative Effects of Microaggressions
Racial microaggressions have been connected to: lower self-esteem and feelings of alienation (Solorzano, Ceja, & Yosso, 2000). Higher rates of depression and anxiety (Nadal, Griffin, Wong, Hamit, & Rasmus, 2014). Racial battle fatigue (Smith, Hung, & Franklin, 2011).

12 Encouraging Ethnic-Racial Identity in Education

13 References Armenta, B. E., Knight, G. P., Carlo, G., & Jacobson, R. P. (2011). The relation between ethnic group attachment and prosocial tendencies: The mediating role of cultural values. European Journal of Social Psychology,41(1), Borrero, N. E., & Yeh, C. J. (2011). The multidimensionality of ethnic identity among urban high school youth. Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research, 11(2), Felix, E. D., & You, S. (2011). Peer victimization within the ethnic context of high school. Journal of Community Psychology, 39(7), Helms, J. E., Jernigan, M., & Mascher, J. (2005). The meaning of race in psychology and how to change I t: a methodological perspective. American Psychologist, 60(1), 27. Jones, M. D., & Galliher, R. V. (2007). Ethnic identity and psychosocial functioning in Navajo adolescents. Journal of Research on Adolescence,17(4), Luna, N., & Revilla, A. T. (2013). Understanding Latina/o School pushout: Experiences of students who left school before graduating. Journal of Latinos and Education, 12(1), Mandara, J., Gaylord‐Harden, N. K., Richards, M. H., & Ragsdale, B. L. (2009). The Effects of Changes in Racial Identity and Self‐Esteem on Changes in African American Adolescents’ Mental Health. Child Development, 80(6),

14 References Nadal, K. L., Griffin, K. E., Wong, Y., Hamit, S., & Rasmus, M. (2014). The impact of racial microaggressions on mental health: Counseling implications for clients of color. Journal of Counseling & Development, 92(1), Perreira, K. M., Fuligni, A., & Potochnick, S. (2010). Fitting in: The roles of social acceptance and discrimination in shaping the academic motivations of Latino youth in the US Southeast. Journal of Social Issues, 66(1), Phinney, J. S. (1992). The multigroup ethnic identity measure a new scale for use with diverse groups. Journal of adolescent research, 7(2), Quintana, S. M. (1994). A model of ethnic perspective-taking ability applied to Mexican-American children and youth. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 18(4), Romero, A. J., & Roberts, R. E. (2003). The Impact of Multiple Dimensions of Ethnic Identity on Discrimination and Adolescents’ Self‐Esteem. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 33(11), Sandoval, S. R., Gutkin, T. B., & Naumann, W. C. (1997). Racial Identity Attitudes and School Performance among African American High School Students: An Exploratory Study. Research in the Schools, 4(2), 1-8. Shrake, E. K., & Rhee, S. (2004). Ethnic identity as a predictor of problem behaviors among Korean American adolescents. Adolescence, 39(155), 601. Smith, W. A., Hung, M., & Franklin, J. D. (2011). Racial battle fatigue and the miseducation of Black men: Racial microaggressions, societal problems, and environmental stress. The Journal of Negro Education,

15 References Solorzano, D., Ceja, M., & Yosso, T. (2000). Critical race theory, racial microaggressions, and campus racial climate: The experiences of African American college students. Journal of Negro Education, Sue, D. W., Capodilupo, C. M., Torino, G. C., Bucceri, J. M., Holder, A., Nadal, K. L., & Esquilin, M. (2007). Racial microaggressions in everyday life: implications for clinical practice. American psychologist, 62(4), 271. Swenson, R. R., & Prelow, H. M. (2005). Ethnic identity, self-esteem, and perceived efficacy as mediators of the relation of supportive parenting to psychosocial outcomes among urban adolescents. Journal of adolescence,28(4), Worrell, F. C. (2007). Ethnic identity, academic achievement, and global self-concept in four groups of academically talented adolescents. Gifted Child Quarterly, 51(1),

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